

This was published 5 years ago

Jacqui Lambie 3.0: From psych ward to Parliament 'wrecking ball' to a new approach

By David Crowe

Only in hindsight can Jacqui Lambie see the fury she brought to federal politics when she barged into Parliament five years ago like an unwanted guest at a high society party.

"I was a bloody wrecking ball," she says now.

Independent Senator Jacqui Lambie.

Independent Senator Jacqui Lambie.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"I just had no idea what I was doing. I'd come from 10 years, basically, between the bed and the couch and a couple of years in a psych unit.

"I thought I was fine. When I look back, I think: 'well, actually, you weren't bloody fine'."

Lambie is still an outsider in the comfortable world of the Senate. She is a single mum and former army corporal who rose from a housing commission estate in regional Tasmania to become an unlikely but successful politician.

She is just as impatient with the political games of the Parliament but has emerged from the chaos that marked some of her first years in Canberra – a time, she says, when she was still bruised by years of fighting the Department of Veterans' Affairs for compensation for back injuries during her decade in the army.

Lambie says she arrived in the Senate in July 2014 too soon after a slump in her personal life when she fell into alcohol and drug abuse.

"[From] the last day in the psych unit it was just about two years to the day that I was sitting in Parliament," she says. "So for me I still think I was trying to get over my hatred of Veterans' Affairs.


"I also knew I could have done with another couple of years but if I didn't make it then I was never going to make it."


A crucial Senate vote

As a crucial swing vote on every government bill, Lambie knows the power she holds to make or break a proposal – and the capacity she has to inflict on Prime Minister Scott Morrison the political pain she caused for Tony Abbott.

But she is a very different player to the angry newcomer who arrived in the Senate after winning a place in the upper house as a member of Clive Palmer's ramshackle political party at the September 2013 election.

As she proved over the past week, Lambie has a better sense now of what she wants and how she can get it. When the government assumed her support on tougher welfare rules, Lambie rebuffed Morrison on plans to impose random drug tests on Newstart and Youth Allowance recipients.


With a sure sense of how to argue a case in the world far beyond Parliament, she insisted that politicians agree to random drug tests on themselves and anyone else on the public purse before they imposed the same on others.

On trials of a cashless welfare card, however, Lambie was open to the government's argument to expand existing trials, given her background on welfare.

On the medical transfer of refugees from Nauru and Manus Island she is keeping the government guessing on whether it can get her support to repeal the "medevac" law passed by Labor, the Greens and the crossbench in February.

In a Senate where the Coalition needs four extra votes to get its way, Lambie can often be the final voice on a draft law already backed by conservative independent Cory Bernardi and the two senators from Pauline Hanson's One Nation.

This is an unusual dynamic for a Parliament where so many politicians argue their case like the trained lawyers they are – getting across their brief and making a speech even if they have no real experience of what they debate.

How many people get to stand up in the chamber and say 'please help me?'

Lambie is different. When she speaks about welfare, she speaks from her own personal experience in rehabilitation clinics and her teenage years when her mother was on a single parent's pension, or her time being on a pension herself. When she talks about drug testing, she speaks with the vivid memory of her son's addiction to ice and her struggle to find a treatment centre to look after him.

"Some of my friends are still living in those housing commissions, they're still living with drug and alcohol problems, they're with men who are in and out of jail," she says.

Her chief complaint about the government plan for drug testing also came from personal experience. Lambie said she would not vote for the government scheme when there were not enough rehabilitation services to help welfare recipients get off drugs.


Given that experts at St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney estimate up to 500,000 Australians need treatment for drugs and alcohol, Lambie's objections present a significant barrier for Morrison and his Social Services Minister Anne Ruston.

Lambie first revealed the experience of her son, Dylan, four years ago when he was 21. What stands out now, she says, was the frightening change in behaviour from someone on ice.

"Oh my God you see a lot of drugs come out over the years. You had a heroin epidemic. With those heroin users they lay on the floor. With the ice thing it was from another planet. I'd never seen anything like it, especially with the young kids out there.

"I sat on the phone for three weeks to see if they could get my son into rehab. Until I got up and spoke in the Senate, only then did I find Dylan the help that he needed.

"How many people get to stand up in the chamber and say 'please help me?' – you know, we don't have the services in Tasmania."

This is why Lambie wants more drug and alcohol services, especially for younger Australians.

