Sorry, Joe ("'Modern Rome': Hockey sees no decline and fall of Trump agenda", January 17), we all know how that ended. But good luck anyway. - Terence Golding, Bolwarra
If Joe Hockey sees Donald Trump's Washington as "the modern Rome", then Trump must surely be America's Caligula. - Michael Davis, Balmain East
Before Joe Hockey gets too excited about Washington being "the modern Rome", I advise him to keep reading "Ancient History for Beginners" and take in the decline and fall bit. I hope this helps. - David Grant, Ballina
Illustration: Alan MoirCredit:
Joe Hockey should recall what happened to Rome. Having ceased to be capital of the Western Empire, it was sacked in 410 by the Visigoths. The Visigoths may not be around now, but there are plenty of pretenders to their role. - Greg McCarry, Epping
Joe Hockey's view that Washington resembles the modern version of Rome might be closer to the truth than he thinks. The last days of the Roman empire were hastened by government corruption, an over-reliance on slave labour, military overspending and the rise of the Eastern Empire in Byzantium. Lots of similarities there. - Bruce Spence, Balmain
It is interesting that Hockey has developed a close, personal relationship with a serial liar who has done his best to dismantle American democracy and trash that country's reputation around the globe. As for Trump's electoral chances post-impeachment, our former treasurer was never crash hot with numbers. - Mark Paskal, Clovelly
I don’t appreciate our heartless failed former treasurer lecturing me about accepting Trump and the US. Let him stay there for good, the Yanks are welcome to him. - Howard Charles, Annandale
No amount of spin can excuse cash splash
"No rules were broken" seems to be the mantra glibly trotted out by all politicians when trying to explain away the questionable use of varying sums of government money for either party or personal use. Sadly, Bridget McKenzie is simply the latest in a long line of politicians to do so.("McKenzie refuses to quit for cash splash", January 17). - Lorna Denham, Cardiff Heights
Cabinet minister Bridget McKenzie’s attempt to defend her role in the $100 million sports grants pork-barrel operation was a classic example of political spin. Her response, no doubt vetted in advance by the PM, was that the grants had delivered real benefits. The fact that these benefits were mainly felt in marginal seats or seats the Coalition thought they might win could best be described as “an inconvenient truth”. - James Moore, Kogarah
Just because previous governments, both Labor and Liberal, have used various "schemes" to advantage them in marginal seats is really no excuse why this government needed to spend $100 million in sports allocations targeting marginal seats. Perhaps Mr Morrison needs another miracle: that governments will start using taxpayer money honestly. - Peter Rose, Jamberoo
Why is a PM, usually self-cloaked in verbiage, so silent about his government’s latest grubby grants revelations? - Sue Dyer, Downer, ACT
Senator Bridget McKenzie has made no secret of wanting to be leader of the Nationals, so why would she resign from the frontbench over the allocating of sporting grants to Coalition seats? Such a move would dent her CV credentials and only provide attack fodder for Labor when Parliament resumes. The fact that she says “no rules were broken” puts her on the backfoot. No shame, no apology, just blind ambition. Deputy prime minister, one day? I certainly hope not. - Peter Skrzynecki, Eastwood
I'm not sure why people are calling on Bridget McKenzie to resign. Do they think she acted alone? Another famous politician got elected with the mandate to drain the swamp. It seems that politicians across the world just want to build their own swamps. - Neil Reckord, Armidale
If $100 million had not been squandered on dubious sports grants in marginal electorates it could have been spent buying a whole fleet water bombing firefighting aircraft. How many properties and even lives would they have saved? We'll never know. - John Shingleton, Terrigal
I see that Bridget McKenzie says she broke no rules in the apparent biased distribution of grants favouring marginal coalition seats. That is hardly surprising, as politicians write the rules to suit themselves. They should have to obey the same rules as the rest of us. - Nick Hendel, Roseville
Lead by example
It would be a great example to all if the state and federal parliaments scheduled sittings in areas that have been affected by the bushfires. This would indicate that the areas are now safe and bring much-needed dollars to people who are desperate for business. - Robyn Weinberg, Bellevue Hill
Pull the plug
