

This was published 3 years ago

JobSeeker benefits sky high for our man Cormann

Credit: Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Why is Mathias Cormann being provided with RAAF transport around Europe to find new employment (‘‘Cormann’s jet-set tilt at plum post’’, November 23)? Does every retired parliamentarian have this taxpayer right when after a job? OECD secretary-general is an important, prestigious position and it would be nice for an Australian, if the best-qualified candidate, to hold it. However, the job is for an individual, not a country, so why are we footing the bill? Neil Buchanan, Waitara

Mathias Cormann’s direct association with a cabal willing to have this country led by Peter Dutton, his inability to read the numbers and his unconcern at the lack of common sense being shown in the public interest by such a coterie of right-wing acolytes should have OECD selectors’ antennae twitching. Sue Dyer, Downer (ACT)

I found it interesting to note Mathias Cormann is travelling in an RAAF jet while on his job search. He has retired/resigned from Parliament, so how did he get this privilege? It does not pass my pub test. Shane Jasiak, Faulconbridge

Now our ex-senator Mathias Cormann has scored an RAAF plane to do a self-promotion trip around Europe to try to become OECD secretary-general. If ever we had an ambassador specialising in blather, it’s Mathias. He excels in the art of never answering a journalist’s question. The potential of the OECD will be considerably downgraded if he is successful. Bill Johnstone, Blackheath

The image of former finance minister Mathias Cormann puffing a cigar with former treasurer Joe Hockey before their disastrous 2014 budget springs to mind when reading that Cormann, jetting around Europe on a publicly funded RAAF jet, is firming as favourite for the job as global economic policy chief. The ‘‘lifters, not leaners’’ budget that included Medicare co-payments and cuts to family payments, mental health care, the homeless and legal aid, among others, was heavily criticised for its harshness and much of it dumped. Is this the kind of policy thinking he will be taking to ‘‘the job that shapes the global economic agenda’’? Alison Stewart, Riverview

Credit: Illustration: John Shakespeare

I would think Sooty Morrison might wait until his third call to President-elect Biden before he starts spruiking his cronies. Shameless. Jeff Apter, Keiraville

Scott Morrison used his first conversation with US President-elect Joe Biden to push the former finance minister’s candidacy for OECD secretary-general. Why should Biden listen to someone who has been Donald Trump’s henchman until recently? If Biden needs a reference, he can get it from former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull’s autobiography, A Bigger Picture, in which Turnbull makes clear he didn’t trust Mathias Cormann. With such valued opinions, there is no way Cormann is a trustworthy candidate for this job. Bala Superamaniam, Queenscliff

With the Liberal Party’s track record of jobs for the boys, I’m sure Mathias Cormann will get full support from Scott Morrison in his bid to be OECD secretary-general. I wonder if cigars are part of the salary package. Peter Miniutti, Ashbury


Koala’s plight bodes poorly for the platypus

Have no fear for the platypus, we will save it with a plan like the one to save koalas (‘‘Platypus in peril as their national range shrinks’’, November 23). The platypus is in danger because its habitat is being ruined but it’s alright, when the mining industry has drained all the creeks and WaterNSW has flooded the remaining land, we can build new, clean canals for it to swim in, perhaps even build viewing platforms for the tourists. Having watched the abysmal attempts to protect koala habitat, I suggest you get to a zoo and see the last platypus before it joins the Tasmanian tiger. Richard Kirby, Campbelltown

The platypus is a unique Australian animal and it is heartening to see that there is concern about its future. There are platypus in the river near my home and, despite some pollution, they seem to thrive. As well as protecting their habitat, perhaps more effort should be devoted to cleaning up our waterways. That will be good for the platypus and for us, too. Derrick Mason, Boorowa

I’ll be happier when the monotremes can be renamed the manytremes. Michael Deeth, Como West

The report about the diminishing range of the platypus is most disturbing. However, given the utterings of a certain National Party politician about koalas, I’m sure that these endangered animals will be dismissed as mere ‘‘river rats’’ that aren’t worth considering. Tim Herborn, Blackheath

We are doing well – laws to cut down gums to eliminate koalas and development overtaking platypus streams and rivers. Incidental losses are other tree creatures like feather gliders, birds and possums. No good trying for kangaroos and emus – they run too fast. Marjie Williamson, Blaxland

Another of our iconic, unbelievably unique animals is under threat. Years of koala conservation work is going down the drain as our Premier backs developers rather than her own Environment Minister. One can only assume that, in this state, the platypus is doomed. Peggy Fisher, Killara

I move that we now refer to koalas as ‘‘property developers’’, as they seem to be the only protected species in NSW. Graeme Finn, St Peters

It seems that we have a choice: we can either make iconic species like the koala and the platypus extinct, or we could make the National Party and their ilk extinct. Difficult choice, I know. Paul Doyle, Glenbrook

Protect the vulnerable at work

The tragic death of delivery rider Bijoy Paul (‘‘Call for training, protection after Uber rider killed’’, November 23) illustrates the lack of care and empathy for people struggling at the bottom end of the labour market. The fact that delivery companies are under no obligation to provide protective gear and training is beyond belief. Not only does it reflect poorly on the companies concerned, but it also captures the failure of government to protect the more vulnerable sections of our society. Alan Morris, Eastlakes

