Illustration: Alan MoirCredit:
I saw the new tourism commercial and noticed it doesn’t reflect the Australia that I see every day ("Kylie and the quokka stop new TV appeal being total shocker", December 27). Where are all the non-western looking faces I see on public transport each day? Where is the hint this is a multicultural country where nearly 200 different languages are spoken and you can eat food and meet people from so many diverse cultures? Turn down the volume and you’d think you were back in the Sixties, where everything was practically white and boring. - Con Vaitsas, Ashbury
Hey, thrill-seeker Brits, come and enjoy the Great Aussie Adventure. Highlights include a game of hide-and-seek locating the Opera House and Bridge (smoke haze conditions apply), watching a burnt koala have its feet bandaged (sorry, no cuddling allowed), dining on superb steaks from forcibly sold breeding stock and feeling the crunch of shrivelled crops beneath your feet. Enjoy! - Joan Brown, Orange
Perhaps we should hope for a repeat of the Young family experience? Angus Young of AC/DC fame recalled how his family was lured from Glasgow by the vision of Australia’s sunny climate, then spent their first six weeks in the Villawood Migrant Hostel where it just rained continuously. You never know, it may help to break the drought. - Michael Petras, Thornleigh
There are two big selling points that could be added. Firstly, when travelling in the UK earlier this year I was staggered by the ignorance of the English about how favourably the pound converts to Aussie dollars. Secondly, Aussie food from the supermarket to silver service is far superior in quality and well worth promoting. - Amanda Simon, Dulwich Hill
I really enjoyed Kylie’s campaign – got quite teary in parts, in fact. But there was one bit that was way, way out of date for anyone living through the smoke haze blanketing so many parts of Australia and that was the part about clean air. Not something that we can take for granted anymore. Having just escaped to a Danish winter, we’ve found, here, that it’s no secret worldwide: everyone we’ve spoken to knows about Australia’s raging fires and haze, and have automatically linked it to the same climate change that has pushed their snow season from a white Christmas to late January and February, and to their farmers suffering drought conditions. - Anne Ring, Coogee
Jenna Price criticises the Kylie Minogue ad because "it's not really what Australians are about any more" ("When Kylie became the white queen of Matesong", December 27). The purpose of advertising is not to give an accurate picture but to sell the product. The "proof will be in the pudding". - Tony Brownlow, Glebe
Joyce wide of the mark with nucelar bombshell
Barnaby Joyce, perhaps surprisingly for some, makes some sensible suggestions, such as building more dams to cope with drought, building an inland rail link to reduce emissions from road freight vehicles, and considering the use of nuclear power ("Joyce outlines 'tactile' climate policy", December 27). Mr Joyce then reverts to form by acknowledging that Australia's climate is changing, but then argues that God is driving the change and that a tax on emissions "won't change it back". He also touts so-called clean coal technology, implying that Australia should embrace it, and claims that "we've got the most efficient power plants in the world". The Climate Council would strongly disagree: it labels Australia's electricity generation sector "ageing, inefficient and unprepared". Its coal-fired power plants are unsuitable for retrofitting with carbon capture and storage technology to reduce their emissions and make them more efficient. - Douglas Mackenzie, Deakin (ACT)
Scott Morrison must now be thinking of the 1st Duke of Wellington when considering the antics of Barnaby Joyce and Angus Taylor. "I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but, by God, they frighten me." - David Farrell, Erskineville
Barnaby Joyce who, together with that other science luminary, Tony “climate change is crap” Abbott, successfully scuttled John Howard’s proposal for an emission trading scheme back in 2007, is now offering us his expert advice on climate change. Spare us! - Michael Healy, East Maitland
So Barnaby Joyce has more thoughts about climate change than leaving it to God. Perhaps he can now offer his electorate the choice between nice, clean nuclear energy and horrible, dirty windfarms and see what happens? - Jon Marshall, Lilyfield
I don't understand why we are getting ahead of ourselves for building nuclear plants when we haven't yet been able to store our own meagre nuclear waste in Australia. Debate about storage has been going for decades with no solution. On the other hand, Europe – so small in land mass compared to Australia – has a number of facilities to store nuclear waste but they, particularly Germany, are winding down their nuclear power plants and going towards renewable energy. -
Mukul Desai, Hunters Hill
