Who is guarding the guards? There is an urgent need for a statutory authority to be established to see that all those donations go eventually to the victims of bushfires and not into the coffers of administrators and the pockets of those working on a commission. Scott Morrison, do something and quickly. - Lyle Keats, Miranda
Estimated bushfires loss so far $2 billion. Estimated stadiums cost so far $2 billion. Put the latter on the back burner and the money into the kitty for what’s needed right now and to come. The bread and circuses can wait: no hurry, no one to suffer any loss. This all tends to make the stadiums sound rather obscene, if they weren’t already. - Hugh Montgomery, Alexandria
Tony Abbott, fighting the fires in Adaminaby, says "It’s been long, it”s been arduous”, but that there had not been a fire day worse than any other day in the past ("Two firefighters burnt as arduous season lingers", January 11-12). NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance has seen bushfires before, but nothing like this. The memory will stay with him forever. “This was like an atomic bomb” ("Disaster hits home for Constance", January 11-12). All the firefighters and survivors I’ve heard over the past few weeks have echoed Mr Constance’s recollections. - Brenda Spencer, Camperdown
Despite his denials, Scott Morrison's domestic and international reputation is in tatters ("Up in smoke", January 11-12). And he has developed a noxious reputation for manipulating affairs to his own taste. That was exemplified by his truncated terms of reference for that banking royal commission he didn't want. So how can he be trusted now with his suggestion for a royal commission into the bushfires? On the surface, he has responded to public concerns but then he knows he will be in charge of creating the terms again. And he knows there is also an escape clause in what the government chooses to implement; a tangled web of opportunities for tokenism. With any remaining credibility he retains at stake, Morrison would be advised to tread very carefully with this one. - Bert Candy, Glenvale (Qld)
George Megalogenis eloquently describes the Prime Minister’s missed opportunity for himself and for us all on climate change. What remains a mystery is why anyone would take a “we’ll do it in a canter”, “I don’t hold a hose, mate” stance. The science is clear, the widespread impacts of one degree of global warming are there now for all to see and the upside for taking leadership is so strong. New technologies and industries, development of low water use crops and practices, new models for environmental action including vegetation control and fire fighting and solar powered water desalination plants. All downsides can be managed to advantage including engineering a stable electricity supply system and replacing coal exports over time. Communities can be supported as they transition to a low carbon future. Why not? - David Hind, Neutral Bay
I was very touched at Sydney International Airport by a young French couple who had just arrived after flying over 20 hours asking me where they should go to help with bushfire wildlife rescue. This kind act lifted my spirits. - Susan Chan, St Ives
More native trees a boost for wildlife, reducing fires
Tree thinning is just another excuse to log our native forests ("Scientists warn forest industry plan could increase fire risk", January 10). Rather than being the cause of the bushfires , healthy, dense native trees are our last line of defence. Our native trees are experts at storing carbon, keeping moisture in the ground, securing rich topsoil and creating shade so undergrowth can flourish and protect the soil from drying out. It has been discovered that trees' roots support each other with nutrients during times of stress. To cut one down diminishes a whole colony. This madness of logging our native forests for private profit must stop. Please let us protect our native trees so that they can help protect us. - Lois Katz, Glebe
This bushfire and climate emergency may go down as one of the greatest extinction events for Australian wildlife since European colonisation. An immediate moratorium on all logging and clearing of native forest and woodland across all tenures should be put in place and extended for at least the next five years. This will allow wildlife authorities to take stock of our precious and unique wildlife and assess what habitat remains for population recovery and re-colonisation. Surviving habitat should be given immediate protection. Forestry workers could be employed in habitat restoration. - Debbie Andrew, former NPWS officer , Oatley
Locals in the northern Illawarra community are a good example where immediate, active and co-operative assistance has developed for our wildlife and their carers. More than170 women met with sewing machines at the ready to sew bat wraps and kangaroo pouches/bags. Still others are creating habitat boxes. My daughter-in-law in Brooklyn, New York (with marketing expertise) has gathered her network to sew similarly. Northern Illawarra U3A is attempting to harness stories from this historical period. All proceeds will be returned to the affected communities. At the local community level the strengths are clear, but the world is watching and the weak points are easily narrowed and obvious. - Janice Creenaune, Austinmer
Given the donations being made to help communities after the fires and hopefully through the drought, maybe it is time to look at establishing and funding community foundations. A good model to look at is the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal. Victoria has a number of community foundations working successfully. - Kerry Chick, Armidale
The revolution starts here, now
I think it’s time for a benevolent dictatorship. Perhaps a triumvirate of an environmental scientist, a senior economist (possibly the head of the Reserve Bank of Australia) and a High Court judge, to ensure individual rights. Give them a non-renewable 10-year term with a mandate to repair the burnt country, develop sustainable water and power supplies and restore wildlife as well as keep the country economically stable, acknowledging that we may all suffer a little. They could begin by temporarily stopping all migration other than workers required for building the infrastructure and their families (remember the Snowy Mountains scheme?), requiring all religious organisations to pay tax to help funding and chasing the big corporations for a fairer share. - Richard Fry, Marrickville
