
Melinda Pavey


How MPs give themselves a lift

Though there’s always a case for the removal of plaque.


Local community and interest groups meet up at Crows Nest Hotel to discuss a ‘teal push’ at the upcoming NSW State Election.

‘Refuelled:’ Grassroots campaign mobilises for teal push at NSW election

The army of volunteers that dispatched North Sydney Independent Kylea Tink to Canberra wants to oust Planning Minister Anthony Roberts at the next state election.

  • Lucy Cormack

Melinda Pavey joins growing list of government MPs quitting

The state’s longest serving Nationals MP Melinda Pavey has added her name to the growing list of government members bowing out of politics after the March election, culminating two decades in parliament.

  • Lucy Cormack
NSW Regional Roads Minister Paul Toole.

Paul Toole tipped to succeed John Barilaro as NSW Nationals leader

Regional Roads Minister Paul Toole is firming as favourite to replace Barilaro as NSW Nationals leader at a party room ballot on Wednesday.

  • Tom Rabe
Cataract Dam spillway: the reservoir near Wollongong is the lowest among the Greater Sydney network at just 27 per cent full.

Sydney’s new water strategy explores use of recycled sewage - again

Sydneysiders will be urged to consider using purified sewage for drinking water to help diversify supplies as the population grows and rainfall patterns shift under climate change.

  • Peter Hannam
Ian Cole from Barwon-Darling at a dam for a cotton farm near Bourke that filled up after good rains last year.

NSW sought to beat Basin Plan water limits

The NSW government has sought to increase the amount of water permitted to be extracted from the Murray-Darling Basin, emails reveal.

  • Peter Hannam
The Lachlan River outside Condobolin.

Water talks latest in Aboriginal consultation bungles by NSW government

New emails reveal a major reason why a water resource plan for a NSW river wasn’t accredited was because of inadequate consultation with Aboriginal people.

  • Cameron Gooley
For the first time in a decade, the Menindee Lakes system in far western NSW are likely to fill to capacity. The NSW government wants to alter the regulations so that it can’t be drained as quickly as in the past.

‘Fish don’t respect borders’: Move to bolster Menindee Lakes reserves

The Berejiklian government has told other states it wants the operating rules of one of the Murray-Darling Basin’s biggest lake systems changed to cut the risks of mass fish kills on the Darling River.

  • Peter Hannam
One user was found to have tapped 3 billion litres more than the licence holder was entitled to, the regulator said.

One-tenth of groundwater users in breach of licences, investigation finds

About one in 10 groundwater users are non-compliant, with one operator extracting the equivalent of 1200 Olympic swimming pools of water more than the licence allowed for, a pilot probe of NSW bores has found.

  • Peter Hannam
The Darling River running through Bourke after drought breaking rain in February 2020.

Biggest NSW irrigators breaking the rules on water take

Nearly half of the state’s biggest irrigators have made no effort to install meters contrary to new laws designed to prevent water theft, an audit has found.

  • Harriet Alexander

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