

This was published 10 years ago

Raging Turnbull

In his dual careers as lawyer and merchant banker, Malcolm Turnbull has earned a reputation that inspires a mix of awe, fear and, among some, downright loathing. John Lyons subjects both the facts and the hearsay to cross-examination.

By John Lyons

To celebrate Good Weekend's 30th anniversary, we have selected 30 of the magazine's best features of the past three decades. This article was originally published on April 13, 1991. For the full list, click here.

Suddenly, he can turn. The charmer becomes the menacer, the defender of freedom of speech its most sophisticated challenger. He laughs, and disarms, but always be on guard. Remember, he can turn. Malcolm Turnbull, at 36, is one of the most powerful lawyers in Australia, and inspires a wide range of feelings among those who know him.

"Malcolm doesn't create neutral feelings..." Malcolm Turnbull poses in 1991 for Good Weekend

"Malcolm doesn't create neutral feelings..." Malcolm Turnbull poses in 1991 for Good Weekend

"He's a prick," says ex-business-partner Nicholas Whitlam, who says he is being restrained in what he says so as not to fuel an ongoing feud.

"He's wonderful, kind, generous, warm and friendly," says actor Kate Fitzpatrick, a longtime friend.

Cover of Good Weekend, April 13, 1991.

Cover of Good Weekend, April 13, 1991. Credit: Good Weekend

"He's a turd," says former Labor senator Jim McClelland. "He's easy to loathe, he's a shit, he'd devour anyone for breakfast, he's on the make, he's cynical, he's offensively smug. He's a good exploiter of publicity, although I applauded the way he ran Spycatcher against [Margaret] Thatcher. He wasn't fazed by who he was up against." (Says Turnbull of McClelland, "I'm very sorry that many years of excessive consumption of alcohol and professional disappointment have reduced what was once a sharp wit into nothing better than gutter abuse. He's a bitter old man.")

"Malcolm doesn't create neutral feelings," says Trevor Sykes, editor-in-chief of Kerry Packer's Australian Business. "I don't think you are going to find a neutral commentator. The merchant banking world is the most bitchy I know. Malcolm, being a particularly abrasive character who doesn't suffer fools gladly, was always going to suffer his fair share of detractors."

"Perhaps beneath this facade, Malcolm is really a pussy cat," says radio personality Phillip Adams.


It is quite something to experience the Turnbull presence; he can be devastatingly funny, breathtakingly arrogant. Having defamed one, possibly two, of his former colleagues, he will in the next moment give you a mini lecture on Section 22 of the Defamation Act, just so that, when you write about him, you will be extra careful.

Malcolm Turnbull pictured in 1977 when he was writing for the Bulletin.

Malcolm Turnbull pictured in 1977 when he was writing for the Bulletin.

Next day, he tells us he didn't mean to sound menacing. Of course not.

Phillip Adams has also felt the Turnbull presence: "There's a smell of danger around him. The air crackles with a selfassurance and a sense of risk. Of the thousands of people I have interviewed, I have never sat in a studio with anyone quite as charming - and chilling - as Malcolm Turnbull."

Kerry Packer with advisor Malcolm Turnbull in 1984.

Kerry Packer with advisor Malcolm Turnbull in 1984.Credit: The Age

That's it. it's the blend that's so disturbing. Malcolm Turnbull has a dominating presence, physically and intellectually. People who deal with him professionally live in hope he stays benign, at least until they leave the room.

His language says it all: he talks about "retaliation", how he is at "war", how certain fights are only "skirmishes", a smaller part of the bigger "battle". He says, "For some reason I exercise a peculiar fascination for some people in this city [Sydney]. The stories about me are unbelievable."

Armed with an awesome, carefully cultivated network of contacts, Turnbull roams the corporate landscape, a hired gun after the main chance; when he saw the Ten Network on its last legs, he approached Westpac, Ten's lead banker; when he saw the John Fairfax Group collapsing, he approached junk bondholders in America who had lent $500 million, offering to represent them.

