

This was published 4 years ago

Margaret courted controversy in straying from set points

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

Margaret Smith Court is a tennis champion. She has won 24 Grand Slams. Roger Federer has won 20, and Serena Williams 23. I admire this unique achievement. But into the mix comes her stance on homosexuality. She believes it is a lifestyle choice. I disagree ("Court tribute played straight with Laver and King at centre", January 28).

When she says this, she is portrayed as a gay-hater and deserves no public recognition. I am at a loss to appreciate this stance. I see her as respectfully disagreeing.

Tennis Australia proudly markets itself as a promoter of diversity and equality. I wholeheartedly concur. Court's presence adds diversity to society. If her views were to be expunged from the public record as some of vocal critics want, society is the loser. - Michael Kennedy, West Pymble

As one who saw much of Court's career, Tennis Australia had to recognise her as the champion she was ("Court's a champion but her views have dulled her legacy", January 28). When overall records are compared Court is well in front of Williams. For me the telling factor has been Williams behaviour on court and off when she has been defeated. Until Williams learns to lose with dignity she will never be the champion Court was. And I voted in favour of the same-sex marriage plebiscite. - Michael Hayden, Kiama Downs

While I don't agree with any of the views espoused by Court, and think the court named after her should be renamed, it was wonderful to see the applause and respect shown by the crowd at the Australian Open in recognition of her achievements in tennis.

I am sure many of those who applauded, and showed her respect, are from those groups she has so unjustifiably condemned and denigrated over so many years and on so many occasions. Perhaps she, in turn, should reflect upon the humanity shown to her and respond in kind. - Merilyn Mcclung, Forestville

John McEnroe had the loudest and meanest mouth in sport ("'Leave Margaret Court in the past, where she belongs': McEnroe", January 27). Yet here is McEnroe lecturing us about Court, calling her a "crazy Aunt" and saying "you can't separate the person from their achievements". I switched off McEnroe all those years ago. I have switched him off again. - John Hopkins, Moss Vale

When Court achieved so much, she did it with grace and good sportsmanship. When McEnroe confused his opponent with his antics, he was embarrassingly doing neither. At my tennis club, several young boys copied how he behaved. It was so disruptive that we told one lad to leave if he continued that way. McEnroe is not a role model to be listened to. And her personal comments have nothing to do with her outstanding achievements in tennis. - Denise Reilly, Willoughby East

I was at the tennis on Monday. While Rod Laver made the presentation to Court on the arena named after him – across the aisle on Margaret Court Arena, throughout the engrossing five-setter between Wawrinka and Medvedev, the sound system boomed out the Village People's gay anthemYMCA between sets with the capacity crowd enthusiastically joining in with dance and hand signs. Not a protester in sight. Said it all really. - Bill Holley, Mayfield


Viral nature of panic takes coronavirus worries further

There are two main issues in the current coronavirus outbreak. The status of Australian citizens in the directly affected cities of China, and the possible impact here in Australia ("Payne says evacuating trapped Australians complex", January 28).

From the point of view of the latter it might be wiser to offer assistance but delay the return of Australians in Wuhan and other affected cities until the outbreak subsides. As for the situation here, let’s not hit the panic button at this stage as we seem to have taken the right quarantine measures with minimal risk to the wider population. - Robin Hutcheon, Randwick

At last a commentator has touched on the root cause of the most serious viruses originating in China ("Pandemic reveals China’s fatal flaws", January 28).

It seems generally unsayable that those "wet markets" so beloved in South-East Asia are the epicentre of cruelty and lack of hygiene. Until this is exposed and the Chinese realise that the source of their current and past viruses can be avoided by banning such markets, then the world is destined to suffer along with them. - Judy Hungerford, North Curl Curl

The drought, bushfires, and now the coronavirus, are estimated to wipe $2.3 billion from our already soft economy ("$2b hit to economy feared as death toll hits at least 80", January 28). It validates the "trouble comes in threes" quip. - Steve Ngeow, Chatswood

Tragic as it is for the families of those who have died, another way of putting things into perspective is to point out that, in Wuhan, it has killed one person in every 185,000 and worldwide – with a population of seven billion – it has affected one person in every three and a half million ("Keep coronavirus risk in perspective", January 27).

In Australia, one in 20 people over the age of two years are estimated to be affected by type 2 diabetes. - David Meggitt, West Pymble

Much as we all like a good panic, a reminder that this flu-like virus has caused about 80 deaths in a province of 58.5 million people. It is perhaps as deadly as the regular flu. The best explanation for the sudden rise in the number of reported cases may be a sudden rise in the number of reports, rather than a sudden rise in the number of cases. - Ben Aveling, Alexandria

Today I have seen an unprecedented number of people wearing facial masks. We need someone of authority to make a statement about the necessity of wearing masks to protect ourselves. - Con Vaitsas, Ashbury

Let's toast mobile desal plants plan

Finally, the beginnings of actual methods by which we can deal with the shortage of good quality drinking water across the many Australian towns with day zero approaching (''Mobile desal plants head west'', January 28). Mobile desal plants along the coast of Australia providing drinking water as far inland as possible. Simple plan now let’s see the government do it – fast. - Robert Mulas, Corlette

Slow learners

We can all think of examples in nature where animals have learnt from previous experiences that repeating certain actions are guaranteed to cause problems (''History of 'sports rorts' leads right back to Speaker himself'', January 28).

