

Vegetarian recipe: The Town Mouse's fried globe artichokes and pumpkin-seed cream

Dave Verheul

Chef Dave Verheul from Melbourne's The Town Mouse is known for his winning ways with vegetables. He shares a recipe from the menu.

Fried globe artichokes and pumpkin seed cream

For pumpkin seed cream

75g pumpkin seeds

175g water


50g grapeseed oil

25g pumpkin seed oil

Sea salt

For artichokes

2 large globe artichokes


Table salt

Vegetable oil for frying

Lemon juice

Sea salt



For pumpkin seed cream

1. In a pan on the stove lightly toast the pumpkin seeds until aromatic. Put into a blender with the water and blend on high, slowly add in the oils and blend until smooth.

2. Season with salt and chill.

For artichokes

1. Bring a large pot of water to the simmer, season with salt. Using a sharp knife peel the tough outer leaves from the artichokes and trim the stalks. Place in the simmering water and blanch for 7 minutes, test for doneness with a small skewer, transfer them to an ice bath to stop the cooking. Once completely cool, drain them well and give them a gentle squeeze to remove as much water as possible.


2. Cut the artichokes into quarters and rest on absorbent towel.

3. In a large pot bring the vegetable oil up to 180C, carefully drop in the artichokes and fry until a deep golden brown. Remove them and drain on absorbent towel, season with sea salt and a squeeze of lemon.

To serve: Serve with the pumpkin seed cream.

Note: A photo of the fried artichokes was not available.

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