

This was published 4 years ago

Celebrate the achievements, recognise the suffering

Most Australians will never agree to a change of date of the national holiday ("Wyatt unmoved by push to change nation's celebration", January 25-26). Why not recognise it as a day of suffering for First Nation people, as Indigenous Affairs Minister Ken Wyatt suggests. This would be an acknowledgement of the angst the day brings and the sorrow and suffering which is etched into the psyche of First Nation people. Then label it a day of Celebration and Suffering; so include all Australians in commemorating this day. - Ruth Carter, Strathfield

The Minister's Pythonesque optimism appears timely as we mourn the loss of Terry Jones. But if he really believes ''the colour of our skin … doesn’t matter any more'' and the coming generation of young people are ''optimistic'' about the future, he needs to get out of the Canberra bubble. He needs to listen to the young people who regularly experience rejection and hostility because of their skin colour and the articulate students rendered pessimistic by his government’s lack of action on climate change. - Wendy Michaels, Northbridge

Australia Day must become the day we become a republic. Both require contending with 60,000 years of history, reckoning with an ongoing modern political legacy of genocide and colonialism, and liberating ourselves from its symbolic trappings to embrace the realities of our place in the world. - Laurence Staines, North Epping

I agree with the editorial that the current date “is problematic and divisive” (''Indigenous history must be at the centre of Australia Day'', January 25-26). As the descendant of convicts and free settlers, I can say there’s little doubt the lives of my family have been much better than they would have been had my forebears stayed in England and Scotland. But I can’t ignore that our good life is based on the theft of land from Aboriginal Australians, the ruthless destruction of their culture and the denial of their achievements. - Colin Hesse, Marrickville

Who cares about the date? Until Australia Day recognises and respects First Australians, it’s not really a national day. May as well call it Sky News After Dark Day. - Phil Bradshaw, Naremburn

Perhaps a solution to keep everyone happy would be to sign a treaty with our First People on January 26, then we can celebrate the true coming together of all our cultures. - Nan Greig, Kiama Downs

Before we decide on a date, let’s decide what we’re celebrating. Is it the start of modern Australia, the founding of a city or the establishment of a British offshore detention centre? - Barry Riley, Woy Woy

How to celebrate Australia? I don’t have the answer, but I know we must change the date of our current national day to be inclusive of all the melting pot of human beings that call Australia home. - Paul Sutcliffe, Fern Bay

I celebrate on December 31. We received documentation allowing us to stay in this country on that day in 1949, I was five. I have thanked my lucky stars for the opportunities and life I have enjoyed here for the last 70 years. - Steven Sadokierski, Paddington


I disagree with your correspondent (Letters, January 25-26) who opposes the term invasion and prefers occupied. I want your home. With force I enter through the front door push you out the back door making you live in squalor down in the back corner. Right, now is your home is occupied, or has it been invaded and stolen? - Bill White, South Grafton

Sweet success, just don't mention sugar

Congratulations to Dr James Muecke, a very worthy Australian of the Year (''Platform to retain Australian's sight'', The Sun-Herald, January 26). However, I cringe at the thought of the Prime Minister bringing a lump of sugar into Parliament to protest against a sugar tax. - Michelle Howes, Surry Hills

The Australian of the Year wants to decrease the amount of sugar in drinks. I would point out that sugar to the National Party is like coal to the Liberal's - good luck with that. - Ron Kerr, Ballina

Congratulations to Kate McClymont for appointment to the Order of Australia (''Stop press: McClymont scoops up gong'', The Sun-Herald, January 26). As one of her most ardent admirers and the daughter of a journalist, I have witnessed the struggle first-hand to maintain a balance between remaining independent and presenting the facts. Aware of the huge influence journalists have on public opinion and coupled with the threats to her wellbeing, McClymont exemplified this balance presenting the facts with sensitivity, accuracy and fairness. Not only is she a first-class journalist, what is generally not known is she is a raconteur par excellence. I have had the privilege of listening to her launch one of her books and was fascinated at the events that led to her publication. - Elizabeth Maher, Bangor

Congratulations, Kate. In an age where “facts” have become marketable, malleable commodities traded among the unscrupulous and powerful, the need for quality investigative, independent journalism is pressing. Without a media based on truthful and accurate accounting, society stumbles in the darkness. Hopefully, the humble McClymont’s award inspires others to follow suit and affirms the need for appropriate resources and funding, including legal protection. Thanks for making a difference. - Cleveland Rose, Dee Why

By what stretch of the imagination does a highly paid actor, going about doing her job, deserve the Order of Australia (''Pride like a girl raised to fight'', The Sun-Herald, January 26)? - George Fishman, Vaucluse

If Scott Morrison was a true leader, he would have granted Australia Day honours to all our volunteer firefighters – both local and overseas. He could not because the closing date for nominations for applications was before the fires began. - Phillip Owen, Braidwood

Because of the number of times her name was mentioned during the Canberra Australia Day event, even being uttered by the Governor-General, I suppose I must reluctantly welcome Sarah Moany into the vernacular. - David Rae, Cabarita Beach

Heartfelt thanks to our saviours, helpers

Our property on the NSW South Coast was recently hit by bushfires. We lost a shed and a lot of our long-established gardens and trees but we were very fortunate to still have our house untouched. But even we were daunted by the amount of clean-up work needed. Our little two-hectare lot is about 80 per cent damaged by fire.

