

This was published 5 years ago

Shift in climate language doesn't erase insincerity

I stood by the smouldering ruins of my beautiful home on the South Coast. It was New Year’s Day and climate change suddenly became very personal for me.

My Prime Minister has said he understands my grief. I have heard he is a religious man. My fervent hope is that his God grants him the humility to admit that he does not understand me at all. He has stood by as members of his party have insulted, belittled and ignored me when I urged him and his predecessors to take climate change seriously.

He took no action when my Deputy PM called me a lunatic when I dared to link the bushfire emergency to climate change. By his silence he is complicit. May his God grant him the wisdom to understand that my rage at him and his predecessors is a rational response to a set of present and oncoming unnatural disasters from which he has failed to protect me.

He has said he understands my suffering. My heartfelt desire is that his God grants him the ability to see how hollow and insincere that feels to me when he (and Labor) continue to promote the thermal coal industry which is fanning the flames of intense suffering of humans and animals worldwide. Australian coal is out there in the world being burnt every day and night. I urge him, if only for God’s sake, please join the dots. It’s not rocket science, just basic climate science. - Nick Hopkins, Malua Bay

Science Minister, Karen Andrews, found the extreme nature of our current bushfire crisis to be ''devastating and surprising'' (“Minister slams climate debate”, January 15). How on earth can something be ''surprising'' when for years dire warnings from climate scientists and experienced fire chiefs have been readily available? Andrews’ epiphany comes all too late - the horse has already bolted.  - Bill Young, Greenwich

I take little comfort in the change of language from the government with regard to climate change as it is just clever spin and marketing. It would seem the new buzz words for the Coalition will be developing "adaptation and resilience” in mitigating the issues of a changing climate. While these are essential components of any credible climate policy, there is no attempt to change direction on the reduction of emissions. Once again this is the mastery of spin over substance designed to placate those calling for action. - Leanne Cowie, Redfern

Be suspicious of the Minister's spin. Note the nuance - climate change is real but avoid discussing cause; we must adapt and mitigate effects but nothing on addressing the root cause, emissions. We need better. - Michael Berg, Randwick

We had a successful policy of lowering emissions, but this same government snatched it away for political gain, in 2014, and fomented the debate on whether climate change was real. The Minister should be called out for outrageous hypocrisy. - Vanessa Tennent, Oatley

Ironic that the Science Minister now calls for not one more ''wasted minute'' on whether climate change is real. The only people who have been denying the fact has been her own government. It is time the government focussed on developing a visionary plan to save us. - Michael Blissenden, Dural

Congratulations to Karen Andrews. At last we have a Liberal politician being proactive on climate change and willing to discuss it. Unfortunately, I see one glaring omission; why no invites to our Aboriginal brothers and sisters? The people who for 60,000 years have gained the knowledge and understanding to successfully nurture and control our very volatile climate. Surely we are not going to ignore them again? - Gareth Turner, Louth Park


Bushfires don't only affect the cute and fluffy animals

While the situation regarding koalas is tragic and dire, it seems that peoples’ focus is entirely on the pretty, fluffy and cute species (''Native fauna must not be forgotten in bushfire recovery'', January 15).

It is worth remembering that the un-pretty and non-cuddly, the feathered, the prickly, the slimy, the scaly, the insects and the cold-blooded creatures are suffering as badly. They and other native animals such as the potoroo, the pygmy possum, the brush-tailed rock wallaby may not be front and centre of every news item, but their losses are as catastrophic and just as worthy of the full attention and concern of us and the rescue groups. - Judy Hungerford, North Curl Curl

Indigenous thinking

Your correspondent might like another book of Indigenous wisdom besides Dark Emu (Letters, January 15). The screamingly important message of Tyson Yunkaporta’s Sand Talk: how Indigenous thinking can save the world is the wise Indigenous plan for deciding not only what’s best for the planet but what’s best in general.

There are four stages in this process and each stage has its own easy-to-remember title: respect, connect, reflect, direct. The last stage, direct, where action is taken, must only come into effect after the first three stages have run their course. Unfortunately, we have too often leapt into the direct stage first, instead of sitting in a circle, taking turns to speak, and listening to each other until the most appropriate way forward becomes apparent. - Pen Layton-Caisley, Marrickville

Reeducate to regenerate

I agree the government must focus on urgent solutions to climate change. One of these is our farming practices need to be transformed (Letters, January 15). Neo-liberal factory farming with its nature-destroying chemicals must be replaced by regenerative farming. Farmers need to be re-educated and resourced to sequester carbon in the ground and rebuild the biome in our soils, storing water and making them spongy as they were when European explorers found them in the 19th century. - David Bell, Orange

Weather science recognition

During the bushfires weather forecasters have been amazingly accurate on time, location and changes of wind speed and direction, temperatures, humidity, lightning and rain. No doubt they made firefighting so much more effective, and saved hundreds of lives (''Rush to safeguard drinking water as heavy rain forecast'', January 15).

