

This was published 8 years ago

DNC leak: Russia better at information war now than during Cold War

By Chris Zappone

Russia's hacking and exploitation of emails from the Democratic National Committee has created an unprecedented situation for the US election this year.

The goal of distributing internal DNC emails is not only to create disorder within the party, as has happened after WikiLeaks published embarrassing internal documents that led to the resignation of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

The emails and other information can be used to shape broader views of the US political system among American voters and in the wider world, as a form of information war waged by Russia towards the West.

New America Foundation strategist Peter W. Singer said that, given the situation in the US election, "this is not just a covert intelligence issue any more".

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary ClintonCredit: AP

As an example of the information war strategy, distributing DNC emails on social media amplifies hard feelings over Bernie Sanders' loss to Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. In turn, the overall level of acrimony at the event increases.

Those signs of dissent within the convention can in turn be re-posted and distributed online, re-creating an echo chamber to stress division, confusion and cynicism among Democrats specifically and Americans in general ahead of the November general election.

In a globalised, wired world, some of the loudest voices calling for protest in the US (or Australia for that matter) need not be in those countries. WikiLeaks, a global network, has tweeted right-wing pundits such as Ann Coulter (tweet later deleted) and messages stressing disorder at the convention .


In this way the DNC hack revelations, predicted by Fairfax Media, are more complex and nuanced than simply wrong-footing the Democratic Party's leadership to help Donald Trump.

Gain from disorder: Former DNC chair Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Gain from disorder: Former DNC chair Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman SchultzCredit: AP

It's also a part of wider and longer-standing efforts to sow discord in Western publics, as Russia takes a more aggressive geopolitical stance.

Former US Army intelligence officer Fred Hoffman says years of open travel and globalisation have left the US exposed to a more subtle and powerful Russian propaganda, misinformation and disinformation.

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in the 1980s was also the subject of Russia information war activities.

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in the 1980s was also the subject of Russia information war activities.Credit: Kim Traynor

"One 'advantage' the Putin regime has over the United States is the ability to disseminate whatever information it wishes, via whatever conduits it chooses, without restraint."

Compared to Soviet times, he says, the Russians have a much better "understanding of Western society, culture, attitudes".

Opposing groups can be urged on through propaganda and misinformation to become more militant. A delegate shows support for Senator Bernie Sanders.

Opposing groups can be urged on through propaganda and misinformation to become more militant. A delegate shows support for Senator Bernie Sanders.Credit: AP

"Since 1991 [when the Cold War ended], the level of engagement between Russians and the West increased exponentially," said Mr Hoffman. "Increased interaction has led to an increased, and increasingly nuanced, understanding of what they're dealing with.

"And I have no doubt that this has contributed to an improved understanding of how to identify and exploit perceived weaknesses."

A protester is arrested on the first day of the Democratic National Convention.

A protester is arrested on the first day of the Democratic National Convention.Credit: Bloomberg

Russian successes date back to the 1980s, when the KGB "successfully penetrated and manipulated" the anti-nuclear movement in Europe.

"What we're witnessing today is simply a more widespread application of tried-and-true [and yes, successful] tactics from that time," Hoffman adds.

New America Foundation's Singer agrees saying, "much of which they pioneered in the Stalin era", to the World Wide Web.

"Lingering in the shadows of Russian military planning for decades, information warfare entered a period of renaissance in the early 2000s, as Russian officials felt increasingly under pressure from the forces of Western liberalisation."

Russia brought together a "conglomerate of nearly 75 education and research institutions" devoted to the study of information warfare co-ordinated by the KGB's modern successor, the Russian Federal Security Service.

Eastern European, Baltic countries and Finland have been under this information war onslaught from Russia for years.

As Jolanta Darczewska, writing for the Centre for Eastern Studies, noted in 2014, Russian information warfare "is set to continue since Putin's new doctrine has crystallised".

"This doctrine is geopolitical, Eurasian, anti-liberal and oriented towards rivalry with the West and Russia's dominance in Eurasia."

How to respond

Dr Darczewska believes that a key counter-strategy for countries targeted by the Russian information war will be to "set limits on the space available to Russian political myths and ideologised propaganda actions, and to explain the mechanisms and goals of such actions."

How the US should respond complicated by the fact Washington can't simply block out sources of information known to carry misinformation and propaganda – as it contradicts constitutionally-protected free speech.

In any case, Hoffman says that beyond terrorism there is not a lot of agreement on which online accounts to ban.

"Pretty much everyone agrees that ISIS Twitter accounts should be shut down," Hoffman said. "And many would argue in favour of blocking [Russia-owned media outlet] RT. But then where does it end? And who gets to decide as to what speech crosses the line?

"It is a very slippery slope when you start down that road.

"As for guaranteeing free speech while protecting against foreign propaganda – that's a very vexing problem for the US government, and for the American people," he said.

Singer counsels better education of voters, the media and related government agencies around the topic of foreign-backed propaganda and misinformation in the US system.

"What can we do? Expose it and those who benefit from it to the light of day, showing where and when domestic political parties are being aided by Russian espionage efforts.

"That is the crux of the debate in the US today on the DNC hack, will Trump be allowed to benefit from it?


"If it works, Russia is only incentivised to do it more."

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