

This was published 3 years ago

Why songs get stuck in our heads, and what to do about it

By Melissa Singer

Have you ever been in an incredibly mundane situation, say, waiting at the doctors, only to have the same line from a song you heard on the weekend running over and over in your head?

Chances are, you have been infected by an earworm. But don’t worry, unlike other types of worms (tape, ring, and so on), they’re not harmful, at least not in a physical sense. But those little sound bites that seemingly won’t get out of our heads can be mighty annoying.

Chances are if you see Hamilton or listen to the soundtrack, it will stick in your head.

Chances are if you see Hamilton or listen to the soundtrack, it will stick in your head.Credit: Daniel Boud

I got thinking about earworms around the same time I started listening to the soundtrack to the Broadway musical Hamilton, which just opened in Sydney. After familiarising myself with the soundtrack and its catchy songs, I noticed bits of the show, which at that point I hadn’t seen, creeping into my everyday life. There it was, in conversations with my partner (“Talk less, smile more”), or in the coffee queue (“Wait for it”).

The clincher came in my Saturday morning yoga class, where I couldn’t complete a sun salutation without Hamilton destroying my zen. My teacher would say, “Rise on up to stand,” and I’d suddenly hear the tune, “Rise up, rise up! Rise up, rise up!” on repeat. Namaste, Alexander.

It seems I am not alone in experiencing (suffering?) Hamilton’s infectious qualities. Leigh Sales, host of ABC’s 730, and political journalist Annabel Crabb have discussed the “stickiness” of Hamilton extensively on their podcast, Chat 10 Looks 3.

Crabb even admitted to humming headlines about the 2019-20 summer bushfires to the tune of Hamilton to herself. (I’d tell you, but you’ll never get them out of your head. Trust me, they have haunted me for two nights while writing this piece.)

“It’s strange how deep it burrows into your head.”

Leigh Sales

“As soon as I started listening to [Hamilton] intensively, I found every single morning, I would wake up with a different refrain in my head – it was just bizarre,” Crabb says over Zoom.

Sales, who saw the production in London, says she shared Crabb’s sense of having the music “accompany me every second of my day”. In political interviews, her inner monologue would chant, “You don’t have the votes”, or, while interviewing an MP: “Why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room?”


“Because it’s rap, there’s a lot of lyrics so ... you can find a line to fit almost anything,” she says. “It’s strange how deep it burrows into your head.”

Actually, it’s not strange at all, says Timothy Byron, a lecturer in psychology at the University of Wollongong who has studied earworms. He says earworms are pieces of “involuntary musical imagery” that “just come into your head”.

Hamilton superfans Annabel Crabb (left) and Leigh Sales.

Hamilton superfans Annabel Crabb (left) and Leigh Sales.Credit: Sahlan Hayes

“Most earworms are not that bad, it’s just the ones that are bad we notice more, they annoy us more,” he says.

Although more research is needed into why earworms lodge themselves in our brains, Byron says they get there via our auditory memory, which holds sonic information for a period after we hear it, and our verbal working memory, which allows us to recall and manipulate words – including song lyrics.

“If you have to remember a phone number … you’re using your verbal working memory before you write it down,” Byron explains.


So what makes a particular song more catchy than others? Repetition and recency are two factors that make a song, jingle or lyric “stickier”, Byron says.

Context is also important, as shown by a famous 1975 study by Godden and Baddeley in which deep-sea divers could better recall information they learnt underwater if they were re-tested underwater than they could if examined on dry land.

So how does that explain recalling lines from Hamilton at yoga, or the supermarket?

“It’s still a mystery why it comes around and it happens more to some people than others,” Byron says.

But there is good news: studies have shown you can get rid of an earworm by doing something as simple as chewing gum. “If you do things with your jaw, or say a word over and over again, you’re effectively reducing the amount of space you have in your verbal working memory [for the earworm],” says Byron.

Other proven methods include listening to the entire song or a “cure tune”, such as Happy Birthday, or just wait (“Just you wait, just you wait”). Damn, there I go again.

Hamilton is playing at Sydney’s Lyric Theatre.

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