"They're really struggling with our children's rehab, for anyone from 21 and under. You can't put them in the public system in a psych unit or anything, because they've got to be separated from the adults, so that means they've got to bring in extra staff."

She would also like to see education for children as young as primary school age, modelled on schemes in Scandinavia, to build the "coping mechanisms" to avoid drugs.

"It's no good talking to them when they're 16 or 17 anymore. There are a lot of kids out there at 10 on an ice pipe. There are better things we can be running through our school system to make sure those coping mechanisms are there at an early age."

Jacqui Lambie 3.0

Lambie jokes these days about being "Jacqui Lambie 3.0" because of her new approach after a rocky career.

After her army service from 1989 to 2000 and her subsequent years in a personal wilderness, Lambie won her place as a senator for Tasmania at the September 2013 election alongside wild cards like Ricky Muir from the Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party and former footballer Glenn Lazarus in the Palmer United Party.

When she fell out with Palmer, she kept her place in the upper house in her own right at the July 2016 election but fell foul of the citizenship storm over Section 44 of the Constitution. Thrown out of the Senate in November 2017, she had to campaign almost single-handedly to win again in the May election this year.

While Tasmania's small population can make it easier for independent candidates to gain a Senate place than counterparts from other states, no campaign is easy. Without Palmer's money, and with the Jacqui Lambie Network rather than a mainstream party organisation, she scraped in to claim the sixth and final place on the ballot.

Her frustration with politics remains but she no longer adopts the abrasive approach that put so many offside in the past.

'I'm not going to make an idiot of myself'

Lambie once joked on radio about wanting a partner with a "package" between his legs and once called Abbott a "political psychopath", in just two examples of the sort of remarks that brought her ridicule from others.

She regrets those and other comments now. She especially regrets talking about sharia law "and not having bloody one bit of understanding about it" earlier in her political career, including a dispute on the ABC's Q&A program in February 2017 when she called for the deportation of anyone who supported sharia.

"So I have no problem now, if I get asked, saying 'I'm sorry and I just don't know enough about that topic to comment on it'," she says. "It's about getting comfortable in your own skin and being able to say to the media, 'sorry but I don't know enough and I'm not going to make an idiot of myself'."

I probably shouldn't have been so opinionated in the past, it was probably quite disrespectful.

In a departure from her angry approach to Abbott, she has avoided any personal reflections on Morrison and expects to speak with him only when necessary.

"I probably shouldn't have been so opinionated in the past, it was probably quite disrespectful. I think there are better ways of dealing with that, and being a bit smarter," she says.

"If I don't do the job properly then I'm just dragging myself down."

Malcolm Fraser and the 'medevac' debate

She is proud of some of the big calls she made in the Senate in the past, including her clash with Palmer when she sided with Labor, the Greens and others on the crossbench to save the Future of Financial Advice laws to crack down on financial advisers, years before the royal commission into the banks.

Lambie also voted to prevent the Abbott government dismantling the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, or Arena, and the Clean Energy Financial Corporation.

She is proudest of the pressure she and others, including Lazarus, applied in December 2014 to remove children from detention on Nauru by holding out against the Abbott government's border protection laws.

Former prime minister Malcolm Fraser came to the aid of refugee advocates during that debate, phoning Lambie three times urging her to hold the line.

Former Liberal PM Malcolm Fraser convinced Jacqui Lambie of the need to remove children from detention on Nauru.

Former Liberal PM Malcolm Fraser convinced Jacqui Lambie of the need to remove children from detention on Nauru.Credit: Justin McManus

"I remember him speaking to me and I said: 'Mr Fraser, with all due respect, I can hardly understand a word you're saying, it's too academic for me.' In a split-second he dropped down and he was my new best mate. He turned it all around and was quite amazing. He simplified it all for me within seconds.

"That is something I'll always remember."

Lambie voted against the laws but other crossbenchers voted in favour and they passed. Fraser died the following March. It is an important memory for Lambie when she is a decisive vote on whether to keep the medevac regime.

Lambie is frustrated with the major parties and says she cringes every time she goes into Question Time. "I look around and think: 'they're kids'."

But she also knows that she was the same when she was Jacqui Lambie 1.0.

Whether she gets more done in her latest incarnation is yet to be seen, but she says the old approach is behind her.

"If there's one thing I've learned in life it's that you need to keep the doors open."

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