

This was published 3 years ago

Time for tolerance on Morrison’s faith, but time to be upfront as well

By David Crowe

Australians have always been interested in their prime ministers’ personal faith for the simple reason that it can be essential to the way someone leads the nation.

So there should be no surprise that Scott Morrison is guided by his Pentecostal brand of Christianity. It is essential to who he is as Prime Minister and the approach he takes to every big decision.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and wife Jenny sing during an Easter Sunday service at his Horizon Church in Sydney during the 2019 election campaign.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and wife Jenny sing during an Easter Sunday service at his Horizon Church in Sydney during the 2019 election campaign.Credit: AAP

Which means the more we know about it, the better.

There was no alert from Morrison’s office when he flew to the Gold Coast last week, at taxpayer expense, to speak to the Australian Christian Churches national conference. His office did not release the speech, which only went public when a secular advocacy group, Rationalists Australia, released the video online.

That is a shame, because Australians want to know more about what makes their Prime Minister the man he is. His other speeches, like ones to business chambers or community groups, are routinely released.


The political play is obvious. This is about narrowcasting. Morrison wants to speak directly to people of faith without risking a wider conversation with Australians who might be confronted by what he believes.

The ferocious response in some quarters helped to explain the strategy. Those who dislike Morrison’s politics felt entitled to mock his beliefs and malign his church even though we live in a society that is meant to respect freedom of religion.

The torrent on Twitter offered an insight into this thinking on Tuesday morning.


“As an atheist I’m horrified that Morrison’s weird ‘religion’ influences his thinking and his politics,” wrote former Labor senator Doug Cameron. That was a slur against about 280,000 Australians who share Morrison’s form of Christianity. It is a religion. Cameron can drop the quote marks.

And what is so horrifying? That the nation’s leader is a person of faith? This has been true for most prime ministers. Kevin Rudd made no secret of his Christian beliefs and spoke to the media after church on Sundays. Tony Abbott was known for his Catholicism before he won the 2013 election. Alfred Deakin wrote a private prayer seeking God’s help when he was sworn in as prime minister in 1903.

Morrison has to contend with a new anxiety, of course. There is a suspicion of Pentecostal beliefs and the rise of churches like Hillsong or Horizon. One of his remarks to the church conference may deepen the concern. “I’ve been in evacuation centres where people thought I was just giving someone a hug and I was praying, and putting my hands on people,” he said.

Those who meet him in the future may wonder about those remarks, and some might even take offence that he is offering a prayer they do not know about. Others may welcome all the help they can get.

None of this gives Morrison a lock on the religious vote, even though he has a lead among these voters. The new Resolve Political Monitor in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age says the Coalition’s primary vote has fallen from 56 to 49 per cent among Christians since the election.

The bigger argument about Morrison’s faith is about how it influences his decisions. On this, however, the evidence is mixed. His faith led him to abstain on same sex marriage four years ago. But it did not stop him putting refugees in detention centres. It would give him a conflict of interest in any budget decision about the tax exemptions for religions, but most of his predecessors had the same.

The most telling example is religious freedom. Morrison told voters, within weeks of becoming Prime Minister, that he believed in the need to prevent religious discrimination.

But the Religious Discrimination Bill was put on hold last year when the pandemic took priority. This year the priority is different again. The scandals over sexual harassment and assault have forced the government to admit the need for some changes to the Sex Discrimination Act, even if it will not go as far as many like.

Morrison fumbled the debate over the treatment of women, a mistake that might owe something to his conservative personal views, but he woke up to the problem in the end. Politics has a way of forcing leaders to pay attention to what voters want. Focus groups help, too.


The intolerance aimed at Morrison is real and helps explain why his office chose not to release his speech to the church conference last week. He should be treated with respect for his personal beliefs. The overwhelming majority of Australians will give him that fair go – and the media and social media should do the same. But the secrecy only fuels conspiracy.

Ultimately, questions about Morrison’s faith are about what drives him as Prime Minister – something voters deserve to know about. Other prime ministers have been up-front about their faith. He can be, too.

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