

This was published 4 years ago

Steaks are high in the beef over post-Brexit meat

By Bevan Shields

London: Andrew Laughton knows a bit about beef. From his property in the lush green fields of Lincolnshire, the fourth-generation farmer reels off an extraordinary array of facts and figures at the drop of a hat. The only thing that stumps him is predicting what a post-Brexit free trade deal with Australian means for British agriculture.

"It's so difficult for us to get a read of things because it's early days, and who knows what sort of pressure our government will come under once they sit down at the negotiating table," Laughton said.

Ballarat beef producer Olivia Lawson says the Australian industry is watching trade negotiations closely.

Ballarat beef producer Olivia Lawson says the Australian industry is watching trade negotiations closely.Credit:

Having formally left the European Union on January 31, Britain is now free to pursue its own trade deals around the world, with Canberra close to the top of the list. It's not going to be easy and agriculture has often found itself on the wrong side of the winners and losers' ledger at the conclusion of other international trade negotiations.

An impending clash boils down to two questions: whether quotas and tariffs should still be used to limit the amount of Australian beef and sheep meat coming into Britain, and whether hormone-produced beef should be allowed in at all.

On one side, farmers in Britain have spent decades complying with a European Union ban on hormone-produced beef and are worried whether new agreements with Australia and the United States will suddenly and unfairly introduce the product into supermarkets.


"To us, it seems a little odd that when we have our hands tied behind our back for so long - for example on hormones - for a free-trade agreement to then permit that exact thing to be imported," said Laughton, the chairman of the National Beef Association. "We would feel a little sore about that."

But in Australia, farmers who have long been constrained by how much beef they can export to Britain due to restrictive EU quotas see a big opportunity to diversify beyond the Asian market and argue hormone-produced beef is more than safe and widely accepted by consumers.

Trade Minister Simon Birmingham told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age there was room to lift beef exports to Britain and would argue all forms of beef should be allowed in.


"We have absolute confidence in the safety of all of our beef produced in Australia. It is well regarded in markets right around the world," he said. "The use of different technologies to enhance the productivity of the beef industry are well-established practices that are acknowledged as being safe."

However, Senator Birmingham appeared to suggest this was not a make-or-break issue and that if the UK government insisted on retaining the ban on hormone-produced beef, there were still plenty of Australian exporters who could lift their export volumes and meet the demand for higher-end beef.

Laughton doesn't weigh into some of the more alarmist claims about hormone technology, which involves inserting an implant behind an animal's ear that slowly dissolves and releases hormones to accelerate weight gain. Estimates are hormones are used on about 40 per cent of Australian beef cattle.

He believed the ultimate choice will be made by the consumer: "It would be interesting to see who the first retailer was to say 'OK chaps we are going to import some beef, and by the way it has some hormones in it'. So if the consumer won't buy it you struggle to see how any amount of free trade would encourage consumers if they aren't in that frame of mind."

The UK's entry to the EU in 1973 accelerated a demise in the number of cattle shipped from Australia to Britain. Some 102,800 tonnes of beef were sent to Britain in 1973. Last financial year it was just 4039 tonnes. Sheep meat exports are down 70 per cent and wheat by 99 per cent.

"There's little doubt that we were something of a casualty from the UK entering the EU and establishing trade terms that were far less generous to Australia," Senator Birmingham said.

"That clearly hurt and whilst over the 40 or so years since we have built new markets, established new opportunities and are stronger than ever, there's an opportunity with Brexit to re-establish some of the trade ties that have been lost and that's something as a government we want to help our farmers do."

Australia and Britain will begin formal negotiations soon and could have a deal struck within months. It won't be able to be implemented until January 2020.

Ballarat beef producer and Cattle Council member Olivia Lawson said Australian beef producers were looking forward to seeing the details of the new agreement.

"Australian producers are in the driving seat here. We've already got the best systems in the world," Lawson said.

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