This was published 5 years ago
A national bushfire inquiry? Be careful what you wish for
Pru Goward
Former sex discrimination commissioner and MPThe disastrous fires that have devoured southern Australia this summer seem to be entirely without precedent. Yes, there are bushfires every summer and almost inevitably the tragic loss of life and property. But no bushfire season in living memory comes near the dimensions of this catastrophe; its scale and its flow-on effects across NSW, Victoria, South Australia and the ACT have been unique. Calls for a national inquiry are growing louder.
But should any inquiry be national? Why wouldn't the states hold their own? Or, as The Sydney Morning Herald editorialised on Wednesday, make it a state-run royal commission with broad powers, modelled on Victoria's inquiry into the 2009 Black Saturday fires.
In the face of our worst bushfire calamity, it is the states that need to conduct their own inquiries. Credit: Nick Moir
If it is to be national, let’s hope its terms of reference do not include investigating the establishment of a national civil emergency authority, which would consume the usual millions of dollars, be based in Canberra and require either extensive constitutional reform or a complex set of arrangements with the states to be effective.
Remember, civil emergency and law-enforcement responsibilities and land-management (including environmental) planning powers currently almost entirely sit with the states. Giving Canberra further environmental or planning powers would need a mother of a referendum and constitute a significant centralisation of power.
What’s more, centralising these powers may not make any difference, considering the well-developed arrangements we already have in place.
Take the National Aerial Firefighting Centre, which dates from 2003 and makes aircraft available wherever they are needed. A sensible sharing of an expensive resource. It is now getting a much-needed federal funding boost. We could have done with more aircraft, certainly, but even that’s no panacea in the weather conditions of the past three months.
There’s the Defence Force Assistance to the Civil Community (DACC) arrangement, which is regularly called upon by the states in times of natural disasters and which the Prime Minister has proactively initiated during this emergency. That’s why HMAS Adelaide has come to be sitting off the port of Eden, on the south coast of NSW, in case further evacuations are needed. However, the state of NSW must now request the vessel be used.
The states understand the DACC well and use it frequently. The use of military personnel for civil and non-violent purposes is necessarily approached with great caution in free societies such as ours, and the Commonwealth (reportedly) does not always agree to requests. Even so, between 2005 and 2013, for example, there were 275 DACC tasks carried out. Airlifts, search and support, aviation refuelling, temporary accommodation. Ceremonial fly-overs also require special arrangements.
What’s more, Defence rarely charges the states for the costs. No one’s complaining except the National Audit Office.
Defence reservist personnel have been called out, requiring the assent of the Governor-General. There will be reservists on holiday in Europe who might demand an airfare to obey their orders. There’s always federal money for the recovery task ahead. Whether it was the Queensland floods or the fires of a few years ago, Canberra answers the call. Thank goodness for that surplus; we are going to have to spend all of the promised $2 billion to remake our infrastructure.
There’s no doubt the people want to have their say and a national inquiry would be expected to range over important questions: whether doing more about climate change and burning fewer fossil fuels would have changed the impact of the drought, the use of controlled burning, the removal of dead gum trees and other fire fuels from private property (currently made difficult by legislation protecting native animal habitats), the proximity of housing to the highly flammable Australian bush, the provision of access roads, water sources and even the role of land clearing.
Better arrangements for rescuing the shocking number of native animals destroyed must be explored. Considering how long these fires have burned, and the time away from paid work given by volunteers, I dare say the prospect of an expanded paid firefighting force would also be raised. The inquiry would need to ask whether a paid workforce would have made any difference.
At the end of any federal inquiry's hearings, there would be a plethora of recommendations, most of which the states would choose to implement, or not, either individually or using standardised model legislation. In my experience, the states would guard their existing powers fiercely and in any case their political hues would influence what changes they choose to pursue.
We all need answers to these critical questions, but the states will ultimately need to ask their own questions to meet their specific challenges – because they will have to deliver any changes on the ground.
There is no doubt this is Australia’ largest peacetime calamity. An extraordinary combination of circumstances have led us here and the country is understandably in shock and mourning.
We absolutely need to make sure that anything more we can do to minimise future risk we do. But we also need to remember how magnificent our volunteer forces have been, how sound and tested our existing arrangements, how powerful our community spirit. Now may not be the time to start again but rather, like the Australian bush, steadily regenerate.
Pru Goward is professor of social interventions and policy at Western Sydney University. She is a former sex discrimination commissioner and served as a Liberal minister in the NSW government for eight years.