Barnaby Joyce suggests nuclear power should be part of our energy mix. Is he aware nuclear power generation requires as much as 4500 litres of water per megawatt hour? Might this be a problem for a water starved countryside, let alone the problem of releasing hot water into the environment? Wind and solar require no water. - Peter Lino, Lennox Head
Powers that be
Dimitris Langadinos (Letters, December 26) suggests Barnaby Joyce failed to nail the exact spot of his “higher authority”. No need to wait for Barnaby: Jesus told his disciples that where two or three of his followers were gathered in His name, He was there with them (Matthew 18:20). - Nan Howard, Camden
Round of a-paws
Gus the cat should be proud of achieving gold in his category, but what did he get in his dogegory? - Jenny Coote, Woonona
Congratulations to Gus the cat for swimming first in his category in the Scotland Island Dog Race. Purrfect race tactics. - Amanda Berry, Scone
Tongues will wag
Congrats to everyone recently relating their experience of check-out chit-chat, as you’ve helped a worker to keep his or her job. Self-scanners simply donate their labour to the CEO and shareholders. - Jeffrey Mellefont, Coogee
Letter writers say we should respond in kind when check-out operators ask how we are. A nice thought, except for the non-thinking staff members who wish us a good day at 5pm. - Steven Maher, Forster
Queen's honour
How wonderful to hear the Queen acknowledging the "new generation’s" role in "protecting our environment and our climate" ("Queen praises young generation", December 27), a royal wave to the school strikes for climate, so different to our government’s demonisation of them. - Bruce Gall, Canberra
Inquiry may (conveniently) blame greenies for the fires
An inquiry into land-clearing and controlled burn-offs appears to be an endeavour to shift the emphasis away from climate change to management of the bush ("Federal government launches bushfire inquiry to probe state policy", December 26). Imagine how delighted the Morrison government will be if it can use the inquiry findings to blame conservationists and or progressive local authorities for creating the conditions that led to the bushfire catastrophe. - Alan Morris, Eastlakes
Paying volunteer firefighters won't happen any time soon. Why would a government pay for a workforce that's free? Then when you start to pay them, you need an award outlining hours of work, pay rates and all the other conditions. Next, horror of horrors, they might organise and use their collective power to enforce their award. Coalition governments have worked for years to weaken and undermine unions. This one is not going to play any part in creating one with potentially so much public support and influence. - Bill Gillis, Hallidays Point
Light work of CBD review
Following the long overdue release of the NSW customer service commissioner's report into the CBD light rail's disruption to business outlets ("'More work to be done': the lessons from CBD light rail"), December 27), would it be too cynical and disingenuous to suggest that the Berejiklian government's announcement that it will set up a bureaucratic committee to mull over the report is an indication that it has no intention of offering financial compensation to the unduly affected businesses. - Stewart Smith, Tea Gardens
The state government could have saved a considerable amount of money in reviewing the city light rail. All it had to do was go for a walk along the streets affected and turn on the news at night. I don’t think anyone was surprised that the review found the project could have been done better. - Peter Miniutti, Ashbury
On Boxing Day, trams terminated at Town Hall because George St was "crowded". So now we have a public transport system that can't run when it has a lot of customers. At what point will the government accept that the system is not "bedding down"; it is fundamentally flawed. It is a "turn up and wait" system, up to 20 minutes at times before the painfully slow journey starts. Passengers trade looks of bewilderment as trams creep up to signals that change to red just as they are reached. There seems to have been no effort to synchronise or prioritise trams at traffic lights. Please get someone up from Melbourne to show us how it is done.
- Tom McGinness, Randwick
They paved Parra-dise
At what cost the erasure of memory in Parramatta ("Merry Christmas Sydney, love Gladys", December 21)? The proposed destruction of Willow Grove Villa and its extensive garden for a new museum would be the loss of a generous precinct, not just the removal of an abstract object. What cost the dismissal of grace and charm in the midst of a Blade Runner modernity to be delivered by international designers who have no relationship to local place?
The government’s mantra and practice of "Let's get it done, NSW" unfortunately speaks of its ignorance of local place, culture and meaning in its infrastructure projects. Place seems an abstract concept, not a lived experience. Destination is more important.
Surely adaptive re-use of the precinct would show respect and retain the story of a more considered time. The adjacent modern office buildings are pretty ordinary. Why not target them?
