

This was published 9 years ago

Politics Live: August 18, 2015

Hello and welcome to another day in federal politics. The 'l' word raises its head again to confront the Prime Minister and the opposition continues to question the credentials of Royal Commissioner Dyson Heydon.

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And that's it for me, Alex and Andrew today.

What happened?

  • Prime Minister Tony Abbott has warned ministers not to muddy the government's message with their thoughts on things like the marriage equality debate;
  • the warning came after a Newspoll showed the government faces a heavy swing against it in the upcoming Canning byelection;
  • the 'l' word has raised its head again with MPs concerned about the government's direction under Mr Abbott;
  • the government has announced plans to make it harder for people to launch legal action against major developments;
  • the opposition continued to prosecute its case against trade unions royal commissioner; but
  • Mr Abbott and his ministers fought back in question time.

Thanks for your company and contributions today and to Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen for their beautiful work.

Alex, Andrew and I will be back in the morning. Until then we can always chat on Facebook.

Otherwise - good night.

For the record Mr Katter's question/dissertation was about the lack of development in the Galilee Basin.

Mr Katter was, understandably, not happy about being silenced for the first time.

In a statement he said: "What they actually did is set up a neon light saying that they don't want Katter to tell the real truth. They knew exactly what I was on about and deliberately closed me down, so that they can make political capital out of blaming the Greenies."

(And, yes, Mr Katter did refer to himself in the first and third person in the same paragraph.)


Oh oh oh.

In the hurly burly of question time I forgot to tell you that independent Bob Katter had his question ruled out of order.

Mr Katter is famous around the traps for his long questions that can be quite difficult to follow. Nevertheless, ministers and prime ministers have traditionally treated them with respect and attempted to answer them.

Today, Speaker Tony Smith ruled Mr Katter's question to Trade Minister Andrew Robb out of order on the grounds that it was too long and it was not a question.

The opposition stood up for Mr Katter but the government was in bad cop mode.

Independent Bob Katter during question time on Tuesday.

Independent Bob Katter during question time on Tuesday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Meanwhile, Senator Brandis has got Mr Abbott's message about staying on message (see 12.59 pm post).

"The Prime Minister is very good at bringing out the best of all the members of his team. He's a bit like a coach," Senator Brandis enthused to Sky News.

"One of the reasons Tony Abbott is such a great leader is because, like the captain or perhaps the coach of the team, he always insists on a team game and he always brings out the best in the players."

Attorney-General Senator George Brandis in the press gallery on Tuesday.

Attorney-General Senator George Brandis in the press gallery on Tuesday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The clerk of the Senate, Rosemary Laing, has advised Senator Wong that the Senate can send a message to the governor general.


Labor will, tomorrow, try to gain the Senate's support for an extraordinary motion calling on the Governor General, Sir Peter Cosgrove, to terminate the trade unions' royal commission because of the actions of Mr Heydon.

The motion will be moved after question time.

Senator Wong says the Senate should act because Mr Abbott has not.

Labor MPs Brendan O'Connor and Penny Wong are speaking about the opposition's next step in relation to Mr Heydon.

The revelations of this week "really do call into question for many fair minded Australians whether this commission is fair minded or is seen to be fair minded", Senator Wong says.

As are we all.

Malcolm Turnbull in 1984.

Malcolm Turnbull in 1984.Credit: archive

Those of you familiar with this blog will know I'm a bit of a history buff.

So it gives me great pleasure to bring you the 1979 report card of a young Malcolm Bligh Turnbull.

"He has the manners of a likeable rascal....Assuredly he does not suffer from shyness," wrote the warden of Rhodes House, Sir Edgar Williams, when Mr Turnbull was but a young pup.

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