

This was published 4 years ago


Naomi Campbell has gone full 'plague chic', but it's no laughing matter

By Jenna Guillaume

Naomi Campbell has taken “plague chic” to a whole new level in a YouTube video released on the weekend. Having to travel between Los Angeles and New York City in the midst of a global pandemic, the supermodel’s clip is a “get ready with me” for the coronavirus era.

Her look is all about mixing high-end fashion (a Burberry cape priced at $AU4190AUD) with, well, affordable pieces (a hazmat suit she found for $AU25 on Amazon paired with clear goggles, a turquoise face mask and baby pink latex gloves).

Campbell’s top fashion must-have these days? It’s all about the gloves, or so a horrified Campbell commands the LAX staff-member who handles her passport with her bare hands.

The truth is, of course, like many an outlandish fashion ensemble, it feels like only someone like Naomi Campbell can truly pull this off. But like other trends, we can all take cues from her look – one which this time has more dramatic consequences than simply looking chic.

As Campbell examines her corona-proof outfit in the mirror in her vlog, she laughs to the camera, obviously aware that her outfit is rather over-the-top. We might laugh too, amused at how the glamorous supermodel is embracing a look that is not exactly runway-approved (although in the year 2020, it might only be a matter of time…).

But even while Campbell is conscious of how over-the-top she’s being, she’s careful to note that this isn’t actually a joke to her. “In all honesty, this is not a funny time… I’m not doing this for laughs. This is how I feel comfortable travelling, if I have to travel.”

It’s a sobering reminder of the serious circumstances in which Campbell is travelling, and in which we’re all now living. Circumstances that some, perhaps, are still treating far too lightly.

While face masks, hand sanitiser and toilet paper sell out in stores nationwide and more people are working from home, it’s still business as usual for many. Over the weekend, as all the introverted, news-obsessed nerds of Twitter posted about social distancing-induced Netflix marathons and trended phrases like #LockDownAustralia and #Coronapocalypse, a scroll through Instagram revealed that there were still plenty of brunches to be had and parties to be attended.


Meanwhile, many of us seem to be learning how to properly wash their hands for the first time. (Apparently some people missed that one Oprah episode in the ‘90s in which she learned to sing “Happy Birthday” twice to effectively get the germs off.)

Less than a year ago, Campbell was mocked for her “airport routine”, long before the hazmat suit entered the picture. When she uploaded a video of her routine to her YouTube channel in July 2019, many people were surprised to find that, rather than a luxurious, pampered experience, a large portion of the video was actually devoted to Campbell cleaning her plane seat.

Sure, it was in an expensive business class seat the likes most of us could never dream of, but Campbell got out her plain old Dettol wipes, whacked on some latex gloves, and got scrubbing. Only after she’d cleaned every surface she’d come into contact with, covered her seat with a clean blanket, and put on a face mask, did Campbell seem to relax.

Campbell’s routine seemed extreme then – just as her hazmat garb might seem extreme now. But these are extreme times we’re living in.

Being cautious – being what some would call overly cautious – works. Getting in early and being proactive with social distancing and basic hygiene is the best way to fight this disease. If the approach is effective, in hindsight it will probably look like an overreaction. Which is frankly better than looking back and thinking we could have – should have – done more.


Even if you’re young and feel like the disease won’t affect you (though that in itself is no guarantee), you can do your bit to ensure the safety of others. Wash your damn hands. Sing “Happy Birthday” (twice) for your grandparents. Sing it for your immunocompromised friends. Sing it for Betty White and Dolly Parton and most especially Tom Hanks.

Channel your inner Naomi Campbell, and make her words your new mantra: “I do not care what people think of me, it’s my health and it makes me feel better.”

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