

This was published 4 years ago


Please don't make your kids go to uni ... yet

They’ve just run full pelt for an entire year. They haven’t slept much. And people keep asking them what they are going to do when they grow up.

Gap year ... there are options before leaping into university.

Gap year ... there are options before leaping into university.Credit: Nic Walker

That's the class of 2019, the school finishers, the 18-year-olds who are meant to see into the future. Everyone wants to know what their plans are when they just want to chill. This week, we’ve seen story after story of the ones who succeeded beyond their parents’ dreams, the ones who did all that AND attended school climate strikes. They look like they know where they are going and, mostly, that’s just one or two per school. Some already have early offers for university; others expect the news next week.

But this Christmas, if you have a school leaver in your family, may I suggest the best gift of all: the gift of time and space to take a year away from study – a gap year. (And the research backs me up on this.)

Not only will gap-year takers do better academically but are also less likely to drop out of first-year uni. Researchers Elisa Birch and Paul Miller’s 2007 study showed Australian students who deferred university had higher marks than students who started uni straight after school. They wrote: “This mark advantage is more pronounced among low-performing students, particularly male students, who are in the lower half of the university marks distribution."

When I explain this to parents, either at university open days or just in conversation, the resistance is astonishing. “She wants to go straight to uni” is common (young person giving enormous side-eye to parent, meanwhile). Or: “My child needs structure.” That’s a projection, if ever I've heard one.


How much structure can one person take, remembering that a school leaver now is likely to have a number of jobs over their lifetimes and to be working until 70 and beyond? Why be in a hurry to push them onto the treadmill? Older adults might admit to their close friends and allies that they themselves entertain quite a lot of internal chaos and uncertainty but they still expect their teenagers to know what they want and to conform to a particular pathway. That includes trotting off to university straight from school.

The magical aspect of gap years is giving students an opportunity to figure out what they really want before they enrol in expensive degrees. David Curtis, associate professor at Flinders University and educational consultant, has long been a proponent of gap years if there is a career knowledge gap. He says students leaving now are more likely to head to university because of the terrible job market, but if a student has no clear interest and no direction, university won’t sort that out.

Curtis is a big fan of structured work experience programs in which students get some hands-on experience, such as the Advanced Technology Program run by the Commonwealth Department of Defence and the South Australian Department of Education. Sarah Baker, who runs the program, expected year 9 students to enrol. Instead she was flooded with applicants from years 11 and 12, desperate to get a taste of space industries.


Here are some reasons in support of a gap year: time to develop ideas about the future; time to go out and work (and, just like that, there now appear to be 35,000 new part-time jobs); time to unfold from the strictures of school.


For a school leaver, university may be deeply confronting. There'll be rooms full of strangers. It may be hard to make friends. It looks pretty unstructured to those who’ve come straight from high school. There is both a lot of choice and lot of time, which means students need to be decisive and well-organised because it’s easy to let yourself go in a sea of unscheduled hours.

About 15 per cent of students drop out of university in their first year, and that doesn’t count the ones who don’t make it to the first university census date. It also doesn’t count those who decide a year into a degree that it wasn’t for them. Let’s say it adds another 10 per cent. That’s one in four students who enrol in a degree that isn’t for them. They may accrue costs. They also accrue anxiety and heartache as they fumble from failure to failure.

Gap years don’t work for everyone. Students from rural and regional areas find ways to defer university because the whole experience concerns them – the distance from home, the cost, the alienation. We need to do more to support those students, says Sally Kift, the Australian researcher who forced universities to take more care of first years.

And the advice from all the experts on gap years is that having a plan matters and it needs to be more than League of Legends, Netflix and chill. Paid work, perhaps some travel, some volunteering if that’s financially possible.

Try to stop interfering in every aspect of their lives. Whether you like it or not, your 18-year-old is an adult. Time to let them grow up.

Jenna Price is an academic at the University of Technology Sydney and a regular columnist.

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