

This was published 3 years ago


Religion is at the heart of the PM

Labor learnt a valuable lesson at the last federal election; attacking Scott Morrison’s religion doesn’t work. In fact, it has the opposite effect.

During the 2019 campaign, the opposition thought it had hit the jackpot when Morrison, eyes closed and hands raised, allowed the media into his Pentecostal Church mid-worship. It was an unusual sight to many lapsed Christians and atheists, who were probably more comfortable with dull hymns and tedious sermons.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and wife Jenny sing during an Easter Sunday service at his Horizon Church in Sydney during the 2019 election campaign.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and wife Jenny sing during an Easter Sunday service at his Horizon Church in Sydney during the 2019 election campaign.Credit: AAP

Labor couldn’t believe its luck. As one senior member of Shorten’s campaign team told me: “We were stunned and initially thought it would play badly.” There was a view that Australians would feel uncomfortable with such an overt display of faith which is unusual in Australian politics.

Labor didn’t directly attack Morrison that weekend but many of the party’s left-leaning supporters did. On social media, progressive trolls likened his hand-waving and worshipping to a Hitler salute. Weeks later, Shorten couldn’t resist a direct attack at Morrison during a debate about hate speech and religious expression triggered by a tweet by Wallabies star Israel Folau.

It backfired. The attack allowed Morrison to powerfully defend his religion and turn a potential negative into days of positive coverage. Electorally it worked. Some of the biggest swings towards the Coalition were in Labor-held seats in Western Sydney which have some of highest religious populations in the country. They didn’t necessarily share Morrison’s Christian faith but they were attracted to his staunch defence of their beliefs.

It’s for that reason that Labor’s Anthony Albanese made it clear he had no intention of “making comments on the prime minister’s faith” after footage emerged of Morrison addressing an Australian Christian Churches function last week. The only observation Albanese made was that he rejected the idea that God is on any political side. Hallelujah!

Opposition leader Anthony Albanese has not weighed in on the PM’s faith.

Opposition leader Anthony Albanese has not weighed in on the PM’s faith.Credit: Janie Barrett

While Labor may have learnt its lesson, keyboard warriors and some parts of the media, have not. Knowing that it would be crass to simply poke fun at Morrison devil chat or search for soaring eagle symbolism, there was an attempt to justify the coverage by linking it to a potential misuse of expenses.

This same scrutiny was missing in the aftermath of the Christchurch massacre when Morrison visited the Lakemba Mosque and held a private meeting with Islamic leaders. No one questioned how he got there or whether his private remarks should have appeared on his official website.


It’s Morrison’s personal faith, as a Pentecostal Christian, that seems to grate on some parts of society. Many of those quick to denounce Islamophobia or anti-Semitism seem willing to turn a blind eye to a bit of Pentecostal bashing. In reality, all religions seem a little bit weird to those outside them. But we respect a believer’s right to follow whatever faith they want, however they want.

Laying hands on someone is an evangelical tradition to promote healing. Morrison admits he does this doing consensual hugs with those suffering. It’s not something we may be used to but it’s hard to argue that his intentions were anything but good.

When is it appropriate for him to use the bible as a policy handbook?

When is it appropriate for him to use the bible as a policy handbook?Credit: The Age

One argument used by those who mock his faith is that Morrison’s religious beliefs are inconsistent with the policies he implements and therefore this hypocrisy makes him fair game for ridicule. The only problem is, many of the people calling on him to show more Christian compassion when it comes to refugee policies were horrified with his decision to abstain from the same-sex marriage vote when his electorate voted in favour of it. It begs the questions, when is it appropriate for him to use the bible as a policy handbook? I’d argue, never.

Scott Morrison at an NRL game.

Scott Morrison at an NRL game.Credit: NRL Photos

Let’s not forget, it was Labor’s Kevin Rudd, a self-described Christian socialist who held press conferences outside church, who first announced that people who seek asylum in Australia by boat would be processed offshore and never resettled in Australia.


While writing Morrison’s biography I have discovered he has many faults. He has clashed with colleagues throughout his career and repeatedly left roles in questionable circumstances. Women have found him unpleasant to work with, he has a thin skin and has been ruthless in his pursuit of power.

But like it or not, one of the most genuine things about him is his unwavering faith. His parents ran youth church groups and the family’s community revolved around their local parish. At school he would pray with rugby team mates who shared his faith before matches. At university he wrote a thesis on Christian Brethren communities as part of his degree. After graduating he wanted to study at theological colleges in North America and work in the Pacific.

Like it or not, it’s part of him. He has never misled the public about his faith nor has he tried to inflict it on non-believers. But certain parts of our society would be happier if he gave it up.

From a purely political point of view, there is no political gain from mocking Morrison’s faith. More importantly, indulging in such religious bigotry simply creates more room for bigotry and intolerance to thrive.

Annika Smethurst is the state political editor for The Age. She is writing a biography on Scott Morrison, called The Accidental Prime Minister, due to be released later this year.

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