This was published 10 years ago
Politics Live: March 25, 2014 Updated March 25, 2014 — 7.11pm first published at 8.59am
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We leave you with the musical stylings of Rodgers and Hammerstein .
There's nothing like it.
Outgoing Governor-General Dame Quentin Bryce blew a kiss to some Rats of Tobruk who thanked her on a video message during a farewell reception at the Great Hall. Photo: Andrew Meares
As we sneak a trout croquette and make for the hills, what have we learned today?
The Thomson saga 'aint over, baby (put November 24 in your diaries now); It is OK to mock and insult. But not to intimidate and vilify; Small talk can be awkward. Even if you’re the PM and G-G ; It’s back to the '80s, with the revival of dames and knights; but Not back to the '90s (according to George Brandis , republicanism is so over ).
That’s about it from Sir Andrew Meares and I. We’ll see you tomorrow for more live democracy.
Tomorrow morning, the G-G will lay a wreath at the War Memorial before flying back to Queensland.
We will then have a day of Vice Regal breathing time before Sir General Peter Cosgrove is sworn in on Friday.
And then a rockin official portrait is unveiled of Quentin-Bryce . Complete with purple suit.
Artist Ralph Heimans - who has previously painted the Queen and Princess Mary - is responsible.
Outgoing Governor-General Dame Quentin Bryce helps to unveil her official portrait. Photo: Andrew Meares
Champagne is poured and Tony Abbott proposes toasts to both the Queen and then the G-G herself.
"God bless you."
"My friends, thank you," says the G-G , signing off.
Outgoing Governor-General Dame Quentin Bryce on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares
The G-G says she has enjoyed a "brimming" diary during her time at Government House.
And has "boxes and boxes" of correspondence.
"Oh the letters!"
A little boy called Sean has been keeping her regularly updated on the baby cows at his farm.
(One is named after the G-G .)
QB talks about growing up believing that "everyone should be included".
And of her "strong conviction that women can and do make a difference".
The G-G takes to the lectern.
QB says that when she came to parliament five years ago, she felt the gravity of the role.
"Solemnity, impartiality, energy and a profound love of our country," she recalls.
She also says she wanted to be a "modern Governor-General ".
Shorten says that Australians will miss the G-G's grace, elegance humour and kindness.
He also praises Michael Bryce , a patron of some 40 organisations.
"On a personal note, there are ten grandchildren who have loaned you and Your Excellency to the nation ... who will be thrilled to get you back."
Michael Bryce wipes a tear as outgoing Governor-General Dame Quentin Bryce at a reception to mark her farewell. Photo: Andrew Meares
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