The environmental costs of inaction on climate change are now glaringly obvious ("NSW accused of going slow on wildlife plan", January 11-12). Until now, climate change action has been obstructed mainly because of the perceived costs to the economy, but there are other real costs to inaction, including social as well as environmental. Right now, it appears the limited resources of the National Parks and Wildlife Service are consumed by fire fighting. The natural environment in NSW has suffered from repeated cuts to the NPWS budget, made worse by climate change increasing drought and raising temperatures. It is time for funding cuts to NPWS to be reversed, and for funding to be significantly increased for environmental conservation, as well as action on climate change. Business as usual will destroy potential jobs in the renewable energy industry and the economy as a whole, as well as what is now left of the natural environment. - Karen Joynes, Bermagui
Marchers calling for a budget surplus: nil. Marchers calling for tax cuts: nil. Marchers demanding cuts to the ABC: nil. Marchers demanding the right to vilify minorities: nil. Marchers wanting controls on unions: nil. Marchers demanding concerted and meaningful action to mitigate global warming: 30,000 in Sydney alone (“Angry protesters blame bushfires on fossil fuel use”, January 11-12). - Sue Jay, Drummoyne
The NSW Rural Fire Service Commissioner is right ("Why Shane Fitzsimmons is cold on a royal commission into bushfires", January 10), we do not need a royal commission to look into this summer's bushfires, but a "task force" to learn from these fires and to chart a way ahead to minimise the risk from bushfires and other consequences of global warming. Royal commissions tend to look at anecdotal evidence, to lay blame and they involve lawyers. An appropriately constituted task force would dispassionately analyse the data and advise governments on how to minimise the personal and economic losses due to fires, and floods, as well as how to adapt to climate change and move Australia and the world to a carbon-neutral economy. I nominate Chief Defence Scientist Tanya Munro and the CSIRO's Cathy Foley as co-chairs, and suggest as members: Shane Fitzsimmons and Greg Mullins, a couple of experienced SES leaders, Sandy Hollway (Letters, January 10), who has experience in disaster relief, Andy Pitman, UNSW climate scientists and a couple of the ANU's best climate scientists, and a couple of engineers or scientists with expertise to advise on how best we can shift to reliable carbon-neutral energy sources. - Ian Falconer, Turramurra
240 billion insects lost, yet it appears from where I stand that not one fly or mosquito is among the casualties. - John Simpson, Tapitallee
Too often I read of the failure of mental health services for many patients. Here was a mental health program that helped people do real work and deal with their illnesses with less reliance on medical support ("End of MARS program a loss for mental health: families", January 11-12). Why doesn’t the state government use the program as a model for expanding it by working more earnestly with outside agencies? It would be a positive way to help reduce the terrible rate of suicide among young men, the highest cause of death in the 15 years to 44 years age group. - Jane Gye, Cowan
The phrase "civil libertarian" has long been used as apejorative, but it’s disappointing to see calls for indefinite internment without trial and a return to violent punishments such as stocks (Letters, January 11-12) in response to looting. What next? Armed vigilante groups? Lynch mobs? Internment without trial for other groups society dislikes? Concentration camps? Reintroduction of hanging? And who would supervise the stocks to ensure no-one took to the offender with something more lethal than rotten fruit? If changes to our laws are achieved by knee-jerk popular reaction, what is the point of our legislature, judiciary, police, and the principles of separation of powers, fair trial, and innocence until proven guilty? If we lower our standards of justice because a crime is despicable (and looting certainly is), aren’t we stooping to the level of barbarity displayed by the offender? - Steve Cornelius, Brookvale
I have to agree that Sydney’s water is too cheap (Letters, January 11-12). Given the drought I examined our last bill to see if our use was being kept in check. Blow me down if I didn’t find that the major cost (more than 50 per cent) was for sewerage services. Our actual use of water was only 28 per cent of the bill. If we were to cut our use by 25 per cent we would still face a bill of over $250 thanks to sewerage and stormwater services. Load up the cost of water use and reduce the other charges and you might change behaviour. - Eric Scott, Bondi Junction
Why are restrictions not imposed on an allowed volume of water consumption per household simply by reading of meters? Exceeding the limit leads to penalties. This already applies in some towns outside Sydney. - Clare Perry, North Epping
Recently I visited a waste water treatment plant near Windsor where waste water, including sewage, was being treated and re-used. I believe we should be recycling more water and wonder if any cost benefit analysis has been done to compare desalination with the treatment of waste water or the collection and treatment of stormwater in other parts of Sydney? - Alan Hislop, Wahroonga
The racquet racket
A golfer who breaks his putter in frustration has to use it for the rest of his round, or use a different club, such as a wedge. A tennis player who breaks his racquet in frustration gets another one (Letters, January 11-12). I gave up watching tennis because the brats who can’t control their temper are given minimal penalties. - Michael Walsh, Ashfield
Further to your correspondents' excellent suggestions regarding tennis player discipline, I suggest players who swear in post-match interviews should have their mouths washed out with soap and water. - Amanda Simon, Dulwich Hill
Baggy good deed
Congratulations to all involved in the auction of Shane Warne’s baggy green ("Stars giving to bushfire relief shows the best of sport", January 11-12). Let’s hope the auctioneers have waived the sales commission and donated it to the cause. - Robert Hickey, Green Point
Great news, Georgina Robinson ("Bushfire donation heroes reviving rugby at grassroots level with $1.75m program", January 11-12). Our beloved local rugby field is brown, crackly and dry, and our grassroots are barely alive. Considering rugby is the game they play in heaven, Huey is not being kind at the moment.
- Micheal Traynor, Bellambi
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