

This was published 6 years ago

Love her or hate her, Jacqui Lambie had what other politicians are always trying to fake

By Jacqueline Maley

Politicians love to invoke the battler – a noble and quintessentially Australian species, sought out on campaign trails for photo opportunities, and mentioned reverentially in stump speeches.

They are less sure how to behave when confronted with a real, live example of one.

Jacqui Lambie, departing senator, single mum, former veteran, Botox addict, Islamophobe, would-be burqa-banner and proud vulgarian, was a battler who stormed the barricades of Parliament.

She yelled at other senators in the chamber. She gave radio interviews about her sexual appetite. She talked openly of her son's ice addiction, in order to raise awareness and money for rehab centres. Plenty of politicians shed discreet tears during personal parliamentary speeches. Lambie ugly-cried during hers.

Jacqui Lambie at Parliament House in Canberra.

Jacqui Lambie at Parliament House in Canberra.Credit: Andrew Meares

The Tasmanian senator's political positions were unpredictable and reactionary. Her crusade against the burqa and sharia law (which she appeared to misunderstand) was flat-out Islamophobic. Her call to follow the Trump example and ban Muslim immigrants was ugly.

But when it came to sticking up for the disadvantaged, Lambie was compelling, because she had lived hard, and she didn't present this hard-living in a palatable, pretty Cinderella-story way. Her son, addicted to meth, was still living the consequences of his disadvantaged upbringing.

She hailed from one of the most economically and socially depressed patches of Australia and none of her baggage was in the safe past.

On the topic of welfare cuts, Lambie used her Senate position to call out every political hypocrite who claimed to care for her battler brethren, while quietly casting their votes against them.

Senator Jacqui Lambie after she informed the Senate she intends to resign.

Senator Jacqui Lambie after she informed the Senate she intends to resign.Credit: Andrew Meares

And when I say she called them out, I mean it literally – she shouted at them in the Senate.

During a speech to the Senate arguing against cuts to welfare payments, she talked about being a single mother who drove an unregistered car and who couldn't keep her son in shoes. When her fridge broke, the family lived out of an Esky for a fortnight. Eventually she approached former Tasmanian Labor senator Nick Sherry for assistance in unlocking her superannuation. He helped. They kept the family home.

"It is not a choice for many of us to be on welfare. It is shameful and it is embarrassing. It is bloody tough," she told the Senate.

And then her voice began to shake and she got loud.

"You have no idea how bloody tough it is. Every little cent counts for those people. If you realised the damage you were doing to that part of society, you would stop doing it."

Lambie's views on Islam and refugees made her unpalatable to many. I suspect those views are widely held by many working-class Australians so, in that sense, they are representative. It wasn't always pretty, but Lambie had what politicians are always trying to fake: authenticity.


She'll be back, she says, and you can't doubt her resilience. As she puts it: "You can't keep a bloody Lambie down. I'm going to have another swing at it."

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