

This was published 3 years ago

Why are sea shanties suddenly all over social media?

By Broede Carmody

Turns out sea shanties aren't just for salty old sea dogs. You'd be forgiven for missing it, but a corner of the internet is busy entertaining itself with centuries-old ditties – and it's about time someone asked: what in the captain's name is going on?

Help! My children won't stop singing sea shanties. Why? Cast your mind back to the final days of 2020. While you were probably binge-watching Bridgerton, 26-year-old Scottish postal worker Nathan Evans was busy sharing videos of himself on TikTok. In one video, Evans decided to sing a shanty called Soon May the Wellerman Come.

Sea shanties – short songs that were traditionally sung by sailors labouring on ships – are making a comeback thanks to social media.

Sea shanties – short songs that were traditionally sung by sailors labouring on ships – are making a comeback thanks to social media. Credit: Fairfax Media

Then what happened? Well, the internet did what the internet does best. A fleeting, esoteric moment was transformed into a viral sensation. Evans' videos have clocked up millions of views and the song has now been performed by artists, choirs, and even someone pretending to be Kermit the Frog. So now, all the children in your life probably know the words.

Haven't sea shanties been around for a long time? You're quite right. The sea shanty was popularised in the 18th century and was designed to create a sense of community during long months spent at sea. The rhythm of the songs would also help with group tasks where sailors needed to push or pull at the same time (for example, lifting cargo via rope).

OK, but why are sea shanties popular now? It's 2021. It's probably got to do with the fact that we're living through a pandemic. Lots of people are stuck inside and singing a shanty is a fun way to pass the time. Shanties are also, by their definition, relatively easy to sing.


Tell me more about Soon May the Wellerman Come. It likely has its origins in the 19th century. And believe it or not, there's an Australian connection. In ye olde days, a "Wellerman" was an employee of the Weller Brothers' shipping company, which was partly established in Sydney in the 1830s. The business also had an outpost in Otago, New Zealand. The song's lyrics – which include lines like "Soon may the Wellerman come / to bring us sugar and tea and rum" – tell of chasing a whale for "forty days, or even more". The shanty was been performed and remixed over the years, with the British folk band The Longest Johns recording a cover in 2018.

So what happens next? Will we all be singing sea shanties on the streets? Look, this is a trend that might come and go, like the tide. But I can report that a friend recently participated in – and won – a write-your-own-sea shanty competition while camping over New Year's. So, who knows? Best warm up your vocal cords just in case.

Can you recommend any other ditties? Few are as catchy as Soon May the Wellerman Come. But a few bangers over the years include Spanish Ladies, The Coast of High Barbary, Rolling Down to Old Maui and Sloop John B. For something a bit darker, The Maid on the Shore is about a woman who escapes her kidnappers.

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