He has some powerful enemies - he nicknames himself "Satan" - but even more powerful friends: his first patron, Australia's wealthiest man, Kerry Packer; his business partner, ex-NSW Premier Neville Wran; his father-in~law Tom Hughes QC, perhaps Australia's most eminent silk.

He once wrote: "My connections with Packer and my father-in-law all helped my progress."

During the stormy days of "Goanna" in 1984, when Turnbull ran Packer's campaign to clear his name after The National Times published leaked case studies from the Costigan Royal Commission, he persuaded Packer to counter-attack with a "violent" (Turnbull's word) public attack on royal commissioner Frank Costigan QC. In one of the most aggressive performances seen in Australia, Turnbull taunted Costigan to sue him - according to Justice David Hunt in the NSW Supreme Court, Turnbull accused Douglas Meagher QC and Costigan of being unjust, capricious, dishonest and malicious.

Turnbull had said Meagher, the counsel assisting the commission, had leaked the case studies which formed the basis of the "Goanna" allegations. The then National Times editor, Brian Toohey, told Good Weekend. "Douglas Meagher did not leak them to me nor did Frank Costigan. By the time I got the documents, they had been widely circulated at government level. I am astounded that people in the media like Packer and Turnbull so wildly and inaccurately pointed the finger at people when they didn't have a clue. Had the defamation case [Packer sued Meagher] gone ahead, they would have gone on their neck unceremoniously."

Packer was cleared in a statement by then Attorney General Lionel Bowen but Turnbull's behaviour backfired. Packer's defamation action was struck out as an abuse of process and there came a devastating attack on Turnbull by Justice Hunt who said he had managed "to poison the fountain of justice".

Turnbull's scorched-earth use of the media made him unpopular with elements in the NSW Bar and was a factor in his leaving. He later moved fulltime into merchant banking.

You can see Turnbull's frustration, in a situation like this, when he has been attacked and cannot sue. Of Hunt's attack, he says, "That's the sort of thing that people can say on the Bench free from any retaliation."

Turnbull is tantalising; part of the contradiction is that while he protests that he is a champion of freedom of speech - he cites his victory over the British Government when he successfully secured the right of former spy Peter Wright to publish his memoirs, Spycatcher - some business people fear him for what they say are his threats to sue them if they speak about him. In researching this profile, Good Weekend encountered fear among business people. Packer once quipped to a friend that Turnbull frightened even him. (He told the same person he would never stand between Turnbull and a bag of money.)

Not everyone can smile while making a threat; it takes a particular personal toughness. "My tentacles spread to New York," Turnbull says, smiling, when he finds out I am moving to New York. Almost before the threat hits its target, the charm is back on.

A threat to take out an injunction to prevent this story from appearing comes after we have been having one of our many phone interviews and he has been relaxed and humorous.

Even as we sit near his pool one warm Sydney evening drinking gins and tonic, he is unrelenting. During a discussion about the appalling record of Australia's regulatory bodies in prosecuting corporate crooks, Turnbull declares, "lf I were Director of Public Prosecutions, I'd have them all behind bars."

"How immodest," says his wife, Lucy.

Sometimes Turnbull suggests he has been badly done by, the victim of pernicious words from envious competitors; at other times, he becomes one of the most aggressive people you can meet, savagely attacking his enemies.

Fairfax director Bill Beerworth was one prominent businessman who seemed scared to speak about him. "I will speak only and absolutely off the record. Part of the reason is, Malcolm is constantly threatening to sue me and Fairfax directors." [Turnbull responded. "I'm not an anonymous backstabber. If Beerworth is only prepared to criticise me on an anonymous basis, that demonstrates he is not confident that if his criticisms were subjected to the legal process he would be able to justify them").

During one two-hour interview with Turnbull, we saw the charm at work. But within 20 minutes of our leaving his office. he called a colleague, Sydney Morning Herald financial columnist Ian Verrender, arid branded him "f...k face" - six times - because of something he had written that day. What disturbed Verrender was that at times Turnbull seemed "almost friendly", at others "highly irrational". Turnbull yelled that Verrender had written the article despite having been to dinner with him and "grovelling for a job". Verrender protested at this; Turnbull finally admitted he had mistaken him for someone else.

