

This was published 18 years ago

The Malcolm X-factor

THE last of the afternoon sun is glancing off the Hawkesbury River and fading from the paddocks as Malcolm Bligh Turnbull makes a beeline for the far corner of the graveyard. "Ah, here it is," he declares. He stops next to the weathered headstone that marks the final resting place of John Turnbull.

It's an unseasonably warm late September afternoon. Turnbull has driven 70 kilometres out of Sydney in his daughter's new hybrid-engine Prius (exclaiming frequently at the ingeniousness of the machine) to receive thanks from Grant Bilbey, the pastor of the Ebenezer church.

Turnbull is paying $35,000 from his own pocket to help restore Australia's oldest chapel, which stands just beyond Wilberforce near the river here. A clutch of Turnbulls lies buried nearby.

The first, John, stepped off the boat in 1802, aged nearly 60. Family legend has it that the governor, Philip Gidley King, asked the adventurous veteran: "What are you doing here, old man, at the far end of the Earth with one foot already in the grave?"

The old man not only outlived King, but went on to father one last child, William Bligh Turnbull (from whom Malcolm is descended), before dying at 86.


It is a story of victory against the odds and sheer bloody-mindedness which delights the modern Turnbull, who perhaps sees these qualities when he looks in the mirror. He repeats the tale for Bilbey's benefit as the pair pose for the local newspapers. Then it's on to tea and scones with the elderly church volunteers, a ritual at which Turnbull proves surprisingly adept.

The former journalist, lawyer, merchant banker and now politician marks his second anniversary as the federal member for Wentworth on October 9.

Supporters were anxious on two counts when he entered politics. The first was how he would manage the legacy of 20 combative, successful and at times highly controversial years in the shark-infested waters of the Sydney business world.

The second was how he would adjust to the relentless slog of electorate work: the fund-raising dinners, church fetes, delegations, school prizegivings, the whole business of morphing from mansion-dweller to stump politician.

A long-time friend, the former state Liberal minister Michael Yabsley, candidly admits: "The greatest concern his staunch supporters had about Malcolm was that he might not develop the skills necessary to be a good politician. There is no great secret about the fact that he's got a daunting intellect and can be a pretty intimidating sort of person. You know the old line, 'You've got to be able to suffer fools'? Well many of us said for a long time, 'Malcolm doesn't suffer fools.' In many walks of life that is not a handicap but it is in politics."

Two years on, Yabsley maintains: "Malcolm has created an amazing case study of someone who can actually change.

"People started to use words like 'charming'." He pauses, laughing. "I mean, Malcolm has always been capable of being charming, but it was a bit of a 50-50 split between charm and terror. The change has tipped that balance amazingly in favour of the charm part of the equation."

Turnbull seems mildly affronted at the suggestion that he has consciously performed personality surgery on himself.

"I actually like the grassroots stuff," he insists. " I'm a very convivial person, I like getting out. That's why I get the bus, or train. I like chatting to the people I meet."

Nevertheless, many of Turnbull's Canberra colleagues were bracing themselves for the arrival of a Sherman tank, not the human equivalent of the Prius.

Bruce Baird, chairman of the economics committee on which Turnbull served in his first year, says: "He was regarded as being somewhat volatile in his past life as a merchant banker and there were reportedly spectacular clashes with Nick Whitlam [his former business partner]. But I certainly haven't seen that since he's been in Canberra."

Had he overly dominated the committee? "Maybe a little at first but over time he mellowed out."

The NSW backbencher Jackie Kelly was among those who started out feeling ill-disposed towards him. She had been close to the wife of Peter King, the previous member for Wentworth, whom Turnbull had to dislodge to win the Liberal candidacy. The preselection was bitterly fought, with both sides furiously recruiting members to tip party branches in their favour. Turnbull's superior resources saw him accused of buying his way to victory.

