

This was published 3 years ago

Minister’s ‘fail-safe ring of containment’ is pure spin

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

Your report (“Police cop fault for allowing mother and son to skip town”, December 7) demonstrates the practice of outrageous spin by some politicians. Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said the German woman and her son who boarded a domestic flight from Sydney to Melbourne were detected by a “fail-safe” within the border control system. “There are multiple rings of containment within the quarantine and border system … these passengers have been picked up within those rings,” he said. Had the Melbourne airport security guard not spotted the mother and son and spoken to them because “the passengers looked a bit lost” they would have slipped out of the airport un-quarantined. How is this a “fail-safe”? What “ring of containment” does this security guard constitute? Mr Hunt’s ridiculous spin aside, this potentially fatal flaw in NSW’s system of pandemic control – which Scott Morrison has termed the “gold standard” – reminds me of the Ruby Princess debacle. - Kim Woo, Mascot

Before other states put up the barricades and barbed wire, remember that NSW has been host to over 90,000 overseas arrivals in quarantine hotels since March, bearing the major burden for our country. Two people slipped through our defences, through a simple error. Human beings are involved here and we will be living with this virus for some time yet. Keep the interstate borders open and let us share the burden as one country. - Pauline Paton, Centennial Park

Matt Golding.

Matt Golding.Credit: Sydney Morning Herald

Your article explains that “a German woman and her son” had accidentally avoided COVID-19 quarantine at Sydney airport. We then read that they were dual nationals. In Australia, their Australian citizenship would have been the primary one, as they would almost certainly not have been allowed into the country as German citizens at this stage. How then is their German citizenship germane to the story? Are there two classes of Australian citizenship, the true blue dinky-di ones and the ones prominently identified by their other nationality, which is truly irrelevant here? - Herman Beyersdorf, Armidale

Exemptions must be easy to get if a woman and son can fly in and be waved through to the domestic terminal by police. It doesn’t pass my “pub test”. - Geoff McMillan, Eastwood

They saved us. Now fund them

While we welcome the benefits of their achievements (“How our medical scientists staved off calamity”, December 7), we provide only a minority of medical scientists in Australia with a viable career path. With a miserable 10 per cent success rate in National Health & Medical Research Council grant funding for 2020, there will be many researchers facing unemployment in January. Among them will be mid-career scientists, perhaps in their 40s with 20 years of postdoctoral research behind them. The nation faces losing the talents of brilliant, highly trained minds focused passionately on addressing unmet medical need. Australians have learnt many lessons from the painful experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. High among them should be the need to provide secure career paths for full-time scientists, upon whose discoveries current and future health relies. Markedly enhanced research career funding, government and private, to universities and medical research institutes would be a good start. - Graeme Stewart, Palm Beach

ALP needs fresh, new faces to regain its appeal

I feel sympathy for both the Labor Party and Anthony Albanese (“Albanese’s Labor must offer voters a clear alternative”, December 7). The party, and Albanese himself, are essentially being judged cosmetically. Ideology is old hat and the Liberal party is perceived cosmetically as the “cleanest” party, free of union taints and decidedly the home of the aspirational. The British Labour Party has acknowledged this political shift and have, as a first step, appointed as leader the articulate, urbane and cosmetically appealing Sir Keir Starmer. Now, while no knights are available here, Labor does have Jim Chalmers, replete with freshness, intelligence, wit, ambition and a PhD, which outranks a knighthood any day. For the Labor Party, it’s time for a change in direction and personnel. - Trevor Somerville, Illawong


Ian Muldoon (Letters, December 7) calls for vision and leadership from the ALP. I think they had that but if they were lacking anything it was marketing. A drover’s dog should have been able to sell franking credit reform. - Denis Goodwin, Dee Why

It is doubtful that Labor lost, even partly because of a policy on franking credits. Elections are, we are told, decided by a relatively small band of swinging voters. There is a tendency for these voters to be disinterested and it follows that policies involving some degree of complexity run the risk of being lost on them. Such was the case with Labor’s policies encompassing negative gearing and the dividend imputation system at the last election. Labor must keep it simple. - Harry Polley, Dural

How about Labor insisting it’s all about jobs that rely on and generate renewable energy? Is it too hard to champion and mobilise a technological switch from coal to sunshine in the Hunter region?And is it beyond Labor’s ability to ditch factional leadership bids and select an articulate, principled member of the shadow cabinet, capable of attracting swinging voters and disillusioned Liberals – such as Mark Dreyfus – and winning the next election? - Angela Munro, Birchgrove

With the pandemic worry receding and Labor weak and divided, our federal government is sliding back to it’s default position of tired, old ideological games instead of solving problems. Laura Tingle’s latest Quarterly Essay “The High Road – what Australia can learn from New Zealand” is manna to everyone fed up with the so-called “two party” systems of government. In 1996, New Zealand adopted a mixed-member proportional representation system in which parties are awarded a proportional share of the seats on the basis of the number of party votes they receive. Unlike the “two party” rort, proportional representation encourages a wider diversity of parties, and values co-operation to get things done. - Sue Young, Bensville

Pay more, save capitalism

Wages growth, stalled for more than a decade and the never-ending stream of legislation fuelling the widening of the gap between rich and poor are threatening the viability of capitalism (“The secret sauce missing from PM’s recovery recipe”, December 7). So much has been siphoned off the less well-off that their spending power is unable to keep up the demand that is the oxygen of capitalism. The International Monetary Fund is now advocating a range of taxes on the wealthy in the hope of balancing the economy. As Ross Gittins says, we must “ensure ordinary households get their fair share of the spoils; that real wages still grow in line with productivity”. Scott Morrison’s mantra should change from “jobs and growth” to “wages and growth” if he wants to see the souffle rise. - Steve Johnson, Elizabeth Beach