Phillip Adams expressed surprise that Good Weekend was profiling Turnbull: "You're brave! Watch out that you don't get kneecapped. He's very litigious."

Why does Malcolm Turnbull chill so many people?

Scene 1: early 1987. Four of the most powerful men in Sydney meet in a stunning apartment in Sydney's Elizabeth Bay. It belongs to Kerry Packer; his semi-private hideaway where he sometimes does business. In the room are Packer, Turnbull, Wran and Nick Whitlam. former head of the NSW State Bank and the son of Gough Whitlam. They begin discussing how to set up a bank: deregulation frenzy is in the air and, with foreign banks coming in, the four men want a cut of the action. Packer tells them he will kick in $25 million and Larry Adler, then head of insurance group FAI, will do the same. Over mineral waters, a new bank is born.

Scene 2: late 1987. In the foyer of Whitlam, Turnbull & Co Ltd, the new bank, Wran greets a father and son - the father has brought the son along for the first of a series of tutorials on business. Kerry and Jamie Packer are introduced to a fourth person. Nigel Stokes. a former adviser to Wran and Rupert Murdoch. Wran gives Stokes such a rave that Kerry Packer decides to sit in. "I'll stay too," adds Wran.

Stokes is overwhelmed - it's one thing to tutor a 19-year-old, but lecturing to Australia's wealthiest man and a former NSW premier about balance sheets? Stokes eventually moves on to topic two - How to Get a Loan from a Bank. At this, Kerry, in a jovial mood, interjects, "Make sure you get the bankers to come to your office! And always keep 'em waiting - hit 'em round the head a bit, let 'em know who's boss!"

With friends like Packer and Wran, Turnbull is already ahead of the rest. Part of the reason Turnbull creates fear in many people is that they worry that he may be "an agent of Packer".

They feel that if they upset Turnbull, they upset Packer, or so the conventional wisdom goes, and upsetting Australia's richest man, with a direct line to the Prime Minister, is not smart business.

Packer's name can do funny things to people - otherwise confident business people become wary when asked about him. A few months ago, a colleague and l watched John Gerahty, head of the Monaco-based AFP Group and an otherwise confident man, pause nervousiy and insist our tape be turned off when we asked about two private meetings he had had with Packer about the Ten Network, with which Gerath was then involved. It was an extraordinary performance. Gerahty's fear was resounding.

And that fear extends vicariously to Turnbull. Even some of Turnbull's friends were careful about commenting. The spokeswoman for Gary Rice, new head of Ten, said, "Gary's very wary about doing this sort of piece."

"I wouldn't wish to be seen as critical," said longtime friend, lawyer Bruce McWilliam, after two interviews. McWilliam later sent a letter to Good Weekend: "Some of the most enjoyable moments of my life have involved either working with Malcolm or hearing him recount his experiences of negotiations."

In reference to the sale of the Nine Network to Alan Bond and stormy negotiations during which Turnbull, acting for Packer, is said to have threatened to punch a leading Sydney lawyer, McWilliam wrote. "The incident where a draft was flung back at its author by Malcolm has been overblown ... Malcolm threw the draft back at him more in irony than in anger." Of his temper, McWilliam later said, "He'll attack you to your face. I'm sure even he would recognise he's too aggressive."

Turnbull says he was "probably" aggressive as a child. Of his aggression he says: "In this economic environment, things are so hard that unless people are prepared to act aggressively they will not be able to protect their rights. This is a time for bold action."

Packer uses Turnbull as the legal and merchant banking commando he can send into the trenches. Turnbull acted for him in the buy-back of the Nine Network from Bond. ("You only get one Alan Bond in your life and I've had mine." Packer said later.) In an indication of how closely Turnbull guards the Packer connection, Turnbull locked Whitlam out of that deal, even though Whitlam was majority shareholder in their merchant bank at the time.

Tumbull is a legal street-fighter, someone who revels in taking on the hard cases, preferably also those which are going to involve big exposure. In the famous Spycatcher case in 1986, which three Australian QCs advised could not be won, Turnbull, then only 32, successfully took on a phalanx of British QCs. The publication of Spycatcher went ahead in 1987 and became a best-seller, despite Margaret Thatcher's opposition. The British papers couldn't get enough of "the Wonder Boy".

