

This was published 7 years ago

Here are 10 people more deserving of a petition to be sacked than Yassmin Abdel-Magied

By Ruby Hamad

Since her infamous Q&A verbal stoush with senator Jacqui Lambie over the meaning of Sharia (was it really only a week ago?), Yassmin Abdel-Magied has become the target of several highly critical articles in The Australian, including one penned by none other than anti-Islam campaigner Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and a truly hideous cartoon by Bill Leak.

Most incredible though is the right-wing petition calling on the ABC to "publicly condemn and fire" the young Muslim advocate who is a presenter for the public broadcaster. At the time of writing the petition had more than 23,000 signatures.

That conservatives, those bastions of free speech, are trying to get her sacked for her religious views which are – however naïve in parts – also exceedingly mild, is beyond parody.

This whole saga has drifted beyond the realm of the ludicrous and into the realm of bullying. Why is a young woman being hounded because she tried to give an honest perspective on what her faith means to her?

Yassmin Abdel-Magied

Yassmin Abdel-Magied

Had Abdel-Magied actually said anything incendiary I could almost understand this. But this escalating overreaction seems almost as though people think there should be one rule for Muslims and one rule for everybody else. But we couldn't possibly have that in a secular, liberal democracy, could we?

Meanwhile, our cultural, political, and media landscape continues to be teeming with public personalities whose views are not only ill-informed, but often extremely dangerous. And often they're not above using their position to target those with far less power and standing than themselves.

Look, if Abdel-Magied deserves to be censured just for saying "me praying five times a day is Sharia," then these following people should really have the book thrown at them.

1. Jacqui Lambie


Out of the two women accused of engaging in a shouting match on Q&A last week, the one who is more deserving of a petition calling for her sacking is certainly not Abdel-Magied.

 "So you can be a Sharia law supporter and be half-pregnant at the same time, C'mon," Senator Lambie said.

"So you can be a Sharia law supporter and be half-pregnant at the same time, C'mon," Senator Lambie said.Credit: ABC

I cut Lambie some slack last week because, however crude and ignorant her language when discussing Islam, there is a small kernel of truth to her words: Islamic law in many Muslim-majority countries is draconian and unjustly implemented, and it is spreading rather than retreating as we would hope.

Until Lambie is willing to educate herself on Islam a little more, she needs to refrain from disseminating misinformation in an already tense climate that is approaching near-hysteria. It is both embarrassing and grossly irresponsible of elected representatives to stoke fear through easily disprovable and dangerous lies such as: "Sharia law denies the right of the Jewish people to live in peace in Israel." Fact Check: Israel was created was 1948. Sharia dates back to the early 7th century.

Ross Cameron speaks at the Q Society fundraiser.

Ross Cameron speaks at the Q Society fundraiser. Credit: Wolter Peeters

2. Ross Cameron

This former Liberal minister and current co-host of Sky News' Outsiders recently made something of a nincompoop of himself (to put it rather mildly) when, speaking at a fundraiser for the far-right Q Society, he not only inexplicably called bigoted political cartoonists Paul Zanetti and Larry Pickering "geniuses", he also "jokingly" referred to the Sydney Morning Herald as "The Sydney Morning Homosexual", went on an indecipherable rant about the history of that most oppressed of all groups, heterosexuals, before setting the tone for the entire evening by naturally landing on and vilifying Islam. How does he still have a job, again?

3. Bill Leak

Repeat offender extraordinaire, I am tempted to say Leak has outdone himself with his cartoon depicting a monkey-like Abdel-Magied taking a selfie with what appears to be a female victim of stoning.

One of Bill Leak's abhorrent cartoons.

One of Bill Leak's abhorrent cartoons. Credit: Bill Leak

But really, his record of punching down and reducing the most marginalised and discriminated against sectors of society to punchlines and vapid, ugly stereotypes, with no regard to historical, political, and social context whatsoever, is so long, deep, and murky, his nadir must surely lie somewhere far below whatever this creature is, at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

4. Miranda Devine

My favourite pundit of the surely-this-person-doesn't-mean-this-and-is only-trolling-us-to-see-what-she-can-get-away-with variety really hit it out of the park this week when she claimed cigarettes are "not that bad" because, wait for it, "they might shorten a couple of years off the end of your life, but that's a good thing. That actually saves money in the long run for the health system."