Kelly says she was very much "anti" when he came in. "But since he's been in Canberra he has completely turned me around. He is seriously impressive: his performances in committees, his performances with his colleagues, his performances in the media, his capacity for work."

She says others who came into politics with big reputations behind them - and she singles out former Liberal ministers Ian McLachlan and John Moore - never fulfilled expectations.

"I think Malcolm is completely different. He is real. I'd call him a mate."

It is a big rap from a noted supporter of John Howard and, although it is so early in Turnbull's parliamentary career, backroom talk already sees him as an important piece in the game of political chess John Howard is perceived to be playing over his successor.

This week marked another step up for Turnbull, with Howard announcing the creation of an Office of Water Resources inside his department. Turnbull is the Prime Minister's parliamentary secretary on water, a role which puts him above the back bench but still a rung below junior ministers. The new office, which will give him a much bigger specialist staff to work with, is being seen as a mark of prime ministerial favour. There is speculation he is being groomed for the ministry if Howard reshuffles the front bench before the end of the year.

Business leaders have put money on it. A senior Liberal official says that at a fund-raiser recently, the main prize being auctioned was dinner with any minister from NSW. The winning table nominated Turnbull.

As the Turnbull star rises, the Peter Costello camp is chafing. Although Turnbull insists his relationship with the federal Treasurer is cordial and they get on "perfectly well", others who know both men well say they don't have a relationship.

Turnbull certainly rubbed Costello up the wrong way with his intervention in the debate over tax rates last year, prompting Costello to hose down the newcomer.

Though Turnbull has not strayed onto that turf since, he shows no contrition.

Did he feel he had deserved a head kick from the Treasurer?

"I will leave it to you to characterise but it wasn't a kicking … If somebody produced a paper or gave a speech on water I wouldn't regard that as an affront. You want to encourage a diversity of views and the correct approach to take to things like that is to say 'Thanks very much, great ideas."'

Treasurer, take note.

"Both men are seeing that the other might be a threat to him further down the line," says a senior Liberal insider. "They are two bulls in a paddock."

Another observes: "Turnbull isn't an intimate of Howard's, but Howard seems to be looking to him to be a counterweight to Costello. Howard is looking for a New South Welshman to carry the mantle of Liberalism after he goes. Tony Abbott didn't work out, Brendan Nelson is considered a bit hollow, now I think he's thinking: 'Gee, well maybe it's going to be Malcolm."'

Turnbull won't take the bait.

"Look, I know this sounds unconvincing, but I really do focus on doing whatever I'm doing as well as I can. I live in the here and now, I don't lie awake grinding my teeth worrying about what's going to happen in five years."

But Yabsley proffers one scenario: "Howard will lead the Coalition to victory in an election in about 12 months' time. The question after that is, what does he then do? It will be a rerun of the same debate, the succession plan and all the rest. If the PM were to leave, I think there will be a robust leadership contest … As a big Malcolm fan I would be very disappointed if he was not in the race."

Kelly says: "I think Malcolm's best interests are served by the PM serving as long as he can because obviously the longer the PM is there, the stronger Malcolm's support base becomes … I don't think he is courting a vote. But he's getting a group of supporters around him who will do it for him."

TURNBULL'S future with the Liberal Party was looking far from assured in November 1999 when, as head of the Australian Republican Movement, he declared that the Prime Minister had broken the country's heart by opposing the republican cause.

Old rumours resurfaced during the Wentworth battle that he had flirted with Labor after his two earlier runs at Liberal preselection in 1981 and 1983.

Turnbull denies this, saying Paul Keating rang to offer him Graham Richardson's casual Senate vacancy when the Labor factional boss left Parliament in 1994.

"I said to Paul that was very flattering but I didn't think I would be comfortable in the Labor Party, nor would it be comfortable with me."

In any case, Turnbull had rehabilitated himself with most Liberals by 2002 when he became the party's federal treasurer, raising millions through his business contacts.

