This was published 5 years ago
Natalie Joyce has turned a nightmare into a triumph
Kasey Edwards
WriterStereotypically, when a woman gets dumped she kicks off the process of reclaiming her identity and dignity by getting a haircut.
But, when your husband’s affair and lovechild is splashed across the front page of every major newspaper in the country, a trim and a new colour is not going to cut it.
A little over 12 months after news broke that former deputy prime minister and leader of the Nationals Barnaby Joyce was having an affair and was expecting a child with his staffer, Vikki Campion, Natalie Joyce has come out flexing her muscles – literally.
The 49-year-old mother of four took out fourth place in the "First Timers" and "Miss Fitness Model Momma" categories of the I Compete Naturally (ICN) North Coast Classic bodybuilding competition at New Lambton on Sunday.
The symbolism of Joyce’s body transformation is impossible to miss. Her defined muscles and obvious physical strength is a rejection of the image often associated with the role of softer, weaker, more feminine, supportive wife and mother that she played so diligently for 24 years.
As she stood on that stage, proud and strong, she was no longer the little, meek and self-sacrificing woman behind the man. Gone was the woman who gave everything to a man who then left her with nothing.
Joyce admitted that after her marriage breakdown she was “not in a good place”.
She told the Guardian: "This situation is devastating on many fronts … For my girls, who are affected by the family breakdown, and for me as a wife of 24 years, who placed my own career on hold to support Barnaby through his political life."
For almost quarter of a century, Natalie was first and foremost Mrs Barnaby Joyce. And then all of a sudden she wasn’t.
Natalie Joyce competes at the "I Compete Naturally North Coast Classic" bodybuilding competition in Newcastle. Credit: Nine News
As she grieved and raged from Barnaby’s betrayal, women across Australia grieved with her.
Our hearts broke for her because we knew on some level we are all Natalie Joyce.
Many women still sacrifice, at least in part, their careers, aspirations, and identities in order to support their husband’s career. Women take on the thankless burden of running households and they primarily raise the children and run the family.
They are tired, run-down, continually stretched beyond their limits as they age and become socially, sexually and professionally invisible.
The women who grieved with her last year now want to give her a high five.
The thought of giving so much of ourselves to our partners and families, only to have our husbands walk away from his responsibilities and trade us in for a younger and less tired model is among the worst fears of many women who are deeply invested in their marriage.
And with divorce rates up around 30 per cent this nightmare is a legitimate possibility.
Watching Natalie Joyce turn her nightmare into a triumph of reinvention and power is what real fairytales are made of. As such, the women who grieved with her last year now want to give her a high five.
Joyce told Woman’s Day that, in the aftermath of her marriage breakdown, she had to choose between unravelling or getting the best out of herself.
“In June last year I looked in the mirror and thought, ‘I’m not going to let someone else’s appalling behaviour derail me.’ So I joined the local gym, and I’ve never looked back. And I’ve always wanted to compete in a bodybuilding comp,” she said.
While Natalie Joyce is fast becoming a feminist hero for her strength and courage, there is still a lesson here for many women to learn: we should make ourselves a priority in our own lives.
We know we are entitled to have dreams and desires beyond our partners and our families, that we should pursue right now. We should not wait until we hit rock bottom before we flex our muscles.