What the Libs really hate

Liberal senator Andrew Bragg, a strong critic of industry super, is quoted as saying “super funds are supposed to be working for their members – not running propaganda outfits”. Selling ABC news content or bulletins to The New Daily, or anyone else, doesn’t amount to propaganda. It’s just a useful revenue source for a cash-strapped ABC (“Fresh pressure on ABC over media deal”, December 7). The government has no qualms about using taxpayer funds for its own politically motivated advertising and self-promotion. Every year, comparisons show that industry super funds provide better returns for their members than commercially operated funds. It’s the power to direct that large pool of super money, and to apply pressure to companies to move away from harmful fossil fuels and towards renewable energy alternatives that the government really hates. - Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

It appears to me that Senator Bragg’s concern over a fairly insignificant payment for the use of ABC news by The New Daily is way out of proportion to the political interference that has been endemic since the Abbott false 2013 promise of “no cuts to the ABC”. The Coalition is the greatest threat to the independence of our national broadcaster. - Kristin Dawson, Kanahooka

Hypocrisy, anyone?

Deadpan and fundamentalist they may be (Letters, December 7) but Sydney Anglicans cannot be accused of an overdeveloped sense of irony. Anglicanism got its start from Henry VIII of England, who reinstituted the old English church to supplant Catholicism in England. He did this because the Pope would not annul his marriage so he could marry someone else. - Peter Spencer, Glebe

Roger Gallagher (Letters, December 7) holds that Father Dave Smith lost his job because he failed to hold on to his marriage. There are two in such an institution. According to the dictates of the Sydney Anglican church, a wife has no agency in the matter at all. Even Jesus gave some rights to women. - Sally Irwin, Potts Point

As the next King of England will be bestowed with the title Defender of the Faith as a divorced man, surely similar concessions can be made to members of the Anglican clergy. - Grant Heaton, Port Macquarie

Garden recycling

As someone with experience in the “fossil fuel gardening equipment” industry, I found Dennis O’Hara’s observations interesting (Letters, December 7). Neither government nor industry has established a coherent outdoor power equipment battery/e-waste recycling program to deal with the consequences of the shift to non-fossil fuel equipment. Many industry sectors transitioning to non-fossil fuel power sources are trying to deal with this in an ad hoc fashion due to a paucity of coherent state/federal guidance/support. And don’t forget a lot of this stuff is made in China. Another wrinkle in our extant trade woes. - Bernard Stever, Richmond

Short sell, long spell

Short-selling as described by Adele Ferguson (“Short-sell hell costs investors billions”, December 7) is a crime and, as such, criminal prosecutions must be applied. The penalties for deliberately attempting to distort the market must be severe. If the ASX and the Commonwealth government want all Australians to invest in this country (either directly or via their superannuation funds), then they have to ensure that these investments will be appropriately protected. - Michael Hayden, Kiama Downs

Many short-sellers are based overseas, which complicates enforcement but globalisation has been with us for a while now and it’s time ASIC took the interests of Australian shareholders seriously. Short-selling per se can probably be justified but attacks with supporting deliberately false information circulated on social media should be a crime with jail terms. It will take just one or two convictions to put a stop to it. - Stephen Matthews, North Turramurra

Pot calling kettle

Scott Morrison’s outrage over the tweet and falsified image by a Chinese diplomat of an Australian soldier killing an Afghan boy (“PM’s fury a tried and true tactic”, December 7) is a hypocritical attempt to pretend Australia has a squeaky clean image when it comes to human rights. Successive Australian governments have treated asylum seekers badly by detaining people for years without charge. They have demonised social workers, doctors and teachers who have spoken out about cruel treatments of people held in offshore detention centres, and have threatened journalists for reporting from them. The UNHCR has been scathing in its reports about Australia. - Sandra Burke, North Sydney

Blueberry robbery

The Herald reports that fruit and vegetable prices are to rise because travel restrictions are limiting the availability of overseas labourers (“Fresh food cost to soar without backpackers”, December 7). One can only imagine the prices if all of the blueberry farmers around Coffs Harbour for example paid workers the award wage of $24 an hour instead of as little as $3 to $5 an hour, as recently revealed in the McKell Institute report Blue Harvest. - Paul Parramore, Sawtell

Shrinking jean pool

Oh, what a blast from the past, your story about stretching tight jeans by sitting in them in the bath for 20 minutes (“Fitting new jeans ... it’s a stretch”, December 7). You mention this technique originated in the 1970s, which were also the glory days of the faded stone-washed denim look. So being young and stupid, we added bleach to the bath water (with our feet in plastic bags for skin protection, of course). The effect on the denim was pretty good. The effect on some parts of the anatomy was unforgettable. - Jenni Stapleton, Kiama

Fish and tips

Recently I have returned from most fishing trips with barely a feed. At the weekend, I tried a new tack – digitally enhanced and Photoshopped baits. I now have a fridge full of big, dopey flathead. - Paul Soares, Bardwell Valley

All shook up

Yesterday, for the first time in ages, my doctor greeted me with a handshake. That’s got to be a good sign. - Barry Riley, Woy Woy

Now that’s an anthem

How great was it to see and hear our national anthem sung before a rugby test in the local Eora language? Let’s hope similar local languages become standard on country wherever the national anthem is sung. - David Hind, Neutral Bay

The digital view

Online comment from the story that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
“Law and order debate holding back reform: commissioner”
From Glenn Newton: I had a lovely whisky when I got home from the office last night, it was certainly welcome after a hard day. And the red with dinner was superb, well worth opening the second bottle. I mused over the drug debate while enjoying a lovely post-dinner brandy and cigar. I concluded that we must stick to our current course on the drug question.

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