Some believe Turnbull's family connections also helped in mending bridges with Howard. The Prime Minister is a long-time admirer of Tom Hughes, the legendary Sydney barrister and former Liberal attorney-general. Hughes's daughter, Lucy, a former Sydney lord mayor, is Turnbull's wife.

Lucy also paved the way for a connection between Turnbull and the one-time Liberal leader Andrew Peacock. In the 1960s Peacock shared a flat with Hughes, knew Lucy as a girl, and has since become a champion of Turnbull.

The pro-Turnbull network is nothing if not eclectic.

It also includes Senator Bill Heffernan, the tough bushie and NSW party strongman who is a sentimental favourite of Howard's. Heffernan has indicated that he had a hand in getting Turnbull a leg-up for the parliamentary secretary's job, and the pair have forged an unlikely friendship (raising eyebrows in some parts of the party), based on shared views about rural water management, the ultimate need for agricultural development in the north of Australia, and the perils of climate change.

Turnbull has two substantial cattle properties in the Upper Hunter Valley and he and Heffernan talk the land and horses (Turnbull is an excellent rider). One difference Heffernan points out is that "he knows every tree on his farm by the Latin name … I know 'em by gum trees".

They are also both members of the Catholic Church.

It is not exactly clear when, or why, Turnbull converted. It was some years ago and the fact the Hughes clan are dyed-in-the-wool Catholics clearly played some part in it. But he brushes off questions. Privately, he holds a distaste for politicians wearing their religion on their sleeves.

"Look I don't deny that I'm a Catholic, and I don't deny that I go to Mass, not as often as I should, no doubt," he says. "But I don't like to mix religion and politics."

Monsignor Tony Doherty of St Mary Magdalene Church, Rose Bay, which Turnbull attends, says: "I think he continues to be a thoughtful person searching for a contemporary spirituality and tries to make sense of the church in a pretty Australian context."

One can, perhaps, detect a Catholic tinge to some of Turnbull's dire warnings about the declining birth rate - but then again, he shares that preoccupation with the decidedly non-Catholic Peter Costello.

Where he and his spiritual counsellors might have a bit to talk about are the dilemmas of wealth.

Turnbull has dropped off this year's BRW Top 200 Rich List but last year was assessed by the magazine as sitting on about $130 million (he won't disclose the exact size of his fortune).

It's been a gilt-edged ride (garnering enemies as well as friends on the way): starting with his appointment as Kerry Packer's in-house legal counsel at 29, progressing through the lucrative pastures of merchant banking with his own outfit and later with Goldman Sachs, and reaping a bonanza via his stake in OzEmail.

He resigned several directorships when he entered Parliament in late 2004 but remains a director of six investment companies. All are described as wholly family-owned private companies, "not engaged in business, but holding assets".

Lucy remains a director on 20 boards, a mix of charities and family and business ventures.

Turnbull says: "What I have endeavoured to do is reduce the number of my investments, particularly in listed companies.

"You could look at my portfolio now and see the bulk of investments are either in real estate, cash or cash equivalents, or managed funds, in which case no conflicts of interest really arise."

But in politics it is sometimes all about perceptions. One Liberal MP was quick to draw attention to a headline this month proclaiming that "Packer leads $80m Turnbull bailout".

"One wonders if he's being bailed out by people like that, how could he be minister for communications, or treasurer, or any of these jobs?" said the source.

Turnbull insists the headline was highly misleading. The deal involved a hedge fund called Pengana, which he co-founded before entering Parliament and from which he has just sold out entirely. He says the listed company was "very solvent" and had been taken over by two investment bankers with the support of prominent investors, including the chairman of PBL, James Packer. He had no discussions with Packer about it.

There is also the small matter of the HIH liquidator, who is suing Turnbull personally, along with Goldman Sachs, for losses caused by the failed insurance giant's 1998 entanglement with the then Goldman Sachs client FAI.

Turnbull says he is "losing no sleep over it" as he was fully cleared by the HIH Royal Commission.

