

This was published 3 years ago


‘Stuck with the rancid bacon’: Despite a tip-off, ASIC dropped the ball on Nuix

As class action lawyers circle Macquarie-backed glamour tech stock Nuix, a disturbing question needs to be asked: how did the corporate regulator get a tip-off about the prospectus of the hottest IPO of 2020 so wrong?

Since the heavily hyped float that made its founder Tony Castagna and chief executive Rod Vawdrey instantly rich and the millionaire’s factory a fortune, Nuix shares have fallen from a peak of almost $12 to close the week at just $3.41. Castagna, Vawdrey and Macquarie continue to hold some shares and therefore share some of the pain, but the unravelling has left thousands of investors baying for blood as forecasts were missed.

Some investors described the IPO as putting lipstick on a pig with investors now “stuck with the rancid bacon”.

Concerns about the company triggered an attempted coup to replace current chief executive Rod Vawdrey, says a joint investigation by The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Australian Financial Review.

Concerns about the company triggered an attempted coup to replace current chief executive Rod Vawdrey, says a joint investigation by The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Australian Financial Review. Credit: Sydney Morning Herald

A joint investigation by The Sydney Morning Herald’s Kate McClymont, the Australian Financial Review’s Neil Chenoweth and myself this week laid bare some of the problems inside Nuix as Macquarie dressed the company up for market day. A toxic culture, unusually high staff turnover of 35 per cent, missed budget forecasts, a product portfolio losing ground to competitors and concerns by its auditor about over-claiming up to $42 million in research and development costs.

Not surprisingly, fingers have been pointed about who knew what and when but the spotlight also needs to turn to ASIC and what it is doing to investigate the situation.

The joint investigation made a series of Freedom of Information requests to the corporate regulator that revealed in the lead-up to the float, it received multiple warnings that should have raised more serious alarm bells. ASIC has now published the FOI requests, including the complaints, on its website.

Investors are now stuck with the rancid bacon.

Nuix trader

The first complaint to ASIC was in February 2020 when ASIC was asked why Nuix was late lodging its 2019 financial statements. “Large proprietary companies are supposed to lodge their accounts within four months. It’s 6.5 months since the end of the FY19 year and the company has failed to do so,” the letter to ASIC said.

ASIC called Nuix’s auditor PwC and was told the “FY19 audit has experienced delays due to research and development issues on the company’s end”.


If ASIC had dug deeper, it might have worked out that in September 2016, Nuix had applied for an R&D advance from AusIndustry over three years for a research project, Endpoint, on the basis that 55 per cent of “total actual and reasonably anticipated expenditure” would be in Australia.

It turned out only 9 per cent of the expenditure was in Australia, with 91 per cent spent in the US.

PwC noted management’s explanation for this but said if the ATO investigated and made an adverse finding, “in addition to paying back the R&D benefit, the Commissioner may impose penalties of up to 80 per cent as well as shortfall and general interest charges”.

In its 2020 accounts, Nuix management writes confidently “it is probable that . . . the Australian Taxation Office will accept the tax treatment for the Endpoint project”.

A second FOI to ASIC reveals that in November 2020, a few days after its prospectus was lodged, Aperion Law asked ASIC to vet the prospectus as “it does not contain all the information that investors and professional advisers should have available to make an informed assessment about the company’s offer”.

The letter, written on behalf of a client, said: “The consequence of this is clear – investors risk losing value of their investment and having no recourse against the promoters when they do.”

It would be a prescient warning that ASIC didn’t take seriously enough, assigning the IPO and letter of complaint to a graduate of less than a year and his boss, a senior manager and specialist in fundraising.

In the now public complaints, serious concerns were raised, including potentially relevant missing information, the restatement of its annual accounts for the past two financial years, albeit in accordance with accepted accounting standards, but which Aperion said weren’t subject to a full audit. The complaint also raised concerns about its ability to achieve its full-year revenue forecast and a “wide-ranging exculpation and protection for Nuix from all financial errors and mismanagement” which it said could conceivably extend to allegations of “material misstatement, improper R&D claims, tax avoidance or fraud”.

The letter was flicked to the same ASIC staffers assigned to review the prospectus. An ASIC graduate of nine months and a senior manager, who had scheduled to take leave a week after the prospectus was lodged.

“As predicted, a complaint in relation to Nuix,” the senior manager at ASIC told his colleague. “Let’s digest quickly and see if there is any substance,” he wrote within minutes of receiving the letter from Aperion.

Later that day, he wrote: “I don’t think there is much substance here in this complaint.” He conceded the risk disclosure was “slightly unusual” but said it “appears that re-statements were made to accounts perhaps indicating a breakdown in controls at the time.”

A breakdown in controls should have raised a red flag, particularly so close to a public offering.

Instead, the senior manager said: “We might ask a question or two.”

Follow-up letters from Aperion highlighted Nuix’s sales forecasts.

At the time, ASIC was putting out its own fires as an expenses scandal had gone public in October and November. The scandal triggered the departure of ASIC deputy chairman Daniel Crennan and the standing-down of chairman James Shipton during an investigation, which later found the duo did nothing wrong. But it still exposed dysfunction inside the agency.


Against this backdrop, the biggest float of 2020 managed to sail through, despite the warnings.

Aperion received a response from ASIC on IPO day saying ASIC agreed the wide-ranging disclosure was “uncommon” but not controversial. It rejected other concerns.

ASIC was sent a list of questions including whether it had launched an investigation into Nuix and why it didn’t take the complaints more seriously. It declined to comment.

FOI requests don’t show everything that is going on inside ASIC, and a high threshold needs to be cleared for the regulator to stop a prospectus. But on face value, it is hard to avoid the impression the corporate regulator dropped the ball.

Two downgrades later and an admission this week from chairman Jeff Bleich that Nuix wasn’t ready for life as a listed company when it floated should prompt some soul searching inside ASIC, alongside a thorough investigation of what went wrong.

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