Another case was advising Warwick Fairfax when Turnbull stitched up a deal to sell The Age to Robert Maxwell for $800 million in 1988. The deal was vetoed by Treasurer Paul Keating, but Turnbull and Whitlam walked away with $9.8 million for their work on The Age and for other advice. One gets the impression Turnbull is taking a bizarre pleasure in now returning to the Fairfax carcass on behalf of the US junk bondholders.

For Malcolm Bligh Turnbull, life is attack, attack, attack. Even in his private life, it seems, he can be explosive. Recently, according to Lucy, Turnbull "absolutely went off his rocker" - it was over a relatively small thing, she says, "but it became an issue of power in the marriage".

This, she says, is what can happen when you are married to a strong person. She says her husband is not provoked as easily as he was two years ago. "Then there was the turbulence of trying to get a business off the ground. He was very tense." It seems during the 11 years they have been married, Lucy has been a stabilising counterpoint. Kate Fitzpatrick says Lucy "lets him sail wherever he likes but she's an anchor".

Lucy, asked about his temper, employs understatement: "I understand Malcolm has a reputation." She insists "he's one of the most gentle people I know that's what I love about him".

To strengthen the case for Malcolm-is-gentle - and it needs strengthening - Lucy, as we sip coffee in their Paddington mansion, enlists the support of their housemaid. Lucy: "Malcolm's not a monster, is he, Marguerite?"

Marguerite: "He's very sweet".

Good Weekend: "You probably wouldn't say that, Marguerite, if you faced him in a boardroom." Marguerite smiles and resumes the housework.

Lucy: "I get a bit grumpy when Malcolm is singled out as the lone ranger who goes around gunning down everyone."

"Power" can be a nebulous notion, so to crystallise what we mean in this case, here are some examples of Malcolm Turnbull's power.

One: He wanted Westpac, the Ten Network's main banker, to sack then network head Steve Cosser and install Gary Rice. Rice is now head of Ten.

Two: Given they have two of the largest egos in Sydney, it was inevitable they would eventually fall out, but when Turnbull and Nick Whitlam did fall out last year over who was doing more work for the bank they had set up together, it was with acrimony so bitter that one of them had to leave the bank. Both wanted Neville Wran's support.

Wran had once appointed Whitlam to run the NSW State Bank, and there was a powerful ALP connection through his father, Gough. But when the crunch came, at a midnight meeting, Wran, according to Whitlam, sat taking minutes, not uttering a word. Wran dropped Whitlam cold. Turnbull routed Whitlam. Wran and Whitlam have not spoken since.

Three: Turnbull and Wran's cleaning company, Allcorp, lost in a tender a contract to a competitor, Tempo, to clean a State Bank building. Three days before Tempo was to begin the contract, a State Bank officer rang a Tempo executive: Tempo no longer had the contract, Allcorp would be retaining it, even though Tempo consultant James Cook claimed it had bid up to $70,000 a year less than AIlcorp. ("Odd things happen," says Tumbull, "but whether that's odd or strange I don't know.")

At one stage last year it seemed Turnbull had built a series of Chinese walls around himself. At the same time he was on the board of Channel Nine, he was advising Westpac on Ten and advising Hudson Conway on the bid for the Seven Network. In a comment which highlights Turnbull's situation, he says, as if in passing, "The critical issue is', 'Are you passing confidential information about Ten to Seven or Nine or vice-versa?' and the reality is, l was not doing that."

Whatever, then Ten head Steve Cosser was unnerved - his fear was that Turnbull, as an adviser to Westpac, would have access to sensitive information about Ten's operations, even though he was on the board of Nine and involved in the bid for Seven. Turnbull resigned from Nine. One Chinese wall came down.

Turnbull's detractors say he is overbearing, unnecessarily aggressive. His friends say this is how he gets results. One enemy, Nick Whitlam, says, "That confrontationist, litigious style - there's a market for it and he's probably the best in town at it." One friend, Peter Meakin, a Nine executive who worked with Turnbull when Turnbull was legal adviser to Nine, says, "Unlike many lawyers, Malcolm always fought for the story to be run."

