Here in Bermagui we have been without power for a week. All the shops are closed, but a service station did open one day for petrol. The Bermagui Country Club has been home to the RFS where they have been sleeping and eating and attending to the various fires, and the surf club has also supplied some provisions. The local butcher shop opened with a limited supply of steak, chicken and sausages. Some people have left going to different towns. All are to be commended for their efforts and we are grateful that the predicted fires never arrived as they did in other centres. A big thank you to all the volunteers who have kept us safe and fed. We had no mobile phone service from New Year’s Eve until late Monday but this depended on your provider. Andrew Constance visited on Monday afternoon. - Ron Field, Bermagui
Illustration: Alan MoirCredit:
I agree with Jack McCann (Letters, January 10) about the treatment of looters in this current disaster. May I suggest we go a bit further and, when they are caught, put them into the cells and tell them they will be dealt with once we have the fires under control, however long that takes? I know the civil libertarians will scream about this idea, but we need to nip this parasitic activity in the bud. The victims, who have been traumatised enough already, have rights as well. - Ron Wessel, Mount Saint Thomas
Mr McCann's ideas regarding looters does not go quite far enough. No point in hefty fines as they don't have any money in the first place. Reintroducing stocks in the town square might be a better start. - John Swanton, Coogee
Jail-time for those grubs, bushfire looters? For a dose of public shaming, why not bring back the wooden stocks? There’d be plenty of spoiled food to throw at them. - Joan Brown, Orange
Harry and Meghan can sparkle on their own
Harry and Meghan, was it something we said ("History in the making: the Sussexes break The Firm grip," January 10)? Or did you just tire of the falsities and humdrum of your plastic public lives. The first step in becoming real and striving for meaning within the Royal fairy story. - Judy Finch, Cedar Party
Well played Harry and Meghan for stepping away from the royal family. It worked for me. - David Grant, Ballina
Isn't it time for Australia to do its own "Prince Harry and Meghan", dump the pretence of royalty and just become Australia? - Henry Spirek, Orange
It seems that Harry and Meghan are leaving public life to spend less time with their family. - Alan Phillips, Mosman
The “shock announcement” by Harry and Meghan will create much gnashing of royal teeth, wringing of monarchist hands and endless columns of commentary. But for many of us in this country, especially at this time of crisis and natural disasters, who cares? - Rob Phillips, North Epping
I cannot believe the amount of space our media are giving to the Prince Harry thing. I mean, who cares? - Graham Hansen, Denistone
Harry and Meghan have decided to make a change of direction in their life. I wish them well.
Many Australians would like to make a positive change of direction in their life. Through accident of birth some of us are born into poverty or dysfunctional families. The whims of life may affect us through illness, accident, natural disasters. Our rich country can improve affected lives by providing a good public education. Newstart should be raised so people have a chance to change the direction of their lives. Our country will be a better place when we do this. - Bea Hodgson, Gerringong
The Queen may be hurt and the Princes "incandescent with rage", yet no one seems to be addressing the effects of Harry’s continued deep grief over the loss of his mother and Meghan’s self-professed struggles as a new mother. The sooner the world opens up to these very common, yet hidden, mental health issues and provides appropriate, accessible and unstigmatised support, the better. - Jo-Ann Brown, Huntley’s Cove
Annus Harry-bilis. - Doug Walker, Baulkham Hills
If even Harry doesn’t want to be part of the Royal Family, why should we? - Yvonne Kuvener, Wentworth Falls
Amazingly, on a day of continuing Australian bushfire emergencies and the actions of our American allies pouring petrol on a volatile situation in the Middle East, the commercial news devotes the first several minutes to a 35-year-old English boy who wants to leave home. - Peter Bourke, Rockdale
Milk of kindness
The supermarkets must, simply must increase the price of milk and pass on the profits to the struggling dairy farmers. With petrol at $1.70 plus a litre who would argue at $1.50 for a litre of milk? - Patricia Nicol, Avalon Beach
Cashed up
Money can't buy you happiness but it will certainly get you better memories ("Tycoon gives away $13m in 'social experiment'", January 10). - Steve Ngeow, Chatswood
Tantrum time
Tennis rules should be changed to have the childish, moronic players who smash their rackets and throw bottles onto the court being required to play on with the broken racket and the bottles on the court. Also perhaps their mothers should be allowed on court to smack their behinds. - David Bishop, Bass Hill
