

This was published 4 years ago


The little luxuries we are being reunited with during COVID-19

By Dilvin Yasa

Speaking with a good friend recently, I realised just how dark things have become since COVID-19 integrated itself into every thought, dream and sigh.

“I told my husband that if the pandemic gets any worse, I’m going to give our family an early Christmas and then run away,” she told me over a wine-soaked FaceTime session. “Do you know what his response was? He produced a bag of new toys he’d purchased from an adult website and said there was a silver lining to every one of life’s toughest moments, and that maybe this was just nature’s way of telling us to have more sex.”

Maybe this is a time to ponder what needs to change when we come out the other side.

Maybe this is a time to ponder what needs to change when we come out the other side.Credit: Stocksy

Obviously my friend’s situation is an extreme case, and perhaps her husband’s unbridled optimism
is gravely misplaced (he didn’t get lucky that night … or any night since, I’m told) but there’s something to be said about opting to focus on the positive sides of trying times.

Decades of scientific research shows that optimism is a potent health tonic, with various studies linking those who have a “glass-half-full” mentality with improved physical and mental health and a heightened likelihood of recovery after a period of prolonged stress or a traumatic event.

I’m not going to lie; I have had plenty of difficult moments over the past few weeks. I’ve home-schooled, cried in the bathtub, and drunk everything (sometimes all at once) but nail polish remover. But lately my thoughts keep drifting back to my friend and her husband. He seems to be doing OK, so why not try focusing on the more positive aspects of this hideous pandemic?


Maybe this is a time for each of us to ponder the good and the bad, and to consider what needs to change when we come out the other side. As that great meme currently doing the rounds, states: “Kinda feeling like the Earth just sent us all to our rooms to think about what we’ve done.”

Straight at the top of the “how amazing is COVID-19?” chart is the fact that while we’re all sulking in our homes, Mother Earth is putting her feet up and recuperating with a much-deserved cuppa.

Since the pandemic shut down a large portion of the world’s industrial activity and slashed air pollution levels around the world, satellite imagery from the European Space Agency shows a dramatic improvement in the quality of the air we breathe. Eastern and central China have seen a 10 to 30 per cent reduction in nitrogen dioxide levels, while northern Italy is enjoying a 40 per cent reduction.


Still in Italy, previously polluted canals in Venice have become crystal clear, and all across the globe wild animals are beginning to return to some of the places they frequented before human beings drove them out.

Disregard the nutters glassing one another in supermarkets; there are many more beautiful souls among us shining a light on the importance of love and kindness for fellow man. They are everywhere you look: giving free music and art lessons online, offering grocery pick-up and transport services in Facebook community groups, on the streets with boxes of free eggs, lemons, books and toys.

In my neighbourhood, locals are banding together under the “strength in numbers” philosophy. Some have started toilet roll donation baskets to give to those who really can’t find a single roll. Others are offering to help strangers who have lost their jobs. These are displays of what we, the human race, should have been doing all along, if only we’d been sent to our rooms to ruminate on our actions more often.

On a personal level, one positive gift this lockdown has given me is time. Time to speak to friends (on the phone, of course) without either party cutting out quickly with an “OK, gotta run”. Time for my children, who I’m currently home-schooling. Time for my husband that doesn’t feel like an endless baton relay.

I now have time to rediscover the hobbies and interests I enjoyed before the chaos of modern life took over. To me this looks like hours of reading on a sun-drenched balcony, daily ’80s discos in my kitchen (just because) and labouring over time-intensive recipes.


I’ve even started making collage artworks my husband insists look like ransom notes, but I don’t care, because for the first time in my adult life I’m doing something just for the fun of it rather than focusing on an end goal. It’s a luxury I’d forgotten about.

Am I still freaking out about the possibility of having no job, no money, no food, no roof over my head, or, if I’m unlucky enough to contract the virus, no pulse?

The answer is yes, every single minute of every single day.

But thanks to a drastic reduction in the number of influencers showing me their butts on Instagram, I’m starting to see more positives. And if the man with the bag full of marital aids has taught me anything, it’s the importance of searching for silver linings wherever possible.

This article appears in Sunday Life magazine within the Sun-Herald and the Sunday Age on sale April 19.

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