An example of Turnbull in action came after he took on the case of the Fairfax bondholders last year. Bill Beerworth, a Fairfax director, flew to Los Angeles to urge the bondholders not to hire Turnbull. Beerworth was scheduled to meet two of them to strengthen his anti-Turnbull case. Within minutes of the meeting beginning, other bondholders began filing in, one by one. It disrupted the meeting and placed enormous psychological pressure on Beerworth. Instead of a quiet white-anting session, with the two of them, he was soon facing 20 gung-ho Americans. Next thing the door burst open - and in walked Malcolm Bligh Turnbull.

It was a most unpleasant scene. Beerworth told the Americans the Trade Practices Commission had adversely commented on Turnbull's mooted involvement with the Ten Network. Beerworth referred to the TPC statement threatening to take court action to prevent Turnbull being used by Ten. He told them Tumbull would be a liability because of the Packer connection. Turnbull stood at the back of the room grinning. The bondholders liked his style - they hired him.

Says Turnbull, "The whole Fairfax thing is as silly as a circus. Here you have a group of people who are owed $500 million. Here you have these advisers to the company who are telling them the place is broke, you are going to get either nothing or very close to nothing, and if you get anything more than nothing you should be grateful. Then at the same time they say, hire Turnbull because he's really tough and aggressive and will do anything to get what he wants.' "

Another example of the Turnbull style came during negotiations to sell the Nine Network to Bond in 1987. At one point, according to one account, Turnbull threatened to take Bill Conley, a senior partner at Blake Dawson Waldron, for Bond, outside and punch him. He also threatened to throw a cup of coffee over him. "There are theatrics in all negotiations," says Bruce McWilliam.

Asked about these accounts, Turnbull said, "Presumably, as a means of justifying what in retrospect was not their greatest deal, the Bond people have chosen to invent a heroic environment in which they represented Alan against the flying coffee cups, draft documents and fists from myself. The truth sadly was much more mundane."

Award-winning artist Bill Leak, who covered the Spycatcher case for BBC-TV, tells of Turnbull being impressed with his work and asking if he could buy some of the originals. Eighteen months later, Leak discovered the portraits, including roughs, were featured in Turnbull's book about the case. Leak was furious - not just that the work was used, in his view, without his authorisation, but the roughs too. Leak says Turnbull had wanted the drawings as mementos. "I thought if I was running around publishing material which reflected badly on his professional capacity, what would he do? Would he ring up and say, 'Let's have a beer' or sue the pants off me? I sued to make the point that my professional standing had been arrived at by as much hard work as he's invested in establishing his reputation." Turnbull settled out of court.

Turnbull is hardline: "This was an act of absolute opportunism by Leak."

Part of the contradiction of Malcolm Turnbull is his memory: on occasions he has extraordinarily good recall, at others surprisingly bad. He cannot recall, for instance, ever kicking a door during a rage, as claimed by the former managing director of Allcorp, James Cook; or, according to Cook, Neville Wran leaving a board meeting during a Turnbull rage and sending a note back saying "Let me know when Malcolm's settled down"; or challenging Richard Ackland, editor of the Justinian, to "Come outside and we'll fix it up" when he ran into Ackland after he had written something about him.

Journalist Neil Mercer had an unpleasant meeting with Turnbull in 1985. Then working for Packer's Channel Nine, Mercer had dinner one night at Kinselas restaurant in Sydney, where Turnbull was at another table. Later, Turnbull joined Mercer and Brian Toohey. Mercer says the atmosphere became acrimonious when he supported The National Times's publication of the Costigan case studies. He says Turnbull threatened to have him sacked, vowing, "You will be at the end of the dole queue in the morning." Next morning Mercer was called in by then 60 Minutes boss Gerald Stone, but Stone stuck by Mercer.

