This is madness ("Unhealthy 'rush to privatise' tests", January 16). Some services must remain in public hands and free from the profit imperative that is too often corrosive to human care. Think about a fully privatised police, defence, health, judiciary etc and be truly afraid. On a personal basis, my experience of ACAP is of a caring, committed and efficient group quietly going about their business of making life a little bit easier for the needy and ageing. It ain’t broke. - Richard Hambly, Potts Point
Have we learned nothing from the building inspection fiasco? - Shane Nunan, Finley
The latest plans to privatise aged care tests seem to fly in the face of experience in Finland, where a long standing right-centre coalition was defeated in 2017. A major factor was the deterioration in its aged care system, reflecting privatisation. Encouraging further "for profit" participation in an aged care system largely funded by government is a recipe for further deterioration in services, already documented by the royal commission.
Governments and bureaucrats should look outside their current agendas and develop more innovative ways to deliver aged care effectively and efficiently to individuals. Evidence to date is that privatising simply results in passing the buck, not improvement in quality. The rise of a more activist older demographic suggests mishandling of this issue will contribute to a major electoral backlash. - David Williams, Paddington
The aged care assessment ACAT is available to all Australians over 65 if you have a Medicare card. Our elder Australians are assessed without bias and assigned an available package and means tested on their ability to make a contribution to that care.
Why does this government seek to privatise the assessment process that is based on Medicare? Will these assessments become the purview of private health providers with connections to private insurance to boost their coffers? In the future, will Australians be charged for a currently free assessment service? Will older Australians be asked to get quotes on the best assessment and be subject to a barrage of marketing at what may be a vulnerable time for them and their family?
Apart from decoupling aged care from Medicare this move may only complicate the process of receiving proper aged care for some of the most vulnerable people in our country. - Christopher Hill, Kensington
How dare the federal government even consider privatising aged care assessments? I worked in the geriatric and disability industry for 12 years and found that private providers were invariably driven by profit, rather than concern for the wellbeing of their "clients". Often my employers would allocate to me tasks for which I was unqualified just because my pay rate was much less than that of a registered nurse. When I switched to the government sector I found a marked improvement in accountability and patient care. - Peter Mahoney, Oatley
Hiding behind the smokescreen generated by the fires we now learn that the federal government wants to privatise aged care assessments. After the fiasco in NSW of the privatisation of the building assessment certification process the states should be very careful. - Peter Skinner, Beecroft
Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:
Liberal climate believers are hiding in plain sight
Where have all these Liberal backbencher climate believers been hiding for the past 10 years ("Liberals backbenchers call for climate change action", January 16)? Were they all holidaying or just asleep when the Coalition sank the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme in 2009? Were they otherwise engaged when they abolished the Independent Climate Change Commission in 2013? Or perhaps they missed the sessions when they abolished the carbon tax and the Clean Energy Act in 2014? Does the abandoned National Energy Guarantee ring any bells? Perhaps they might remember Malcolm Turnbull? Hint: you deposed him (twice) as Liberal leader because he dared to suggest policy to address climate change and an energy policy? Coalition talk is cheap, but without a definitive climate action plan it all just seems like more unbelievable spin and hot air. - Alan Marel, North Curl Curl
First it was the Great Barrier Reef affected by the results of climate change and now, with our hottest and driest year on record, we have experienced fires and smoke across the continent and our tourism industry is down by $1 billion. Tourism employs about 600,000 people in Australia while our coal industry employs about 38,000, is largely foreign owned and, according to the IMF, is subsidised by Australian taxpayers to the tune of $29 billion a year. Somehow I think we have our priorities wrong. - Peter Nash, Fairlight
Just as the community likes a list of GP’s who bulk bill, we should see a list of sitting MP’s who are climate change deniers before the next election. - Judy Nicholas, Denistone East
It’s raining! Hooray! Please, Mister Rain, focus on putting out fires and filling dams. That way we can go back to not worrying about the consequences of our actions and our responsibility to act. - Ben Morphett, East Ryde
How is the Morrison plan to stop protests against investment in fossil fuel companies going? Has it gone up in smoke, too? - Greg Thompson, Bega
There has to be a silver lining arising from the bushfire crisis. It has come in the form of delaying forestry privatisation in NSW ("Bushfire crisis delays forestry privatisation plan worth $1 billion" January 16). The rampant privatisation of valuable state assets has to stop before there is nothing left to sell. - Robyn Lewis, Raglan
Rather than commissions and inquiries, perhaps we should invest in basic literacy and science classes for certain members of parliament so they are able to read and understand existing reports? - Kerry Norrie, Avalon Beach
Dodgy spend must be raked in
Let's hope that the Morrison government doesn't distribute its bushfire recovery funds in the same fashion as its sports fund ("$100 million sports slush fund", January 16). The findings of the National Audit Office review into the Community Sport Infrastructure Grants Program reinforce the public's dismay at the values and behaviours of politicians.
Good governance demands that the politicians set the policy framework for taxpayer funded grant programs and then let the public servants manage an open, transparent and rigorous assessment process that produce soundly argued recommendations for the relevant politician to consider.
