

This was published 8 years ago

The burning question I didn't get to ask Pauline Hanson on Q&A

By Yusra Metwally

Every now and then, one is presented with an opportunity so fleeting that it passes in the blink of an eye. For me, it was the opportunity to ask Pauline Hanson a question on Q&A. The moment Tony Jones announced that Ms Hanson would appear in the ABC studio, I promptly registered for attendance hoping to see the controversial figure in the flesh. My vision was clear: to ask her a question ending with "Please explain"

Dream, Believe, Achieve they say. And that's what I did.

Yusra Metwally (left) in the Q&A audience.

Yusra Metwally (left) in the Q&A audience. Credit: Q&A

My dreams were shattered upon finding out that my three questions weren't shortlisted for airing. Rejection didn't phase me, however; I was committed to putting my hand up when the opportunity presented itself.

As soon as the topic of domestic violence was touched on, my hand shot straight up in the air. Tony Jones himself took notice and gave me a nod, but while politely waiting for Ms Hanson to finish speaking, the opportunity flew right past.

Yusra Metwally

Yusra Metwally

Instead, I sat in the front-row simmering with rage, subconsciously shooting Hanson deathly stares as she made "broad generalisations, divisive comments and factually incorrect statements" about Muslim people, like me.

And so, this missed opportunity has led me to share with you the issue I had hoped to raise on national TV.

Throughout the program, Ms Hanson attempted to legitimise her views against the Muslim community by deliberating about the concerns she has for our safety. She then expressly cheered on the inflammatory comments made by television personality Sonia Kruger, who called for a moratorium on Muslim immigration because she wants to feel safe, with the qualifier "as a mother".

Hanson expressed her heartfelt desire for "safety on our streets", but I don't believe this extends to our right to safety at home. As mothers, sisters, wives and daughters.


Domestic and family violence is a far more significant threat to Australians than terrorism, with the statistics speaking loud and clear for themselves.

Pauline Hanson holds extreme view that men are the forgotten victims of domestic violence, with many women, she says, making "frivolous" abuse claims over insignificant things.

"We need a full overview of the child support system and the family law courts to find the answers (because) you know some (women) are going out there and claiming domestic violence because they're told 'I don't like the colour of your dress'."

Pauline Hanson also claims that "27 men a week" were killing themselves because of domestic violence. Having worked in the domestic violence sector, my first-hand experience with victims has provided me insight into the anxiety and depression women experience as a result of their psychological, emotional and physical abuse, with many attempting suicide.

In fact, an unforgettable day at work that shook me to the core was speaking to a 17-year-old client who disclosed that she attempted suicide because of the toxic and violent relationship she was in.

In response to Sonia Kruger's comments, radio personality Meshel Laurie stated the bare facts: "The most dangerous people in Australia are Australian men who kill Australian women at a rate of one a week."

"That's more than any terrorist has ever done,' pointed out her co-host, Matt Tilley.

Following One Nation's logic, is the solution to domestic violence to ban all men from entering Australia?

Far from wishing to address the real danger posed to women, however, One Nation's family law policies seek to do the opposite. Ms Hanson and her supporters consistently express nostalgia for the 'good old days' of White Australia, industry protectionism and when societal problems like domestic violence were swept under the carpet.

Ms Hanson's vision for a "strong family unit" translates to favouring laws which previously complicated the divorce process, with a focus on 'at fault' conditions.

Prior to no-fault divorce, the courts held the view that fathers held an unwavering right to maintain a relationship with their child, even with evidence of domestic violence putting the child's safety at risk.

In her maiden speech in 1996, Ms Hanson said:

I refer to the social and family upheaval created by the Family Law Act and the ramifications of that act embodied in the child support scheme. The Family Law Act, which was the child of the disgraceful Senator Lionel Murphy, should be repealed. It has brought death, misery and heartache to countless thousands of Australians. Children are treated like pawns in some crazy game of chess.

The Family Law Act 1975 was a revolutionary piece of legislation that established the principle of no-fault divorce in Australian law. The only ground for divorce is the irretrievable breakdown of the relationship, demonstrated by 12 months of separation.

The concept of the best interests of the child is paramount under our system of family law, and the Family Court holds the need to protect children from harm, abuse, neglect or family violence above any need for children to have a meaningful relationship with both of their parents. The Family Law Act also contains provisions about Equal Shared Parental Responsibility (ESPR), which results in both parents having an equal say in decisions regarding health, education, religion, where the child lives and international travel.

Ms Hanson's return to power and her family law reform agenda is very troubling.

Her views are dangerous to women, linking the 'rise of domestic violence and murders' with custody battles, and turning a blind eye to the family violence that threatens the lives of women and children.

And so, my question to Pauline is this:

Why are you lending your ears to pockets of angry men who feed off patriarchy and control over women? Why are you pocketing votes from sexism in the same way that you pocket votes from xenophobia and Islamophobia?

Please explain.

Yusra Metwally is a lawyer and a community advocate who is passionate about social justice, women's rights, community development, cycling, cats and coffee. @DestntnUnknown

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