

This was published 4 years ago

Murray-Darling water plan has 'high chance of failure': report

By Alexandra Smith

NSW Water Minister Melinda Pavey will use a new review that warns the Murray-Darling Basin Plan has a "high chance of failure" to demand a complete overhaul of the controversial agreement.

The release of the independent review, prepared for the NSW and Victorian governments, comes ahead of the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council meeting in Brisbane on Tuesday.

Water Minister Melinda Pavey says a new report warns the controversial water sharing plan cannot be delivered.

Water Minister Melinda Pavey says a new report warns the controversial water sharing plan cannot be delivered. Credit: Nick Moir

The Berejiklian government has repeatedly warned that it would be prepared to walk away from the water sharing plan if it was not significantly overhauled to ensure NSW was not "short changed".

The review investigated whether the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's modelling would allow higher environmental flows to be delivered.


The report finds that one of the key elements of the plan - enhancing environmental outcomes across the basin - cannot be delivered by the federal government's 2024 deadline.

"The panel considers that continuing with the existing approach given the current community
concerns whilst maintaining the June 2024 deadline for completion, has a high chance of failure," the report says.

State and federal water ministers are meeting on Tuesday to discuss changes to the controversial agreement, with NSW demanding more water be made available for irrigators and towns instead of flowing to the ailing river system.

Ms Pavey said it was "absolutely critical" that "lessons learnt" were adapted in the plan.


"At the time the Murray-Darling Basin Plan was conceived it used the best available science, this does not mean it’s the best science," Ms Pavey said.

"We need to do more work to make sure we have the best science available and to make the lab fit the paddock. We need artificial timeframes to be removed and projects that deliver for real world outcomes.

"These projects also need to be accepted by the local communities as they are the people that they deliver for."

Victorian Water Minister Lisa Neville said a new timetable for the plan needed to be discussed at the ministerial council meeting.

“What we’re talking about here is creating a man-made flood to achieve environmental benefits – yet what we’ve found is that under the current modelling, neither the community or the environment will get a good outcome, “ Ms Neville said.


“As the Productivity Commission has already flagged, there is little prospect of securing agreements with landholders to flood their land and complete the constraints projects by 2024 as currently required by the basin plan.”

The Murray-Darling Basin Plan attempts to balance the needs of irrigators, towns and the environment along the river system, which stretches from Queensland to South Australia.

As part of the state government's ultimatum, NSW wants the federal government to agree that the state will not contribute to the 450 gigalitres of additional water recovery efforts.

But the federal Water Resources Minister David Littleproud has warned that he would use money set aside for infrastructure to buy back water for environmental use if the Berejiklian government carried out its threat of leaving the agreement.

The Natural Resources Commission earlier this year labelled parts of the river "an ecosystem in crisis" after investigating mass fish kills.

More than a million fish were killed in in the Darling River near Menindee in December last year.

The independent review panel included Greg Wilson, the former secretary of the Department of Sustainability and Environment in charge of water reform in Victoria; former Murray Darling Basin Authority board member George Warne and water expert Campbell Fitzpatrick.

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