

This was published 5 years ago

'Perfect social distancing': Commuters dust off their bikes

By Melissa Iaria

As social distancing measures ramp up, Ben Kreunen this week pumped air into his tyres and jumped on his bike for his first long ride in months.

The tech support worker is among many commuters in Melbourne and Sydney who have dusted off their bicycles in recent days to avoid close contact with others on public transport amid the growing threat of COVID-19.

Ben Kreunen has started riding his bike to work most of the way amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Ben Kreunen has started riding his bike to work most of the way amid the coronavirus outbreak.Credit: Scott McNaughton

“It’s just a natural way of reducing the number of people I come into contact with,” he says.

The 54-year-old usually catches the train from his Ringwood East home to his job in the city. But by Monday, the thought of crowded public transport seemed risky, so he took a short train to Blackburn, then rode the remaining 24 kilometres.

He’s now considering an electric bike to pedal the entire 65-kilometre round trip.

“It’s primarily for health and fitness, but avoiding people on the train’s an added bonus,” he says.

Li Ditlef-Nielsen is seeing more new cyclists on Sydney roads.

Li Ditlef-Nielsen is seeing more new cyclists on Sydney roads.Credit: Nick Moir

In inner Sydney, cyclist Li Ditlef-Nielsen has also noticed more bikes on the road.

“There’s definitely an uptick,” the 35-year-old Newtown woman says. “They don’t look like your regular riders to be honest. A little bit less confident, a little bit less aware of the best route to where they’re going.”


Victoria's Bicycle Network spokesman Alexander Miller says it's hard to tell how many new cyclists there are, as the data has been skewed by more people also working from home.

Overall, counts at six major cycling routes on Tuesday morning found there were 800 fewer bikes on the road. But Mr Miller says some sites had large increases in riders.

“It’s still probably the best way to get around, because you’ve got an exclusion place around people and you can get your fresh air and exercise in a way where you don’t have to go to the gym and touch weights and equipment that other people have touched,” Mr Miller says.

Bike shops are seeing a spike in new riders. "At least half a dozen people asked me [this week] if we had a pump to inflate their tyres and commented that they hadn’t ridden the bike for a number of years," says Stuart Armstrong, manager of Velo Cycles in Carlton North.


The store’s bike counter, which monitors cyclists that go past the popular Capital City Trail, recorded more than 6000 more riders in the week to Tuesday, compared to the same period last year.

Bicycle NSW spokeswoman Bastien Wallace believes more commuters will opt to ride, following health advice from transport authorities that they avoid public transport at peak-hour.

“People will be choosing all sorts of other ways to get to work and education and bicycles fit well into that mix,” she says.

“You can do it by yourself, and that’s perfect social distancing. You can stay fit, still ride, get your exercise and stay healthy without exposing yourself to any risks.”

Before you get pedalling, experts suggest setting your bike up to your size and ensuring it’s tyres are pumped, brakes and checked and it’s in good working order. You’ll also need lights, a bell and helmet.

It’s also a good idea to plan your journey and find a route that suits you, keeping in mind your confidence on the road. It's worth asking friends or colleagues who ride for advice and suggest to your workplace to provide a safe bike parking and change area.

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