We have had the assistance of the army in recent days. I don’t know how to thank these wonderful service personnel enough. With no tools of our own (all lost in the shed fire) we had no way of even beginning the work. We also had little enthusiasm for what seemed to us to be an overwhelming task. But, in the space of a couple of sessions over a few days, our Army Reserve completed what would have taken us months. Their efforts, all done with a smile, have lifted our spirits. No doubt the community here will have many testing months ahead, but with the support of army, and countless community groups and other assistance from government, we can at least see better days coming. Right now I don’t care about reviews or inquiries into the fires, or the arguments about cause or the politics of it all. I just want a return to normality.

There are countless people in a worse position than us. I only hope that the support we have experienced can be maintained for our communities well after the fires are finally extinguished. We’re going to need it. As for the personnel who helped us so wonderfully this week, I can offer only our heartfelt thanks. - Glenn Cooper, Verona

Cuts will cover the cost

That’s a lot of dosh (“$2b damage bill for summer of disaster”, January 25-26). It’s a good thing we saved so much in the cuts from CSIRO, the fire brigades and researchers into land preservation and animal extinction rescue.

The real costs go far beyond this ghastly financial result. Our country as we have known and loved it has been taken from us. Where have your policy and planning landed us, Prime Minister? - Judith Wheeldon, Roseville Chase

Perhaps even more salutary than the economic costs of our “summer of disaster” has been the understanding that we can no longer take for granted the quality of life that we have been complacent about for far too long in our no longer lucky country. After being vaguely aware of poor air quality in Beijing, lack of water in deserts and rampant bush fires in California, suddenly we have that whole package right here, at our front doors.

Is it safe to go outside with an asthmatic child? How can we use our remaining water most frugally? How can we best protect our remaining bushlands and wild animals? And overarching all, how do we unite in heeding the science on what we must do now, to reduce the level of climate change for our future generations? - Anne Ring, Coogee

The Insurance Council of Australia has received more than 20,000 claims with a likely total of more than $2.1 billion. More than 35 years as a solicitor acting on insurance claims for people suffering losses leaves me in no doubt, that as I write, insurance investigators and assessors are poring over the claims and policies determined to decline or reduce claims as far as possible. - Howard Charles, Glebe

Vote Liberal, elect a National

Your article on the Nationals makes for interesting reading (''Your money is serving the Nationals' interest'', January 25-26). I have long been curious to know if those who support Liberal candidates realise they are also supporting a number of Nationals who appear to be more preoccupied with their own agendas rather than the good of the country. Just think Barnaby Joyce and George Christensen and their environmental views for starters. Asked if they would vote for them, or other nationals like them directly, I suspect most would not. Still, they elect them by proxy by voting Liberal. - David Sargeant, Jannali

Ungodly attitudes

How pleased is God going to be if those who believe in Him deliberately destroy His planet because they believe that, “the world’s end means the second coming and, for the chosen, salvation” (''Survival or death-by-stupid: your choice Straya'', January 25-26)? When scientists tell us that we can mitigate climate change, it seems to be an extremely self-centred and uncaring attitude towards others who live on God’s planet to intentionally destroy it. - Jill Phillips, Ettalong Beach

Sounds decisions, please

Whichever way a reasonable person views the sports fund program administered by Bridget McKenzie, the outcome is discouraging (''McKenzie approved more than $1m for shooting clubs'', January 25-26). More so because of the way in which McKenzie's cabinet colleagues, from the Prime Minister down, have defended her with the lame party line "She has done nothing wrong – she has broken no rules". Home Affairs Minister Dutton bolstered his line with "Ministers are expected to make decisions". That is accepted, but surely the people who elected them can expect their decisions to be based on sound judgment, fair-mindedness and probity. - Ray Alexander, Moss Vale

No place for swastika

Why call for a national debate on the swastika (''Governor-General call for national debate on swastika'', January 25-26)? Is he implying that there are two or more sides to this issue or that it might be OK to display the swastika under certain circumstances? If he is concerned about freedom of speech and expression, then he should call for national debates on the rights of environmental protesters, corporate whistleblowers and journalists. - Renata Bali, Thurgoona

Video nasties

It's not just easily available pornography that's the problem, Wendy Squires (''It's little wonder young people are saying 'no' to sex'', January 25-26). Have you had a look at music videos? Someone should have a quiet word with their sisters in the music industry about the portrayal of women in those. - Ryszard Linkiewicz, Caringbah South

Damned any which way

A clever letter from correspondent Di Henderson (Letters, January 25-26). But please remember, not all shire residents have the PM as their local federal member: some of us are lucky enough to have the scientific doyen Craig Kelly. Say no more. - Don Carter, Oyster Bay

It's all about Serena

Once again Serena Williams showed that she is a poor loser by saying she “lost that match ... I made a lot of errors” (''Evert casts doubt over Williams' pursuit of Court's grand slam record after exit'', January 25-26).

A true champion always applauds her opponent and congratulates them on a game well-played. Not Serena - as always, it was all about her. - Michael Walsh, Ashfield

How delightful to see Rafael Nadal’s spontaneous concern and old-world courtesy in the ballgirl incident, despite the game pressure he was no doubt under. I wonder, though, whether such a genuine gesture would pass muster from a teacher, nurse or even just a concerned passer-by in other circumstances. - Frank McGrath, Bulli

Rodent reflections

I actually have a rat problem at my house at the moment and feel fortunate that it's not the Chinese year of the dragon or tiger (''Do's and don'ts for Lunar New Year'', January 25-26). - Michael Deeth, Como West

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