Although this critical role of weather science has been overlooked, let’s recognise it now. These predictions are proof that weather science is accurate; it’s based on relevant data and interpretation by skilled researchers. They understand our climate and how it affects our weather. We know we can believe what they tell us about today, tomorrow and the future. Our lives depend on it. - Julie Ho, Port Macquarie

The logical son

James Murdoch, no doubt thoughtful of his children, has repudiated the fake position on climate that his father's organisation has maintained (''James Murdoch breaks ranks over climate change denial'',, January 15). This will make the PM's job of gas lighting the public on climate more difficult. You almost feel for him as the conservative fake news edifice starts to crumble – almost. - Peter Spencer, Glebe

Could it be that these unprecedented fires have motivated the ''quiet'' climate change deniers to speak up? It's only talk so far, but it's a shift in the conversation. - Lyn Savage, Coogee

James Murdoch – a breath of fresh air. - Rod Tuck, Katoomba

Hughes, we have a problem

It's not just the electorate of Cook that needs a change of representative (Letters, January 15). The electorate of Hughes desperately needs a change. Maybe Zali Steggall has two friends who could assist. - Serge Calvé, Como

Heaven sent

The minister assures us steps have been taken to ensure the "sanctity" of Sydney's water supply in the event of heavy rain over the catchments (''Rush to safeguard drinking water'', January 15). Are we all about to be treated to holy water? - Stephanie Edwards, Roseville

Harry in a hurry to join real world

The article by Celia Walden on Harry and Meghan casts Harry in the position of hapless victim, unable to make decisions on his own future (''Meghan rewrites the rule book of future royal engagement'', January 15). It is far more likely that he was starting to doubt his own role before he met Meghan and that her views fitted in with his own. In any organisation, where one’s path to the top is permanently blocked, where any serious decision-making is not allowed under the rules, and where one’s relevance will decline as others yet to be born override you, the competent person with much to contribute to life moves on. - Penny Ransby Smith, Lane Cove

How does Walden know that the Duchess of Sussex chose not to be at the royal discussion in person? Perhaps Meghan wasn't expected to be there and neither were Catherine or Camilla. She was there by video link. Isn't that enough? Walden implies condescendingly, that Harry, "bless his cotton polo shirts, won't even know what 'progressive' means", when his own mother was as progressive as she could be and was chased to her death by the paparazzi. Are the Invictus Games not progressive? Everything he does is progressive, for a royal. - Jaqui Fitch, Bayview

Thank heavens that Justin has graciously accepted the three latest asylum seekers, as well as two dogs (''Face to face they backed down on public skirmish'', January 15). - Neil Sherwood, Naremburn

I can well understand the pressure that the royal family is feeling when it seems that everyone who is not a family member claims to know exactly what each royal is thinking. It is unfortunate that it is two of the most popular royals wanting more privacy but I am pleased that the Queen has recognised the difficulty of this situation and has acted to ensure that Meghan and Harry know that they are loved and cared for. - Philip Cooney, Wentworth Falls

If Harry and Meghan can leave, why can't we? - Bev Maunsell, Birchgrove

Job opportunity

The former productivity commissioner Peter Harris has offered three proposals to stimulate the Australian economy, including rental assistance to those on welfare, low income earner tax credits and wage increases for apprentices through employer tax breaks (''Policy lost to spin, economic adviser warns'', 'January 15). This is at least a start. Youth underemployment could be given a great boost if those working in fire affected areas were encouraged to take on apprentices and train them for the huge rebuilding tasks ahead, and for their individual futures and the properly trained young workforce desperately needed in Australia. - Anne Finnane, Marlee

A bigger stage

Chloe Dalton is an outstanding AFL player and has also shown her talents with a Rugby Sevens Olympic gold medal (“Comeback queen Dalton eyes more Olympic glory”, January 15). By accepting the approach to return to rugby she has shown awareness that AFL, although an exciting domestic code, has no scope for international representation. Other talented female footballers may get a similar offer to move between codes. Hopefully misplaced loyalty to one code will not stop a move. - John Cotterill, Kingsgrove

Suppressing the truth

Regarding Julian Assange, the reach of US law is indeed alarming (Letters, January 15). Press freedom is on trial when a journalist can be prosecuted for revealing US war crimes without evidence that the revelations resulted in any casualties. Our government's silence makes it complicit in this highly concerning attempt to suppress the uncomfortable truth. - David Isaacs, Eastwood

Money better spent

Since our 12 expensive submarines are still being designed can we have some Aussie ingenuity and bolt on an amphibious landing facility ( “Submarine delays threaten capabilities”, January 15)? That innovation could be very useful for evacuating quiet Australians from future coastal bushfire sites. If that adaptation is not practical then let’s make do with 11 subs, saving almost $7 billion which could be spent on more firefighting equipment and crews, retraining and compensation for coal miners and their communities, and improvements to burnt out infrastructure and national parks. - Evan Bailey, Glebe

Celibacy be damned

The Catholic Church still insists that the Bible requires priests to be celibate in order to devote their lives to serving the church. It's starting to look like a rather flimsy argument when a former Pope breaks his promised silence to co-author a book supporting this practice, but then asks that his name be removed ("Pope Benedict orders his name be removed from controversial book on celibacy",, January 15). Talk about shutting the stable door after the Vatican horse has bolted. How can the church truly believe this is the appropriate way to demonstrate the principles of its faith? - Jenifer Nicholls, Armadale, VIC

Gone to the dogs

The determined gulls predating on tourists’ chips along the Opera House concourse have been almost entirely deterred by patrols of specially trained dogs and handlers (Letters, January 15). Those dogs love their work! - Andrew Taubman, Queens Park

Hard won rights

And the reason, Beverley Izard, that you can exercise your right when and where it counts, is because thousands of women decades ago, marched and chanted and impeded the daily grind of the average citizen in order for you to be able to exercise your rights (Letters, January 15). - Clare Raffan, Campsie

Way with words

Your correspondent Ian Black welcomes the Americanism “bloviating” into our lingua franca (Letters, January 15). Yes, it rolls off the tongue nicely. More familiar descriptors of dubious political verbalisation could include: blather (foolish nonsense), fatuous (inane), spurious (not genuine), vacuous (mindless, empty). Perhaps bloviating is a more polite US way of expressing the sentiments of the internationally recognised colloquialism that invokes bovine excrement. - Keith Davis, Croydon Park

It might be a sad truism of life, but in my experience, regardless of what career or occupation you choose, the better you can bloviate the more successful you will be. - Nick Westerink, Weetangera, ACT

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