Deborah Webb (Letters, January 17), have you considered that if there’s a power outage petrol stations can’t pump petrol either? Most of the concerns people have about electric cars are non-issues. Public chargers are very low maintenance and if an electric vehicle owner has off-street parking, the majority of charging is done overnight. - Brendan Jones, Annandale
Every technology has its problems, but treating the air and the oceans like a sewer, as we have for 400 years, is a bigger problem – the destruction of a whole planet. I don’t think the message is getting through: we need to stop burning stuff. - Dave Goldberg, Wrights Beach
Elusive NBN
Congratulations Greg Thorp (Letters, January 17) on getting the NBN. We are still waiting, despite Tony Abbott saying in 2013: “We believe in a National Broadband Network and we will deliver a better National Broadband Network, faster and more affordably than this [Labor] government possibly can.” - Ian Stevenson, Gladesville
Constance craving some government compassion
All power to Andrew Constance for the advocacy for bushfires victims ("Flow of fire aid too slow: minster", January 17). It is obvious that nothing sharpens your focus more than when you virtually share the problems of those for whom you are advocating. Mr Constance’s home was also in the bushfire firing line, so he is one government minister who really understands the plight of bushfire victims. It is to be hoped that a few more politicians might give much closer consideration to people in need at this time. - Derrick Mason, Boorowa
No one doubts Constance’s sincerity in expressing his anguish and care for his bushfire affected constituents. His coalition colleagues at state and federal levels have denied climate change for twenty years. Why should it be that only a first-hand experience of such an issue gives MPs understanding of this major issue – climate change? No greater authority than Greg Mullins – former fire chief – advises that, to date, 60 per cent more homes have been destroyed than in any other major fire. Mr Mullins has decried this government’s inaction and lack of leadership on the issue. And more is to come. There are none so blind ... - Adrian Bell, Davistown
Those who have been made homeless due to the bushfires are fortunate they have a government minister supporting them, seeing he also almost lost his own home. Let’s hope these people are more successful in gaining permanent accommodation much quicker than the homeless we see sleeping in the streets of Sydney each day, some of whom have been waiting for years. - Con Vaitsas, Ashbury
Bush dwelling rethink
Australians need to rethink their houses and ancillary structures in the bush. Architectural knowledge has existed for at least four decades for fire-survival. Dwellings having on-site water tank storage and sprinklers, framed and clad externally with no combustible materials, would have avoided recent losses of conventional suburban designs. The Commonwealth Building Research Station, which routinely tested and fire-rated building materials, was closed down many years back. It should be reinstated, and a program of evidence-based research into materials and construction prototypes instituted. We live in a dangerous explosive environment, climate change has intensified the danger. Under such circumstances, we need to comprehensively reconsider the design appropriateness and construction of dwellings for bush settings. - Philip Drew, Annandale
Morrison's blind eye
The Prime Minister does not want to upset voters who rely on coal mining, saying the Coalition would not "[pull] out the rug from regional communities who depend on the sector for their livelihoods” (‘‘PM backs resources as asset manager dumps thermal coal,’’ January 16). Has anyone pointed out to Morrison how many regional communities have lost their livelihoods as a result of the bushfires that he and his colleagues are so reluctant to attribute to climate change? Perhaps someone should explain that the common – perhaps the global – good should override the needs of his favoured constituencies. - Stephen Jacobs, Willoughby
Change the date, slightly
This Australia Day here is an idea to think inclusively by being creative and everyone compromising a little. Let’s move Australia Day permanently to the last Friday of January to celebrate our muticultural origins and shared history. No invasion day references (as there is no fixed date) and a permanent long weekend with a guaranteed Saturday to recover (no sickies), plus it guarantees us all a few days for a final summer fling with the kids before they start the new school year. At the same time let's find a day to celebrate our indigenous history, a day our indigenous people can call their own and name as they choose. To find a suitable day, why not ask our Queen to give up her June long weekend celebration? How noble that she would just like to say thanks to our indigenous brothers for letting her ancestors come ashore almost 250 years ago in Botany Bay and sow the seeds of modern Australia. - Nick Roche, Northbridge
