

This was published 9 years ago

'Likeable rascal': Malcolm Turnbull's Oxford report cards uncovered from the archives

By Heath Aston

Malcolm Bligh Turnbull does not suffer from shyness. This is not just a statement of the obvious in 2015; it is also the assessment an Oxford don made in a 1979 report card on the then 25-year-old Rhodes scholar.

"He has begun to find his level and to stretch his ability. This has dented his arrogance usefully, but I expect it will bounce back," wrote the warden of Rhodes House, Sir Edgar Williams.

Malcolm Turnbull pictured in 1983 when he worked for Kerry Packer.

Malcolm Turnbull pictured in 1983 when he worked for Kerry Packer.Credit: Paul Matthews

"He has the manner of a likeable rascal but I hope that there is more to him than that. Assuredly he does not suffer from shyness."

The Turnbull report cards are contained in a trove of documents of former NSW governor Sir Roden Cutler stored at the state archives and released for public access 30 years after he left office in 1981.

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull at Parliament House.

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull at Parliament House.Credit: Andrew Meares

On Monday, Fairfax Media revealed besieged royal commissioner Dyson Heydon was one of a seven-member selection panel that in 1980 handed a young Tony Abbott the Rhodes scholarship, three years after Mr Turnbull went to Oxford.

Sir Roden's files do not appear to contain the minutes of the Abbott selection panel but include two reports on Mr Turnbull, marked as confidential at the time, and a letter about the young scholar to the governor from Rhodes selection panellist "H. McCredie, Esquire".

Mr Turnbull's second report card in 1980 showed significant improvement, something the warden put down to his marriage to Lucy Hughes, daughter of Sydney barrister Tom Hughes, a former Liberal attorney-general.


"He found his level better in his second year when he was most happily married to an able and very nice wife and he found his B.C.L [bachelor of civil law] contemporaries in some instances abler than he is," the warden noted.

After 'buckling down', Malcolm Turnbull returned to Sydney 'having used Oxford well', according to a report card.

After 'buckling down', Malcolm Turnbull returned to Sydney 'having used Oxford well', according to a report card.

"He buckled to and made a decent fist of it and now returns to Sydney having used Oxford well. He is less of a know-all than when he arrived but he is always going to enter life's rooms without knocking, I would suppose, and his engaging ways will yield him a welcome, if not an immediate seat at the [Rhodes] council table.

"He is a good contributive personality with great good sense, much humour and quite a lot of ability – though not essentially of an academic sort."

Mr Turnbull graduated with honours in 1980.

Polls suggest Mr Turnbull, the Communications Minister, is the most popular alternative to Mr Abbott with the public, but sections of his party do not believe he has the personality type to lead the Liberal Party again. A Liberal MP told Fairfax Media Mr Turnbull remained "bull-headed".

Those conservatives in the party room will read his Oxford appraisal with interest.

Mr Abbott and Mr Turnbull are not the only Rhodes scholars in the government. Hume MP Angus Taylor and Christopher Pyne's senior adviser on higher education, Don Markwell, also made the grade.

In a letter dated March 20, 1980, H. McCredie updated Sir Roden on a "long letter" he had received from Mr Turnbull, telling the governor he had put his journalistic work aside to concentrate on law.

"In the Union he has participated in debates and he has given a paper speech each term and in fact two in Trinity term last year," he wrote. "The subjects he has picked for Law are 'conflict of laws, evidence, restitution, jurisprudence, personal taxation and comparative human rights'. He is hopeful of being successful in May."

Mr Turnbull has been asked for comment.

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