

This was published 6 years ago


I'll queue for lots of things, but a burger isn't one of them

By Matt Holden
The queue...

The queue... Credit: Justin McManus

I have just one question for the folks at In-N-Out, the US hamburger chain that sparked an orderly flash mob in Prahran this week when they staged a pop-up at a Chapel Street lunch bar.

How good can a burger be if it doesn’t have beetroot?

On offer at the pop-up were 300 In-N-Out burgers; they sold out in 15 minutes, leaving 200 people burgerless at the back of the queue.

One of the lucky 300:  Lauren Clements.

One of the lucky 300: Lauren Clements.Credit: Justin McManus

This is not the first time In-N-Out have popped-up in Australia, and it’s not just Melburnians who’ll queue to not get a burger: Sydney saw similar scenes in early 2016.

In-N-Out touts itself as attracting a cult following, offering would-be burger eaters a greasy whiff of exclusivity: there are only 350 In-N-Outs in six US states. (Only 350? Yes – McDonald’s has 14,000-some US restaurants.)

The menu features just three burgers, but real aficionados know to ask for something that’s not on the menu when they are imagining their won’t-get-it burger.

But a hamburger, even in a limited edition of 300 that you won’t get to taste, isn’t exclusive. It’s just a stunt.

“If you have not had one,” said one lucky Melburnian, “I cannot help you. It’s a magical burger.”


Ground beef, a soft bun, some iceberg lettuce – sorry, there’s just not much magic to it.

Secret sauce? “Probably just tomato and mayonnaise,” Jordan Zaz, one of the Lucky 300, said.

I’ll queue for many things: I’ll queue for gelato, as long as I know I’ll get some. I’ll queue for movie tickets if the session hasn’t sold out; I’ll wait for a table at a busy restaurant (but only on a Saturday night). I have even queued to eat the world’s best croissants.

But line up for a burger I am not going to get? No way, Jose.

Jordan Zaz tucks in.

Jordan Zaz tucks in. Credit: Justin McManus

In-N-Out has a lot to answer for. We live in an age of mass anxiety that is provoking an epidemic of depression. Fear of missing out has replaced fear of death as the main driver of human behaviour, at least in the developed world.

We can’t find time in our busy lives to volunteer. We step over people begging in the street and cross the road to avoid anything that looks like political commitment.

We trample pensioners to get on packed public transport and won’t wait two minutes without getting bored and scrolling through our smartphones.

But we’ll queue like Englishmen for a burger we won’t get while we drool over the Lucky 300’s Instagrams.

Our values are seriously out of whack. Especially when the burgers don’t even come with beetroot.

Matt Holden is a Fairfax columnist.

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