If the quality of this threatened precinct can’t be appreciated and protected, our collective future looks pretty bleak. The danger of the age is in eroding meaningful established personal connections. These connections need to be maintained through qualitative assessment, respectful placemaking and protecting heritage. Otherwise, city life becomes all swings and roundabouts. - John Skennar, Stanmore
Working for our future
When I was a young man, in the 1960s, everyone of a certain age was required to undertake a period of national service. This was organised by the military, and at times involved action in foreign theatres of war. Is it not time for that idea to be re-examined, but not in the traditional way?
I propose that young people, upon leaving school, be recruited and trained as "emergency services" to help in fire and flood disasters, and that they be moulded into a huge force of trained and competent citizens, who could immediately be utilised when disaster strikes. As it looks like this is going to be at least an annual event, it would seem to me to be obvious that we need to think about how we are going to cope with yearly fire, flood and drought. - Peter Paige, Moss Vale
A renewed energy debate
Rob Wheals and Mick McCormack ("How APA's new boss is navigating tricky transition", December 27) have nailed Australia’s problem in meeting our energy needs. No government has led an effective program to move to renewables. Where is the corporation to fast fund an economic and social research planning group?
Is there a political leader unencumbered by factions, loyalties and personal greed who can bring together the worried, quiet or not, who want someone to take charge and act? And, if we’re reaching for the sky, someone to lead a community assembly to ensure multitudes of local groups have their chance to comment and be part of a true national climate emergency response team. - Jan Allerton, Huntleys Cove
PM must digest real world look at life in the bush
My overwhelming desire at this moment is to see Scott Morrison, his deputy and the former deputy PM sit down and read what Gundi Rhoades has written of the sadly reduced quality of living in and around Inverell ("Cattle have stopped breeding, koalas die of thirst: a vet's hellish climate diary", December 26) and then look her in the eye and try to defend their position on climate change and its impact. - Arthur Cooper, Alstonville
What a shame Thursday’s powerful and heartbreaking article by Gundi Rhodes didn’t make it on the front page of the Herald. Direct from the "coalface" (that should catch our PM’s attention), this article should be compulsory reading for climate sceptic politicians. - Cheryl Wilson, Crows Nest
Gundi Rhoades's piece is a cry from the heart, replicated in regional centres across Australia. Recent road trips to Queensland and northern NSW have given me a new appreciation of just how tragic the plight of the bush really is. Friends with previously productive properties are living from day to day with little prospect of any relief and the countryside bears little resemblance to what I recall as a schoolboy. This is a national tragedy and rather than political bickering, isn't it time we had some leadership rather than smug soundbites from a PM and party who refuse to acknowledge the advice of those who know rather than give heed to those with agendas? - Max Redmayne, Russell Lea
The Christmas period is traditionally a bit slow on the Letters page: writers go on holiday, things wind down politically and there's really very little outrage that can be felt in the general cheerfulness (although there are a few Scrooge-ish writers who do their best every year, not mentioning any names). This year has been different, thanks to politicians who kept on giving. So a big thanks to Scott Morrison and Barnaby Joyce from the Herald letters editors.
Mr Morrison started the week strongly with reader discussion about his holiday in Hawaii – should he have taken it, should he have been more open about it and should he have bothered coming back if he wasn't about to do anything more useful than look for photo opportunities in bushfire areas? He continued well with his attitude to paying the volunteer men and women currently fighting the fires, people who have been out there for weeks now. Reader sentiment is broadly in favour of money being spent, if not necessarily on wages, at least for expenses for both the fighters and the businesses they have had to leave.
Then, in the middle of the week, Mr Joyce came from behind at a canter, thrusting Mr Morrison back out of the limelight by announcing that everything was fine regarding climate change and bushfires, that we all just had to put our faith in a "higher authority" and she'd be right, mate. We could have filled the pages many times each day with the ensuing mockery, but we kept ourselves nice and printed a selection of the politest letters only.
On the subject of climate change and the drought, there was very strong, and horrified, reader reaction to Gundi Rhoades' story of her experiences as a country vet in these dreadful times. Most writers suggested that it should be compulsory reading for politicians and climate change sceptics, although some pointed out the climate contribution of the modern desire for more meat meaning more animals on our land.
A late entry in the week was the reader reaction to the new Tourism Australia ad designed to lure cold and wet Poms to the Land Down Under by use of Kylie Minogue and others of local note. The ad has been quite well received by experts, but aren't we all sick of experts? Herald readers are more concerned so far about its show of Australia being essentially white and then more white. Of course, the subject is still new so there is much more to be written about it and how exactly ads could show how multi-cultural Australia is these days.
Harriet Veitch, acting letters editor
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