Why can't our politicians of all shades learn from their mistakes? Sports rorts is just one of many examples of short memories and blinkered views that continue to stop us from respecting our elected leaders. We (and our leaders) should be focusing on the actions required to help all those people, creatures and places suffering from the drought and fires, not on another tawdry little exercise in self-promotion and power-seeking. - Aidan Cuddington, Umina Beach

Bryant bigger than basketball

I am not a fan of basketball and I had no idea who Kobe Bryant was until his, his daughter and others' untimely and tragic death (''NBN legend and daughter, 13, die in helicopter crash'', January 28). But when you see the amount of grief over his death from the basketball fraternity, president Obama, Tiger Woods, tennis players and many other sports players and fans; you have to feel that Bryant must have been a good human being, apart from being a basketball legend. - Mukul Desai, Hunters Hill

Hands off our parks

Carolyn Pettigrew makes a good point (Letters, January 28): NSW National Parks do not belong to commercial interests but to the ''people'' and she is quite right in her view that commercial loggers should not be allowed to loot the bushfire-affected parks.

By the same token, individually owned land and vegetation does not belong to the Crown/State/people, and they, other than through properly compensated resumption, should keep their interfering, grubby, grabbing hands off private property. - Ross Drynan, Lindfield

Scavengers profit from loss

I am writing to correct the misrepresentation of the issues in your article (“Massive salvage effort for bushfire-burnt timber a race against time”, January 24). The error is not so much in the reporting. It is right that there is a scramble to log as much of Australia’s burnt forests as possible for one sole consideration: money. It has nothing to do with making the forests safe, or restoring damaged ecosystems. It is about scavenging and profiting from the greatest destruction of Australia’s forests and wildlife since colonisation.

Australia’s forest industry is on the ropes after decades of mismanagement and over-logging and this post-fire attack on the bush the latest manifestation. We have all seen the green shoots after the burn. These forests are being cut because the recovering trees would no longer be ''commercially viable'', and by removing them the risk of fire is being increased, not reduced. These salvage areas will now become the new fire grounds, as the piled up logging slash will burn again. So don’t believe the hype, and beware of the costs of buying the timber: lost habitat, lost koalas and impoverished water quality. - Dr Tim Cadman, research fellow, Griffith University

Potential realised

What a wonderful good news story about the Reis Souza children and their conquest over deafness aided by The Shepherd Centre and the bionic ear invented by the 2007 Australian Father of the Year, Professor Graeme Clark, together with all those who helped him benefit the hearing impaired worldwide (“Boys say hear, hear for deaf-defying implants”, January 28). The fact that those helped through early intervention by such programs and equipment are far more likely to graduate from university is testimony to the benefits realised and the input of those involved, especially their parents and dedicated teachers.

Contrast that with the lost potential of others who leave the education system earlier due to bullying and the sad lack of any intervention – another story without a good ending. - Stuart Fox, Bondi Beach

Justice for all

I was surprised to hear that the fee changes to the legal aid system were unjust and pushing private lawyers to the point of exhaustion (''Lawyers sound warning on Legal Aid'', January 28). Such private lawyers should remember one of the basic rights within our system is that everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. So they should feel privileged to participate in providing a service to those severely disadvantaged in our society; a society which has provided them with a world class legal education. - Michael Blissenden, Dural

A recipe for excess

As a home cook I was interested to read the column on going back to basics and New Year's resolutions (''A home cook's New Year's resolutions'', Good Food, January 28). I agree with many of her thoughts but the biggest problem with many recipes are the ingredients required. I often read the ingredients and realise I have never heard of them and would not know where to find them. Back to basics sounds wonderful and how good it would be to be able to cook something without having to do a weekly shop to make one recipe. - Robyn Lewis, Raglan

Into bat for wombats

Congratulations to Robert Hosking (Letters, January 28) on his effort to elevate the status of the humble wombat, because this poor beast has been subjected to many years of discrimination by our nation's teachers.

Go into any primary school classroom where groups are formed on the basis of ability and I guarantee the group with the greatest need will be named after this slow-moving, docile but loveable animal. - Grant Heaton, Port Macquarie

With friends like these ...

Does the correspondent who thinks the federal government taking over our rivers is an excellent idea realise someone like Bridget McKenzie or Barnaby Joyce would end up in charge of them (Letters, January 28)? - Roger Cooper, Boambee East

Messing around

It is a fashion trend. In the bedrooms of most children, last year's pigsty will, this year, become the new rats' nest (Letters, January 28). - Joy Cooksey, Harrington

Hooroo to Sarah Moany

Please, don't ever welcome Sarah Moany into the vernacular (Letters, January 27). Although it may seem to be a bit impolite, we do not want her here. And could I also advise – politely – never, when departing from someone’s company, say, “Have a nice day”. That is so un-Australian. Please farewell people with “have a good one” (or even more Aussie 'ave a good one). Or, equally acceptable, “hooroo”. - Marea Donovan, Bondi Junction

Stand and deliver

When the Metro arrived, with many fewer seats than other Sydney trains, we were told we would simply have to stand. Now it seems we have to stand and deliver (''Metro link to rise in youth crime'', January 28). - Doug Walker, Baulkham Hills

Stealing the soil

I’m really sorry, farmers in western NSW, for weeks “townies” like me have been sweeping up, mopping up, turning cleaning cloths dark brown with what belongs to you, namely the topsoil on your farms. It’s an outcome none of us wanted, just another burden for you in this suffering country (“Hot, dry week ahead for Sydney, NSW fire regions”, January 28). - Joan Brown, Orange

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