Malcolm Roberts and Cory Bernardi: both highly deserving of a petition calling for them to be sacked.

Malcolm Roberts and Cory Bernardi: both highly deserving of a petition calling for them to be sacked. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

But then again, this is the columnist who blamed domestic violence on "unsuitable women who keep having children with feckless men," so maybe she's just completely deluded.

5. Luke Foley

When the NSW Labor opposition leader isn't busy making us forget that a NSW Opposition even exists, his one claim to getting something done was attacking and helping to overturn the only good thing Casino Mike Baird did in his entire tenure as NSW Premier, and that was his oh so brief but oh so thrilling ban on greyhound racing. Shame, Luke Foley, shame.

6. Steve Price

I really am unsure of how I can live in a world in which a 25-year-old woman can say on live TV, "my religion tells me to obey the laws of the land I am in," and be hounded for days on end, as if she is personally responsible for the laws in foreign countries, when a 60-something year old man can repeatedly utter such nonsense as:

7. Sam Dastyari

Now, I have had a soft spot for permanent adolescent Shanghai Sam ever since he was blindsided by Pauline Hanson's ridiculous line of questioning regarding his Iranian Muslim heritage on Q&A last year.

But while I can forgive his love of the Halal Snack Pack even though it turns my vegan stomach, I can't forgive his inexplicable stance on Palestine. Even as Labor recognition of Palestine looks a certainty, and as Israel continues to make a two state solution impossible, our boy Sam has taken the curious stance of berating his colleagues (and former Labor luminaries Bob Carr, Gareth Evans, and Bob Hawke), who are pushing for an immediate recognition of Palestine, saying, "the Labor Party can't afford to focus on the Palestinian question at the expense of the other humanitarian challenges."

Say what? We don't want to focus on Palestinians at the expense of other disasters? There is not enough space in this entire website to list all the things wrong with that statement. But suffice it to say, Palestinians have been stateless since 1948 and Occupied since 1967. Indeed, many of those suffering as a result of the Syrian war, which Sam lists as a "more pressing" humanitarian disaster, are Palestinian refugees.

In Lebanon last year, I met Palestinians from Syria's Yarmouk refugee camp, which they had fled after the civil war intensified, after having fled the West Bank when Israel assumed its formal military Occupation in 1967, after having fled what is now "Israel proper" when they were forced out of their homes and out of their own country.

Intersectionality Sam, I N T E R S E C T I O N A L I T Y.

8. The entire One Nation Party

This is pretty self-explanatory, really. But in case you needed a reminder, here are some things members of this party have said, and done, and stand for.

  • Pauline Hanson thinks men are the forgotten victims of domestic violence and reckons women are making false claims. She wants the Family Law Act, which established no-fault divorce, scrapped, and for all newlyweds to sign pre-nuptial agreements determining who gets the assets and custody of children.
  • Malcolm Roberts went on Q&A and said NASA is making up climate change data. I mean, really?
  • He also said abortion is part of an "anti-life agenda" being run by the United Nations. Again, really?
  • A Royal Commission into Islam.
  • Muslim immigration ban

Yet not only have we rewarded them with jobs in the Senate, they've now got themselves an unprecedented preference deal with the Liberals in WA and look set to clean up at the upcoming state election. Hello?

9. Cory Bernardi

The now-Independent conservative Senator used the Liberal party to get his seat and then defected less than a year into his current term to form his own far-right party. This is the guy who linked same sex marriage to bestiality and called pro-choice advocates "pro-death". He also attended the Q Society fundraising dinner in which jokes were made about ISIS having the redeeming quality of throwing gay people off buildings. Nice.

10. Peter Dutton

Do I really need to explain this one again?



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