What is it with highly paid male tennis players that carry on like precocious children when something goes against them? The racquet throwing and abuse of officials is painful and has turned me off bothering to watch them. - Max Redmayne, Russell Lea
I was tickled pink to see the real Nick Kyrgios standing-up in the ATP Cup. His performance both on and off the court has been exemplary and, to cap it off, he aced them all as the first to direct financial assistance from his earnings to the fire relief fund. May he keep on keeping on. - Ron Elphick, Buff Point
Fire catastrophe demands a nationwide commission
Shane Fitzsimmons is now saying there’s no need for a royal commission into these fires ("Fitzsimmons queries the need for a royal commission", January 10). It is dangerous for the head of the NSW Rural Fire Service to dictate what inquiry should happen after this Australia-wide catastrophe. A federal royal commission is the only way an independent bench can assess what really needs to be done for the whole of Australia. Anything less and we all know the Morrison government will do nothing. This is not just a NSW problem. Not just a Rural Fire Service problem. It needs wide open and intelligent minds. Many of them. Please. - Stephen Wallace, Glebe
The question needs to be asked. How does building dams, clearing land and burning our forest floors stop the oceans boiling and the icebergs melting? - Clare Raffan, Campsie
Gosh, Sandy Hollway (Letters, January 10) what a novel idea. A "task group" with expertise, practical experience and corporate knowledge, and close to federal and state governments. This was the Public Service before governments of all persuasions outsourced responsibility to the private sector. - Judith Fleming, Sawtell
What safeguards will the government put in place to ensure that the billions of dollars being given for disaster relief and recovery will not be wasted? No doubt the swindlers, carpetbaggers and con men will soon emerge from the woodwork to try and grab as much of those funds as possible. Given the Berejiklian government's fetish for the private sector and the absence of a fully functioning Department of Public Works, as well as the track record of infrastructure building thus far, how can we, the taxpayers and donors, be confident that all that money will be used effectively? - Ryszard Linkiewicz, Caringbah South
Nola Tucker’s letter (January 10) regarding the plight of koalas is prophetically spot on. Extensive land clearance in concert with cataclysmic fires reinforces the invaluable, internationally significant koala community at Wedderburn. Estimates suggest there is less than 10 per cent of the pre-colonial koala population still surviving. I implore Matt Kean as NSW Minister for the Environment to halt housing development in the bush land fringe of Wedderburn and secure it as a home for the threatened, iconic koala. - Steve Dillon, Thirroul
Hopefully, after this unprecedented loss of our animals, native or otherwise, we will not be hearing of culling for a long, long time. - Dorothy Gliksman, Cedar Brush Creek
Hazard reduction burning to reduce fuel loads is not a panacea. There is no better evidence for this than the thousands of livestock that have been killed by the fires. Most of the sheep and cattle killed were in heavily grazed, drought-affected paddocks, yet fires swept through these paddocks, engulfing the animals. These fires are unprecedented, they are catastrophic, but they are the future. They require a new paradigm in fire management. - Bruce Gall, Canberra (ACT)
A letter every day last week saying the $1.5 billion for the Powerhouse move is better spent on bushfire recovery. How many more before the Premier realises she can save face and the museum by reversing this wasteful decision in a time of great need? - Allan Kreuiter, Roseville
Strewth, said Ned
Those who claim Ned Kelly spoke with an Irish accent ("Stone the crows, Ned Kelly may have spoken Strine after all", January 10) ignore the fact that there are many Irish accents. His Tipperary father from the south would have spoken very differently from his County Antrim mother in the north, so what accent was he supposed to have picked up from his parents? The Australian accent of that time differed in a number of ways from the present one but that is the accent he would have used. - Cavan Hogue, Haymarket
Of course Ned Kelly had a strong Australian accent. Anyone claiming he had an Irish accent because his parents were born in Ireland is denying the reality of how quickly kids with foreign-born parents pick up an Australian accent. Filmmakers and recreators of Ned’s life are perpetuating a myth possibly stemming from a lofty dislike of an unpretentious accent that reflects an equally unpretentious, like it or lump it, spirit. Ned would agree. - John Lewis, Port Macquarie
Desal spread is here
Perce Butterworth calls for an integrated desalination plants program along the NSW seaboard (Letters, January 10). I suspect that local government may be already commencing such an initiative.