Says Turnbull, "I honestly don't recall that - l have always taken the view that loyalty is a very important virtue and I can well imagine I would have been irritated to see someone working for Kerry and taking Kerry's money bad-mouthing him. I'd be very surprised if I said, be fired in the morning. You have got to bear in mind they were very tough days. Those of us trying to defend Kerry at times thought we were a pretty lonely crew. We did not expect all of his employees to be vociferous allies but equally we didn't expect to find enemies among the ranks."

Malcolm Turnbull is forever the Iawyer. He even had a fight with the vicar who married him and Lucy in England. Turnbull was studying law at Oxford. The Anglican vicar they had approached told them that Lucy, as a Catholic, and he, as a Presbyterian, were not part of his flock. "Your petty sectarian approach is unconstitutional," Turnbull retorted. "The Church of England is the religion of the State. You are a servant of the Crown, not materially different from an ambassador or an admiral. It is your constitutional duty to prevent fornication in your parish." The vicar finally relented and married them.

Lucy herself is something of a contradiction - on the one hand disarmingly down to earth, on the other somebody with all the trappings of wealth. A lawyer with an MBA, she worked with Turnbull on the Spycatcher case and now works part-time with him in the merchant bank.

She has a personal fitness trainer and is a prized client of Sydney's leading boutiques. Politically, she describes herself as "small-l liberal" - "I was disturbed when Malcolm joined the Liberal Party" - and says she thinks she has been instrumental in her husband's relinquishing his political ambitions (he once wanted to be Prime Minister) on the grounds that the personal costs to family life are too high. Their shared interests include the law (she topped her final Law year) and international politics, especially the Middle East. (At present he is reading Thomas Friedman's From Beirut to Jerusalem, and she is reading Robert Fisk's Pity the Nation.) One friend, film producer Margaret Fink, describes them as "ostensibly the ideal couple" - "The same career, two kids, money, they're young, good-looking, well-connected, good antecedents."

Turnbull had a turbulent childhood. Alistair Mackerras, headmaster of Sydney Grammar for 20 years, recalls a young Malcolm coming as a boarder, having been abandoned by his mother, Coral Lansbury, a radio scriptwriter who went on to become a distinguished feminist and writer in America after her divorce. She died 10 days ago, aged 61. His father, Bruce Bligh Turnbull, a hotel broker, found it difficult bringing up Malcolm full-time. "It had a profound influence on me. It was a terrible, terrible thing." He and his mother would communicate by sending tapes to each other, but it was no substitute for his mother's presence. Even when they spent time together later in life, by some accounts they had a tempestuous relationship. When asked once by a British journalist how she felt about her son being dubbed Wonder Boy during the Spycatcher trial, Lansbury reportedly said, "At home I call him the Messiah."

Mackerras remembers Malcolm at 12 or 13 as something of a loner, unpopular because of his intolerance of his peers' "silly and immature" behaviour. "He was born middle-aged," says Mackerras who, over 10 years, grew to know Turnbull probably better than his parents. "I don't think he ever got any pleasure out of youthful things."

At 13, Turnbull would holiday with Mackerras and his wife at their beachhouse on the NSW South Coast. Mackerras remembers' being disturbed at Malcolm's "contemptuous" attitude to women, something he put down to his mother having "cleared out".

"I always thought when he was young he was distinctly anti-woman. He was anti his mother for one." (Lucy Turnbull says he has more female friends than male: "I suppose women see the gentleness more than men.")

Mackerras told Good Weekend he liked Turnbull, seeing in him many of his own boyhood traits - Malcolm showed little interest in sport (although he later played in the First XV), shunning the company of his peers to discuss history, religion and philosophy with Mackerras.

Clearly Turnbull had a stunning mind matched by a flourish with words and presence. He was a dazzling debating captain and his teachers remember his brilliance as Prospero in The Tempest.

In the finest tradition of Mackerras' Grammar, where democracy took a back seat to master-knowing-best, Mackerras appointed Turnbull head prefect, knowing his unpopularity. "It doesn't hurt to have someone who doesn't mind doing unpopular things," he said.

While Turnbull was useful for this purpose, Mackerras could see possible problems later in life. "When he bossed people around he did it in an abrasive way people didn't like. He makes it clear that he thinks people are perfect fools and haven't got a brain in their head - that's not how to make friends and influence people."