His donations to charity provide more comfortable ground. He gives away "a lot of money". He and Lucy run a personal charitable foundation which donates to local churches, youth services and schools, the Sydney Children's Hospital, the Redfern Foundation and the Australian Cancer Centre, among others. "My financial success has been in part due to my hard work and so forth," he says " but equally there are many who work very hard and never get ahead. So much of what we have is a consequence of good fortune, at the end of the day you have to be a good giver."

He says he has a "very, very low sense of entitlement. I don't believe I am entitled to much, if anything."

IT IS easy to forget that Turnbull's childhood was far from idyllic.

His mother, the academic and writer Coral Lansbury, walked out when Malcolm was 10. His father, Bruce, who he says gave him "complete and utter unconditional love", struggled to put his only child through boarding school on a partial scholarship.

Turnbull recalls Bruce as "an incredibly charismatic, convivial, persuasive guy, a great raconteur, a really warm personality. He was very bright, but left school at 15 to be an apprentice electrician and hated that, then got into sales. He was incredibly loyal - he showed that by the way he stuck with me after my mother shot through." Bruce died in an air crash in 1982.

"I should have been very resentful toward my mother," Turnbull reflects. "Not only did she leave me when I was young, she basically sold the flat, which had only just been bought. I remember we were so delighted we were no longer in the clutches of the landlord, and no sooner had that happened than it was sold again and we were down [renting] in Double Bay. But my father brainwashed me never to resent her. He created this goddess of a mother for me to adore."

Years later, after Coral had died in Philadelphia, Turnbull came back with all her papers. He stumbled across a cache of letters Bruce had written to her after she left. "They were these really sad, reproachful letters. 'You let Malcolm down, you promised to come to his speech day and you didn't, Malcolm was expecting you for his birthday and you didn't come', really heart-rending stuff. I was sitting there [reading it] and crying. Yet he would write that letter, and then turn around and say to me: 'Your mum is the most wonderful mother in the world."'

Abruptly, the words stop. The memories have become uncomfortable. He is late for a citizenship ceremony at a Jewish centre and he's off, flying along back lanes at a speed that leaves staff panting in his wake.

His determination to cover every inch of the electorate on foot has gained fresh impetus from a recent redistribution, which cuts his margin in Wentworth to about 2.5 per cent.

The seat remains one of Sydney's wealthiest, covering the multimillionaire harbourside enclaves of Point Piper, Darling Point, Double Bay and Vaucluse as well as the beach suburbs of Bronte and Clovelly.

In his maiden speech to Parliament Turnbull went into oratorical overdrive, describing the area's "green hills and golden beaches strung like jewels between the harbour and the sea".

But at the next election he will also have to trawl for votes among the less well-heeled denizens of Kings Cross, Potts Point and parts of Darlinghurst.

He says he is working harder than ever. He gives at least two speeches a day and says he personally responds to more than 200 emails a week.

The media pounced recently on unguarded comments over interest rates and petrol, which made him look out of touch with common concerns. But he is generally assiduous about his homework. Not long ago he woke at 3am to rework a landmark speech on water for the Sydney Institute. At two Jewish events the Herald attended with him, he seamlessly wove the odd Hebrew and Yiddish phrase through well-pitched speeches.

More curious is the "dog blog" of the family's three mutts, largely penned in girlish style by his 21-year-old daughter, Daisy, an arts and commerce student. If one mark of a man is his dogs, consider Rusty, a red cattle dog, and the two silky terriers, Jo Jo and Mellie. He is clearly close to his children and says he wishes he and Lucy had had more. His son, Alex, 24, lives in New York.

How far will he rise? He says he is in Parliament for the long haul, if the voters of Wentworth keep returning him. Could the unpredictable forces of politics ever force him and Costello into strategic alliance? Unlikely - but stranger things have happened in the Turnbull family saga, as the occupants of the Ebenezer church cemetery would testify.

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