A month ago a small plant was announced for the town of Bellingen and whatever one council does is closely watched and evaluated by the rest of the local government community. If it proves viable it will be copied up and down the coast.
This lowest, and only semi-independent, level of government is often surprisingly effective and, unlike the other two levels, usually thoroughly in touch with the community. Since desal facilities can usually operate on a stand-alone basis the role of state (and federal) government might best be as the provider of financial subsidies and arbiter of standards. Industry would probably supply the technology and expertise. - Lance Rainey, Lanitza
If the government allows water to be siphoned out of aquifers for commercial purposes, to be stolen from rivers for agribusinesses that destroy our land and to be diverted from nature for mining that extracts from our environment and economy unsustainably, how can we be sure that the water the desalination plant makes available for our overall benefit won’t be sold, stolen or diverted away from us? - Carolyn van Langenberg, Blackheath
Eight days a week
Mikki Rose Cusack ("Why working mums know all about the four-day week", January 10), the reason mums know about four-day weeks is because they do two of them every week. - Monica Redmond, Wyong
Quench our thirst
The state government has introduced the stick approach to water saving – fines for inappropriate use such as sprinklers and hoses. Why don't they also use the carrot approach? Every household that reduces water consumption by 10 per cent from the previous year’s account, receives a 10 per cent reduction in their current water bill. A win-win for the frugal. - Eric Sekula, Turramurra
Pricing must play a big part in our water supply strategy. A higher water price will make consumers think twice about excessive water use. We can protect the vulnerable or low-income households through subsidies or by applying a system of charging the current water price up to a basic level equivalent to the average per capita consumption. Beyond that level of usage, the price of water should escalate to discourage wastefulness, even when the rain does return. - Kim Woo, Mascot
How much water is wasted waiting for the hot stuff to arrive? In some large apartment complexes I've visited it can take up to 10 minutes. While building standards are under the microscope what about mandating a hot water arrival delay of no more than 20 seconds for all new developments? - Tom McGinness, Randwick
This week another avalanche of letters ("flood" seems to be the wrong word to use in the current circumstances) about the bushfires, but the big attractions were Scott Morrison and his advertisement (really, seriously, totally not well received) and Craig Kelly (also really not well received).
Invective arrived from all directions, along with the occasional plaintive letter in support of Mr Morrison, but the letters asking why we didn't publish more letters in support of the Prime Minister far outweighed the actual letters of support. The one positive letter published was immediately buried under another load of letters mocking both Mr Morrison and the writer.
Please, though, do remember that the Herald does not publish personal abuse. It may make you feel better to tell us what you think about Mr Morrison's cap, clothes, face, stance and where his hands are – but we want to play the ball, not the man.
This week again saw many more first-time letter writers, but please read the requirements (underneath the Editorial in print and, in full, here on-line). It's such a shame not to print a really good letter just because we don't know if you actually exist.
A name and/or phone number and suburb is not enough, we need to know you are a real person and not a pseudonym, or a bot, or malicious spyware. If you aren't in the phone book or on the electoral roll, a scan of a photo ID usually does the trick. Wth hundreds of letters a day we usually don't have time to be chasing you to establish your bona fides, so please help, and please continue to write. We love hearing from you.
Harriet Veitch, acting letters editor
To submit a letter to The Sydney Morning Herald, email Click here for tips on how to submit letters.