Turnbull continued to be an unconventional student, At the University of Sydney he paid a friend $30 a week (plus carbon paper) to take notes for him - often he wasn't in class; he was already writing for Nation Review and copywriting for John Singleton, who later introduced him to Packer. When he attended class he would be armed with a beeper. Nonetheless, with referees such as Sir Laurence Street, Neville Wran and Consolidated Press managing director Trevor Kennedy, Turnbull was awarded a Rhodes scholarship in 1977, leaving to study at Oxford.

At 22, he wrote The Law for The Bulletin, a high-handed column in which he would lecture to the Bench - judges three times his age - about mistakes they had made.

Even in the early days, he had the fire of ambition in his breast. In the mid-1970s, Turnbull, then 21, and radio broadcaster David Dale were seeing two women from the same house. This led to a fascinating exchange in the early hours. Both men, with towels around them, found themselves tiptoeing to the bathroom at the same time. Turnbull, whom Dale knew only as "Malcolm the Footballer" because of his solid frame, announced to Dale he wanted to be Prime Minister by the time he was 40.

"For which party?" asked Dale.

"It doesn't matter," responded Malcolm the Footballer.

It is clear Turnbull cannot even vaguely comprehend the idea of taking prisoners - the moment he suspects someone may have said something even obliquely critical of him, he lashes out. Phillip Adams, for example, made a lighthearted comment to Good Weekend that if he were casting Godfather IV he'd ask Turnbull to play the lead. Turnbull, told of this, said. "Oh really? That's nice of him."

"What's he saying?"

Turnbull: "I've got no idea - I don't think Phillip has most of the time either."

When he suspects Nick Whitlam may have spoken to us, he retaliates: "He is a fellow whose entire net worth is a result of his partnership with me ... I honestly think he just felt a little bit overshadowed. That was probably the real reason [he left the bank]... I think it's all bitterness because he hasn't been able to get a job. That's what's really upset him. He's still unemployed. He does a little bit here and a little bit there but he's been trying to get a big job for well over a year now and he's been unable to... The problem I guess that Nick has is that his departure from here is the most important thing that's happened to him. So it's all he has to talk about. Whereas it was a very small blip."

But are you difficult to work with?

"I might say that every person I have ever been in partnership or business with has been enriched by the experience, at least in a financial if not in an emotional sense [at this he leans back, arms behind his head, and laughs]. I find the criticisms Nicholas Whitlam makes of me rather churlish when you consider when he went into business with me, at the age of 42, he didn't even own his own house."

Whitlam, told of this and the "unemployed" allegation, said, "I find all this very demeaning - that is the sort of typically nasty, typically vicious thing I would expect him to say. With Malcolm everything is full-frontal, confrontational battle. He's a genuinely nasty person - I may be unemployed to the extent that I'm self-employed but I'm employed by Reg Grundy in their bid for the Seven Network. [Seven's bankers have since strengthened their control, and Grundy's is expected to turn its attention to Ten], for an international airline and a Japanese company ... he thinks he's a bully, he thinks he traumatised me."

Whitlam added, with obvious glee, that he and Turnbull had similar houses "but I paid $400,000 for mine whereas Malcolm paid $2 million".

The Turnbull game plan is hard to pick. He says it's simple: he wants to continue doing what he is doing - merchant banking. He says he has given away any political ambitions: "I'm not sure that I'm really suited to the democratic process."

Throughout our interviews, there were only two questions which gave him any difficulty. Firstly, would the world be a better place for his time here? He became reflective: "Ah. that's a very deep, very philosophical question. l hope so, but how it will be, I don't know."

The second: Mr Turnbull, what's your definition of humility?

Long pause. Don't think I'd have anything original to contribute on that. I mean, I think I'd have to look up a dictionary to see what it means. I guess humility is being suitably modest about yourself and your attainments."

Then, almost as if he felt like a wimp, even if only for a moment, he added, "Humility is for saints."

To celebrate Good Weekend's 30th anniversary, we have selected 30 of the magazine's best features of the past three decades. This article was originally published on April 13, 1991. For the full list, click here.

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