

This was published 4 years ago


Now we know the details of allegations against Boe Pahari, AMP's response looks pathetic

Julia Szlakowski, the woman – the alleged victim – who should be at the centre of AMP’s sexual harassment scandal, has seized control of the conversation about men, power and capital.

For the past few weeks, AMP Capital's chief executive and alleged sexual harasser Boe Pahari has had all the running on this.

All the airtime, all the self-congratulatory chat about how well the business is doing post-Hayne. Entire articles are devoted to how much money he can make for the company and how quickly, with nary a mention of Pahari's corporate behaviour. Now Pahari, doubling down, has appointed himself as chairman of the company's "Inclusion and Diversity Council". Does this man, do his colleagues, have no shame?

On Monday, Szlakowski shared her despair at the way in which AMP has framed the allegations. Not serious. Lower level breaches. Nothing to worry about. But reading the detail is scary.

Pahari pursued her over months. According to her account, he insisted she visit London, he messaged her repeatedly, he changed her hotel booking even though she made it clear she didn't want to stay in London.

He allegedly told her that a refusal to accept a request to pay for change of clothes so she could stay in town would be as humiliating as being told he had a "limp dick". Constant and recurring behaviours are key signs of coercion.

AMP Capital boss Boe Pahari is alleged to have sexually harassed an employee.

AMP Capital boss Boe Pahari is alleged to have sexually harassed an employee.

Pahari, apparently, is a rainmaker. Enormously financially successful. Has the full backing of AMP's board, including former CBA boss David Murray and ex-Treasury Secretary John Fraser. Pahari does not, however, enjoy the full backing of his staff, who are now leaking to the media on a daily basis and who are in despair at what Pahari's appointment says about the culture in an organisation that has only just now stopped charging dead people for life insurance premiums. At least we hope it has.

Allan Fels, Australia's highest profile former regulator from his time at the ACCC and now a professor at the University of Melbourne, says the amount Pahari paid in penalty for this alleged behaviour – $500,000, or 25 per cent of his bonus – is tokenistic at best. He also says generally these kinds of penalties can be "washed out" – meaning that the financial penalty may get made up along the way. In any case, that amount of money is barely a tithe of what Pahari could expect to earn with his uncapped bonus in a year.

"The [alleged] behaviour seems more serious and significant than the company seems to have concluded," says Fels. At the very least, if the allegations are true, where is the moral penalty, where is the public apology, where is the commitment from AMP to show that women are safe at work? So far, there is none, absolutely none.


We are urgently in need of a discussion on sexual harassment in this country – and not just in the opinion columns and women's pages. We need to restart the work done by the Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Kate Jenkins, earlier this year, disrupted by the pandemic.


We only know the details of this complaint because Szlakowski did not sign a nondisclosure agreement. That avenue, that relief, is not open to the vast majority of victims of proven sexual harassment. The use of nondisclosure agreements needs to be top of the list for all of our attorneys-general, particularly if they protect breaches of the Sex Discrimination Act.

We know women sign them, every day, across this country. NDAs protect poor internal cultures – and are a sign of them. It would be good to know exactly how many NDAs both AMP and the Commonwealth Bank have enforced, and not just those institutions.

Jenkins tells me there are three critical steps in any sexual harassment case: making the complaint, substantiating the complaint and then the consequences. We know from the Pahari case that Szlakowski was credible and AMP says where breaches of the company's code of conduct were found consequences were applied. But they seem manifestly inadequate in light of the allegations – no apology, no termination of employment, no demotion (the opposite in fact), insubstantial financial penalties. How is that any form of discipline?

Jenkins won't and can't speak specifically to the Pahari case but says companies often ask her how long someone should suffer for mistakes, for "errors" made earlier in their careers?

This all allegedly happened in 2017 and Pahari hasn't skipped a beat. He was penalised only with a fraction of his annual bonus. That's not justice and it is not fair. Not to Szlakowski and not to the women and men who still work at AMP.

Jenna Price is an academic at the University of Technology Sydney and a regular columnist.

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