

This was published 8 years ago

DNC: Hillary Clinton campaign unsure how to react to Russian hack claims

By Paul McGeough

Philadelphia: The Clinton presidential campaign is treading warily on how best to use extraordinary allegations that Russia is behind the hacking of computers at the Democratic National Committee, with the express intention of helping GOP candidate Donald Trump win the White House.

In crisis mode through the weekend, the DNC response was twofold as it managed the political embarrassment of senior staff being revealed to have conspired against the insurgent candidacy of Vermont senator Bernie Sanders: on the eve of the Democratic convention, DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was obliged to quit her influential post; and Clinton's campaign manager Robby Mook blamed it all on the Russians.

But on Monday morning, just hours ahead of the opening session of the convention, at which Sanders is scheduled to urge his significant national following to fall in behind Clinton, Mook seemed hesitant to blame Moscow when he spoke with reporters.

"All we know right now is what experts are telling us - I would refer everybody here to the reporting in The New York Times," he said, before cautiously rehashing some of what he had told CNN on Sunday.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.Credit: AP

"What the experts said when this breach initially happened at the DNC is that they believed it was Russian state actors who took these emails ... what further experts are saying is that then because they released these emails, that Russian state actors were feeding these emails to hackers for the purpose of helping Donald Trump."

And grilled on the burning question in all of this – does Clinton believe that the Russians are calculatedly attempting to derail her campaign? – Mook, the campaign ringmaster became uncertain spectator, saying only: "She, like all of us, [is] reading the same reporting that you all are seeing."

Now, for a minute, flip what we know of this story – say it was revealed that the combined intelligence services of the European Union were revealed to be hacking the Trump campaign's computers, to be stealing mountains of data and releasing it publicly to embarrass the Trump campaign, how might Candidate Trump respond?

Given Trump's form, it's a safe bet he would have been tweeting through the weekend, demanding investigations, proposing severe punishments and excoriating Clinton, all to a 'Lock her up!' chorus by his supporters.

Axed: DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman

Axed: DNC Chairwoman Debbie WassermanCredit: AP

This is not to say that Clinton should respond as Trump might. But with all the rich guilt-by-association dirt that might be hurled at Trump, Clinton's measured response suggests that for now at least, the campaign has decided to leave it to journalists to explore the alleged Russian hacking and to surrogates and others to tease out the connection between Trump and Moscow.

But the dots are there for Clinton to join politically, to raise legitimate questions about Trump's conduct and his associations.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton arrives to speak to volunteers at a Democratic party organizing event in North Carolina.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton arrives to speak to volunteers at a Democratic party organizing event in North Carolina.Credit: AP

If - as revealed in the DNC emails dumped by WikiLeaks on Friday - DNC staffers were raking over the coals of Bernie Sanders' life, looking for attack points, why not do the same to Trump? For example:

Question: Why, in rewriting the GOP platform, were Trump's representatives so desperate to ensure there would be no platform call for the US to provide arms to Ukraine in its struggle with Russian-backed separatists in the east of the country?

Robby Mook, campaign manager for 2016 2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton.

Robby Mook, campaign manager for 2016 2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton.Credit: Bloomberg

Question: Does Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort need to explain his association with disgraced former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, and with Ukraine's Moscow-aligned oligarchs?

Question: What is behind Trump's repeated praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and in particular Trump's disdain for NATO, which Putin sees as a dangerous intruder in his sphere of influence?

Question: Given its over-weaning embrace of the notion of American exceptionalism, how does the Republican Party select a candidate who declares Putin's rejection of the exceptionalist philosophy to be "a masterpiece"?

On Monday morning the FBI announced that it was investigating a "cyber intrusion" at the DNC which posed a "threat to cyberspace".

But the FBI is a late arrival to an investigative party that has been underway since DNC staffers began to suspect they had company in their mainframe in mid-June.

In piecing together the circumstances of the DNC hacking, Atlantic Media's DefenseOne website had this chilling quote from Tom Kellerman, chief executive officer of Strategic Cyber Ventures: "This has all the hallmarks of tradecraft. The only rationale to release such data from the Russian bulletproof host was to empower one [US election] candidate against another. The Cold War is alive and well."

On June 14, cyber security firm CrowdStrike posted a blog post that most in the media ignored – under contract to the DNC, it had discovered that two separate Russian intelligence groups had gained access to the DNC's network.

One group, known as Fancy Bear or APT 28, had gained access in April 2016. The second, Cozy Bear, but also know as Cozy Duke and APT 29, had first breached the network in mid-2015. APT stands for Advanced Persistent Threat - a sophisticated hacking campaign.

It was another cyber security firm that had seemingly established the Russian connections – on discovering APT29 in 2014, the firm FireEye said its suspicions were based on APT29's choice of targets and the nature of the data it stole, but also that it seemed not to work on Russian holidays, and the hours it did work seemed to be in the UTC +3 time zone, which contains cities such as Moscow and St Petersburg.

DefenseOne refers to the suspicion of unnamed US officials, based in part on the sophistication of the group's attacks on targets such as the US State Department, the White House and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


The CrowdStrike report on the DNC breach, written by chief executive officer Dmitri Alperovitch, says: "We've had lots of experience with both of these actors attempting to target our customers in the past and know them well.

"In fact, our team considers them some of the best adversaries out of all the numerous nation-state, criminal and hacktivist/terrorist groups we encounter on a daily basis."

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