Won't be fooled again
Last election the establishment fooled people in thinking that they were anti-establishment, but maybe the people are realising that the "raving inner-city lunatics" had a point regarding action on climate change ("Fires could melt PM's 'anti-establishment' vote", January 17) - Graeme Finn, St Peters
Backing up the firies
Talking to my brother who works in the emergency services, he made the point many of us have forgotten – that it's not just the firies who have worked hard this fire season. Many emergency services personnel have worked the fires since they started. They are exhausted and have foregone their holidays for the year. All emergency service personnel should be commended for the effort they have made while the fires have raged. - Greg Adamson, Griffith
Misguided priorities
Recently my wife enquired to Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) regarding a new assessment for her elderly father, to determine if he was eligible for the next level of care ("Unhealthy 'rush to privatise' tests", January 16). We were informed that he can go on the list, but there was a three-year backlog. No problem, he’s only 96 years old. Is privatisation really the answer or would more resources for our ageing population be a better solution? - Martin Lewis, Baulkham Hills
Why does the federal government want to privatise the ACAT? These are the most vulnerable people in our society and we should be confident that the assessment will be performed efficiently and without bias towards private providers. Both my parents were assessed a number of times in their later years and I found the ACAT team always compassionate and caring and they were able to efficiently organise an available package. Why privatise a team that works so well? - Helen Simpson, Curl Curl
Precipitation elation
Recently my friend Pam introduced me to a new word, petrichor. This week, in the early hours, the longed-for, ached-for, glorious rain fell, just for a while. The drumming of intermittently heavy rain on our iron roof was joyful, but it was the petrichor that woke me first – that smell of rain on hot, dry ground was beyond wonderful. And hopeful. - Anne Steyns, Goulburn
My joy in the rain has been somewhat dulled by the acrid smell of ash and smoke as it poured from the sky. Not that delicious ozone smell of freshness and renewal, but a grim reminder of what has passed, and what we have ahead. - Josie McSkimming, Coogee
I watch with interest to see who our marketing expert gives credit for the rain. The quiet Australians perhaps? The prayers of the faithful? I wonder if he’s game enough to say it is his own prayers? - Nedra Orme, Neutral Bay
Now that rain has come, I find that my gutters, downpipes and drains are blocked. It’s all Scott Morrison’s fault. - Don Higson, Paddington
Thank you to everyone who washed their car last weekend: it worked. - Peter Fyfe, Enmore
This week started well, thank you, with a flurry of letters in response to Tuesday's letter from Jane Waddy asking if the Herald could possibly run four pages of letters a day instead of two. Many people were in favour of the idea, possibly because it would mean more chance of getting their own letters in, but mostly because they just love the letters page. Then some thought we shouldn't do anything more to encourage "climate hysteria name-calling miffed Labor voters, crying demo-children/absent parents and anti-Morrison cascades", so you can't please everybody.
Again this week there were many letters about the bushfires and what should be done now, although the number was down for letters about Scott Morrison as he apparently hasn't stuck his head above the parapet much. The Sussexes brought in some traffic, but most people considered it a case of Harry and "meh"-gan rather than anything important. Also, there were, as in recent weeks, many poems submitted about the fires. It's a shame, but we don't have the space to run lines of verse, so apologies to those who hoped to see their heart-felt reactions in print.
One thing that amuses the letters editors (it doesn't take much) is tracking where letters come from, and how often we get runs of letters from one place then don't hear from that region again for ages. Some places, however, are regulars - the suburb of Oatley, for example, is small but mighty, people there like writing letters to the editor. Orange is another place with a strong epistolary tradition, and the Blue Mountains and upper north shore people also love to make their feelings known.
Harriet Veitch, acting letters editor
To submit a letter to The Sydney Morning Herald, email Click here for tips on how to submit letters.