When it comes to the pre-election environment, perhaps decisions on grant funding should be banned within the three months before a fixed election, and overseen by the relevant independent audit authority where the timing of the election is controlled by the government of the day. - Gary Moore, Blackheath
The report by the Australian National Audit Office into the $100 million sports slush fund has proven the long-held claim that coalition governments are better money managers – in using such rorts for their own re-election purposes. - Rob Phillips, North Epping
The Coalition government has allocated $50 million to address the existential threat to Australian wildlife following the bushfires. It allocated $100 million of public funds to address the existential threat to its electoral success in 2019 through pork barrelling. Seems clear to me. - Jennifer Raines, Newtown
PM's failure beyond denial
Thank you, John Hewson, for the vision outlined in your column ("Mobilise forces for climate threat", January 16). You have nailed our Prime Minister's approach to climate change. He has not changed his climate denial spots. Instead, like Rupert Murdoch and so many other deniers, he recognises that straight out denial is untenable so he now denies his denial.
Nice one, Scotty. Except your country desperately needs honesty and action on the root cause of the problem, not double denial accompanied by marketing platitudes. - Jonathan Tanner, Darlinghurst
Blame the weather
Suggestions Qantas abruptly cancels flights for commercial reasons are simply wrong (“Qantas denies empty seats behind cancellations", January 16). It wouldn’t make financial sense given the fixed costs involved with running an airline and would be very frustrating for customers. Flight delays and cancellations are increasing because there are more days of poor weather and more congestion at Australia’s major airports. Changing weather patterns are also a factor. Last year, wind speeds at Sydney Airport were 20 per cent higher than the thirty-year average. Runways were closed, causing significant disruptions to flights. Yes, airlines have control of some elements that impact punctuality, and we are doing a lot of work to improve. But there are significant external factors at play. That’s why we are working with governments, airports and air traffic control to see how the whole industry can safely get more travellers to their destination on time. - Andrew David, Qantas Domestic CEO
Maybe time for last drinks
It's good to know that while the state reels from the catastrophic bushfires that have claimed lives, destroyed livelihoods and brought native wildlife to the point of extinction, a Sydney City councillor can celebrate getting sloshed after 3am ("Long way to go in city slow to wake from sleep", January 16). After all, the fires were yesterday's news, right? - Michael Pursche, Gordon
I wasn't aware that the world as we knew it came to an end because of the lockout laws, as Tyson Koh seems to suggest. To intimate that Sydney lost its identity and confidence over recent years is an insult to Sydneysiders.
Most of us continued to socialise, be entertained and enjoy solving our own and the world's problems with friends and strangers, without the need to go from one drinking venue to another after 1.30am.
If, as Mr Koh claims, nightlife is not about drinking, then abolishing the lockout laws should not have been necessary. To suggest these laws affected people's desire to meander around our city on balmy nights is ludicrous. Partying and entertainment are important and social drinking is a necessary part of that, but I would remind Mr Koh that these activities did not cease during the past six years. The lockout laws proved that we can be a mature, responsible society and still enjoy ourselves.
For my part, I am curious to know how people who regularly drink long after midnight and lack adequate sleep, manage to perform effectively at work and be responsible family members. Hopefully, following the repeal of the lockout laws, people will not revert to the bad old days. - Graham Lum, North Rocks
Heart of the issue
Nick Hopkins' heartfelt and poignant letter (Letters, January 16) must be one of the best contributions of 2020. My prayer too is that God grants Mr Morrison (and Mr Albanese) humility and wisdom to address all the issues that are driving climate change, starting with developing and implementing a credible policy which includes reducing our emissions.
Perhaps dropping the latest "adapt and mitigate" spin may help too. Only then will people like Nick know our politicians are truly joining the climate change dots. - Rhonda Seymour, Castle Hill
The letter from Nick Hopkins should be widely published, and read by "the quiet Australians". Well and succinctly put. - Roger Lee, Raworth
Fuelling the car debate
Are electric cars really the best thing for Australia ("Tesla's rise to top a lesson for all business models", January 15)? Certainly, in cases where a company-car fleet returns to a home base nightly and recharges. However, what about cars that power up at their residence or the nearest charging station?
Great fun if there is a power outage, or some clown backs into one of the recharging machines or, even worse, you run out of electricity between here and there, the same as people run out of petrol.
Wouldn't the country be better off with both electric vehicles and hybrids? Not only do the latter make their own electricity, but you can always put a jerrycan of petrol in the boot to get you to the nearest garage.
Much better than waiting for the NRMA to come with a portable generator to recharge you. Also what does the maintenance of charging stations come out at? Surely we can't have them at the same density as current petrol stations. - Deborah Webb, Huntleys Cove
The fur flies, literally
Your correspondent need not worry too much about our native animals (Letters, January 16), I have it on good authority that Jacinda Ardern's recent secret visit to Queensland was not a holiday. It was for a meeting with Scott Morrison. She has agreed to sell all the possums in New Zealand to Australia at mates rates. - Alan Edwards, Roseville
Old one off the shelf
Congratulations on your idea, Ms Stone ("School's bold plan to get students reading", January 16) but you're wrong if you think it's unusual. We had DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) back in the early 1980s. Seems again that everything old is new again. Especially in education. - Michael Fischer, Coogee
Public high schools in NSW have been doing this for the past 30 years. - Peter Vernon, Sawtell
Pointing out a solution
Can Woolworths and other reward-point schemes set up a system where unused points can be donated to recovery of people and businesses affected by the drought and bushfires? - Frank Gasparre, Eastwood
Full speed ahead
NBN connected yesterday. Download six times faster. Hours later it was back to old ADSL speed. As Napoleon said, "Glory is fleeting but obscurity is forever". - Greg Thorp, Turramurra
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