Sadly, a fourth food delivery rider has been killed on the road while working. As a driver, there have been occasions, especially at night, I have seen these workers just in the nick of time to avoid an accident with them. None of them has worn protective high-visibility jackets to make them stand out. Surely this should be compulsory; as must be the entitlements that all other workers have, such as sick leave and worker’s compensation. Con Vaitsas, Ashbury

Sting in the tail

Is there nothing in nature that parents aren’t worried about and which they want to change to protect their children (‘‘Plea for better warnings on sting in fish’s tail’’, November 23)?
Maybe the heading should say: ‘‘Sydney swimmers terrorising eel-tailed catfish while they are giving birth.’’ Let’s get a grip. Nature is not benign and it never will be. John Rome, Mt Lawley (WA)

ATO playing favourites

One of our wealthiest Australians, Bruce Gordon, who lives in Bermuda for a tax advantage (‘‘COVID exemption lets Gordon stay longer’’, November 23), has been given a taxation exemption to stay in Australia past his six-month time limit.
It is reported he wishes to be here as it is safer than Bermuda, where he lives to avoid paying taxes here. Just whose side is the Australian Taxation Office on? On the side of Australians who choose to live here, pay their taxes and enjoy our first-class health system that has saved so many people? Or a tax-avoiding billionaire who lives elsewhere in order to not support these essential services?
Shame on the ATO. Pamela Wood, McMahons Point

Woo who?

I never thought I’d say this but is it time to try non-compulsory voting?
Prospective MPs would have to woo the vast legion of environment supporters, knowing they will definitely get out and vote (‘‘Premier took over planning agency’’, November 23). Diane Davie, Rose Bay

The non-eternal flame

Where have all the Illawarra flame trees gone? In the 1960s, they were an eye-catching treat on a drive between Wollongong and Kiama.
Last week, I drove from Sydney to Batemans Bay but did not see one. Have they suffered from an insect attack or a virus? Does anyone know? Anne Egan, Killarney Heights

Hands off my super

In reply to Tim Wilson, who currently receives a 15 per cent super contribution from his employer, that the rest of Australia need receive no more than 9.5 per cent, I say: ‘‘What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.’’
And just to be clear, in this proverbial saying, the goose is Tim Wilson (‘‘First homes over super: Liberal MP’’, November 23). Phil Bradshaw, Naremburn

‘‘Oh, look over there!’’: Tim Wilson’s claim that superannuation is making it harder to buy a house is a distraction. House prices took off and became unaffordable not when super was introduced, but exactly when John Howard’s government halved the rate of capital gains tax. Brenton White, Mosman

Paper cuts

So QR codes are now mandatory across NSW and paper sign-ins are no longer allowed. Many people do not have mobiles and there are also numbers of people who have a mobile, but not a smart phone. So are the authorities actually saying that in order to go to a public place, you must buy yourself a smart phone? When paper sign-in is giving the information required, why is that not enough? Jennifer Tidey, Mudgee

Prose and cons

Handwriting is on the front burner again (‘‘A blessing and cursive: writing plan sat idle for two years’’, November 23). Its demise began with the advent of the keyboard. But legible writing is still important and is achievable. Teach foundation script properly to beginners, then cursive writing follows naturally. In teaching, we often hear of going back to basics and that’s all that is needed to fix this problem. Easy. Margaret Huxley, Waitara

Honour his name

I’ll go further than Attaullah Wahidyar’s suggestion (Letters, November 21-22).
All the schools should bear the name of David McBride to honour his courage in exposing the ghastly atrocities that were committed in our name. David Gordon, Cranebrook

Oh, my word

Regarding the suggestion of epidemiologist for word of the year (Letters, November 23): aren’t we lucky the pandemic hit before the federal government knocked the stuffing out of staffing at universities and we lost all the experts we didn’t even know we had? Jennifer Carter, Oyster Bay

Has anyone else noticed the spread of ‘‘multiple’’? To maintain the vibrancy and variety of our language, here are a few suggestions for those who have a single-minded approach on this overworked word: many, several, numerous, copious, frequent and even ‘‘lots of’’. Grant Heaton, Port Macquarie

To bonk or not to bonk?

Both humans and the pobblebonk frogs find ‘‘bonk’’ to be a pleasant sound (Letters, November 23) and one that is important to both species’ survival. Annabel Doherty, Armidale

Shakespeare and Milton couldn’t have improved on ‘‘bonk’’. Gentle, euphonious and good-humoured, it perfectly filled the English language’s need for a term for the delightful deed that wasn’t crude, dismissive, overly coy or too Shakespearian (‘‘beast with two backs’’, for heaven’s sake). Jeffrey Mellefont, Coogee

I must agree about ‘‘bonk’’. A horrible word for a wonderful experience. Terry Baker, Orbost (Vic)

Perhaps your correspondent wants us to revert to using the single-syllable word that was used in Shakespeare’s time? Peter Thompson, Grenfell

Does your correspondent suggest that the word ‘‘bonk’’ should be replaced by the language of Shakespeare and Milton? Wouldst the men and distaff und’rstand to not know each other at w’rk?
Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

I agree ‘‘bonk’’ is a horrid word. How much better is ‘‘shag’’, with its air of naughty but nice. How about ‘‘shag shun’’? Barbara Simmons, Mirador

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