

This was published 7 months ago

What makes a good sunscreen? Here’s what experts want you to know

By Abby Seaman

Any dermatologist or skincare fanatic will tell you to wear sunscreen every day. Applying an SPF should always be the last step in your skincare routine, before makeup – or the only step if you don’t have a routine.

Australians are spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing a regulated sunscreen to protect the skin from UV rays. And formulas have also come a long way from the thick pastes of your childhood, with a host of new options that include hydrating SPF serums, sprays, colourless gels, tinted mousses and even sunscreen foams.

Australia has some of the highest rates of skin cancer, so it’s no surprise there is demand for high performing sunscreens.

Australia has some of the highest rates of skin cancer, so it’s no surprise there is demand for high performing sunscreens.Credit: Getty Images

To help make the decision of what sunscreen to choose a little easier, dermatologist Dr Leona Yip and chair of Cancer Council’s National Skin Cancer Committee Professor Anne Cust are here to help break down all the options, and share what makes a good facial sunscreen.

Chemical v physical

Yip believes that the best sunscreen you can choose is the one you can commit to wearing every day.


“[There’s] no point saying ‘I’m going to use a physical sunscreen because it’s better for my sensitive skin’ but then you don’t use it,” says Yip.

Sunscreens are primarily divided into two categories: chemical and mineral, also known as physical. Mineral sunscreen includes ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium oxide, which work by reflecting and scattering the UV rays.

Meanwhile, chemical sunscreen absorbs light and converts it into heat. The ingredients in these formulas can include octocrylene, 4-methylbenzylidene camphor and butyl methoxy dibenzoylmethane.


“Mineral sunscreens are better for sensitive skin but are difficult to use because they give you that white hue, you look a bit ghostly white. For more cosmetically elegant formulas, chemical sunscreens are better,” says Yip.

Most sunscreens in Australia, including chemical formulas, are regulated as a medicine by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) who assess the quality and safety of each product says Cust.

“Given there have been many rigorous scientific reviews, there is now very strong evidence that the list of commonly used active ingredients used in sunscreen do not pose a concern for human health,” says Cust.

Application and reapplication

Cancer Council recommends applying sunscreen 20 minutes before sun exposure and every two hours after that. To reap the anti-ageing benefits, Yip suggests applying every day, even when staying indoors.

The recommendation is to use a teaspoon of SPF to cover your face. Make sure to coat the ears, top of the chest and back of the neck as these are easily missed.

“Sunscreen should never be used as the only line of defence against sun damage,” says Cust. “If applied correctly and in combination with other forms of sun protection, sunscreen lotions can lower the risk of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.”

Alternative formulas

Sunscreen facial sprays and mist are new and popular formulas, but experts warn they are inadequate for daily use, as it’s hard to determine the exact amount of product being dispersed.

Yip suggests that a sunscreen spray can be a good tool to top up your coverage throughout the day and to use in hard-to-reach areas and on your scalp.

More frequently, tinted sunscreens are recommended for people with darker skin or who are prone to pigmentation. This is because tinted sunscreens often use an iron oxide pigment, explains Yip, which can prevent the skin from further pigmentation by providing visible light protection.

Australian sunscreen brand Ultra Violette says to use their tinted SPF as a secondary sunscreen over the top of your usual untinted SPF to make sure you are applying the recommended safe amount to achieve your desired look. The brand also makes glow drops, which contain iron oxides, to mix into your favourite sunscreen formula.

Protection rating

SPF measures the amount of time it takes for redness to appear on the skin compared to when no sunscreen is used at all


“For example, if it takes 10 minutes for unprotected skin to show redness, then an SPF30 sunscreen correctly applied, in theory, will take 30 times longer or 300 minutes to burn.

“If applied correctly and with other forms of sun protection, sunscreen lotions can lower the risk of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer,” says Cust.

Cust recommends using an SPF30 or higher sunscreen that is broad spectrum, water-resistant and TGA approved. Check the bottle says broad spectrum for peace of mind that you are protected from UVB and UVA rays.

Yip simplifies the choices when it comes to anti-ageing.

“The only way to guarantee you are getting UVA protection is by using 50+ broad spectrum. From an anti-ageing perspective, 50+ is better than 30+.”

What to avoid

Yip suggests there is no added benefit from sunscreen that makes skincare claims, like additional vitamin C or E, as these ingredients are better formulated to be used on their own.

Always check product use-by dates and store your sunscreen below 30 degrees as the heat can affect efficacy.

While many sunscreens on the Australian market are hypoallergenic-friendly, Yip recommends looking for products that say they are fragrance-free (including essential oils), non-comedogenic (so it doesn’t clog pores and cause acne break-outs) and for the TGA approval with the AUSTL label.

Both Yip and the Cancer Council recommend consumers stick to purchasing Australian brands, as TGA regulations are stricter than overseas.

“Overseas sunscreen may claim they are SPF 50, but it isn’t regulated whereas in Australia if it’s labelled an SPF 50 that means it is at least an SPF 50,” says Yip.

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