

This was published 3 years ago


Why shopping your mortgage is so daunting, but so important...

Money experts are supposed to be just that. Savvy shoppers, leading exemplary financial lives.

We never make mistakes. Our investments always pay off. We pay on time – and never at full price. In short: we’re inspirational.

Well, if you believe that, I’ve got a condo to sell you...

Credit: Michael Mucci

More than a month ago, I vowed to readers of my Money with Jess newsletter that I was determined to lock in a mortgage with a “1” in front. Well, I haven’t. Yet.

There is no shortage of deals on the market. I went down a rabbit hole with one lender only to find, after a couple of phone calls and emails, it would not lend on my type of unit, which it deemed “high density”, at my loan-to-valuation ratio (LVR) of a touch under 80 per cent.

Back to the drawing board! This week, I submitted an application at another lender for a 2-year fixed rate loan at 1.84 per cent with $4000 cash back. I’m still waiting to hear from a loan specialist...

Turns out, it’s not just me getting frustrated with the process.

“Switching a home loan from one lender to another is more complex than switching between suppliers of many other products and services,” concluded the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) home price inquiry last year. “There are over 100 home loan lenders in Australia offering a combined total of nearly 4000 different home loan products.”

Exhausting just thinking about it, right?


“Switching lenders is also a lengthy process that can take many weeks, or sometimes months, to complete.” Phew, so it’s not just me.

Stymieing mortgage shoppers is the widespread practice of “opaque discretionary pricing”, the inquiry found. Not everyone pays the standard variable rate – lenders instead offer a variety of behind-the-counter discounts off that rate to preferred borrowers. Because of this, the comparison rates lenders state often just add to confusion.

In a similar vein, our Productivity Commission unleashed on how banks torment consumers with “a blizzard of barely differentiated products” in its 2018 report into competition in the Australian financial system.

The report recommended the government create an authoritive website to enable shoppers to compare mortgage prices: “an online calculator that reports, with an elapsed time of no more than 6 weeks, median interest rates for loans issued according to different combinations of loan and borrower characteristics”.

Somehow, between then and now, we’ve ended up with a sub-standard page on the Reserve Bank’s website. Un-helpfully, it does not distinguish between rates on fixed versus variable-rate loans, although, if you download a massive spreadsheet and wade through it, you can find those figures, too. It’s not good enough.

Governments have stepped up to the plate to deliver shoppers meaningful price comparison websites on energy, private health insurance and, from July 1 this year, superannuation.

But on the biggest component of many household budgets – mortgage costs – it is still mute.

Lenders argue any mortgage comparison website would be meaningless, loans being an individual affair, tailored to the risk profile of individual borrowers. But I’m far from convinced.

Splice in a few salient details, like LVRs, type of dwelling financed, location and income, and I’m sure it would be possible to provide a meaningful guide. Governments can be granted the power to compel companies to provide such data, as they have with electricity.

Many websites help consumers to shop around for the best mortgage, such as Canstar, Ratecity, Compare The Market and Finder. They are great places to start but they only show offers from a limited number of lenders and can also be manipulated to display some offers more prominently than others.

Confronted with all this hassle, many people turn to mortgage brokers in the hope they can provide a more streamlined experience.

However, mortgage brokers are humans, too, sometimes employing short cuts, responding to skewed incentives and pushing through loans where they know they can get a quick turnaround from lenders, not necessarily those offering the lowest prices. Yes, I said it.

If a university educated professional with nearly two decades of experience writing about money finds shopping around for her mortgage somewhat daunting, perhaps there’s something wrong with the system? The ACCC and Productivity Commission concluded as much.

The good news is the government’s Consumer Data Right system is in the process of rolling out, empowering consumers to give permission to their current lender to share information with potential new lenders, hopefully streamlining the switching process.

And banks say the government’s move to roll back responsible lending obligations would also speed up switching, while leaving lending standards unchanged.

The government is yet to respond to the ACCC’s more recent recommendation that all home borrowers should be notified after a year with their lender about the potential savings from switching. I can imagine just how much the lenders like that one!


Let me stress: the potential benefits of shopping around for the best mortgage are huge.

As the ACCC found: “Borrowers with home loans between three and five years old were, on average, paying around 58 basis points above the average interest rate for new loans.” For borrowers with loans between five and 10 years old, the difference was 71 basis points. For loans older than 10 years, it was 104 basis points.

To put that in terms of cold, hard cash: “If a borrower with a home loan of around $250,000 switched to a home loan with an interest rate 58 basis points lower than their existing loan, they would save over $1400 in interest in the first year. Over the remaining term of the loan that borrower would save over $17,000 in interest in net present value terms.”

That is no small change, friends. And well worth the hunt.

You can follow Jess’ money and mortgage adventures on Instagram @moneywithjess

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