

This was published 9 years ago

Labor prepares for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

By Chris Johnson

Federal Labor MPs have been rubbing their hands in delight over the past weeks while watching the Abbott machine unravel before the nation's eyes.

Excitement peaked over the weekend with the certainty of a Liberal Party spill motion confronting the Prime Minister.

Malcolm Turnbull with Tony Abbott: Labor would prefer to face a damaged PM at the next election rather than a popular one.

Malcolm Turnbull with Tony Abbott: Labor would prefer to face a damaged PM at the next election rather than a popular one.Credit: Angus Mordant

But make no mistake; there was a collective sigh of relief throughout ALP ranks on Monday morning when the government's Chief Whip Philip Ruddock revealed the result of the vote on that motion.

There is one thing Labor wants more than to see Tony Abbott fail in the top job, and that's to see Malcolm Turnbull kept out of it – at least for now.

Malcolm Turnbull arrives for the party room leadership spill at Parliament House on Monday.

Malcolm Turnbull arrives for the party room leadership spill at Parliament House on Monday.Credit: Andrew Meares

The 61-39 vote against the motion has been interpreted by the ALP the same way it has been by most political watchers.

And that is that it's not over yet. Monday's spill motion was the first shot. It's coming back and Abbott's authority has been crushed.

With almost 40 per cent of the Liberal party room effectively expressing no confidence in its leader, Abbott's prime ministership still looks terminal.


As thrilled as Labor is with that prospect, it would prefer to face a damaged prime minister at the next election rather than a popular one enjoying a new honeymoon period.

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull.Credit: Andrew Meares

"Turnbull would have got a nice honeymoon if he had become leader today," one senior Labor MP said.

"He's a bigger danger for us. People like him."

Behind the facade of Cheshire-cat smiles on the faces of Labor leaders, a strategy to deal with the likelihood of a Prime Minister Turnbull scenario is well in train.

Emphasis had already moved away from criticising Abbott last week, with Labor's hierarchy turning their focus to Turnbull.

His wealth, his ability or otherwise to relate to working class Australians, his policy backflips to date – all have formed part of the growing personal critique of would-be Prime Minister Turnbull.

In Monday's question time, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten asked Turnbull why he was still on the front bench.

That question was ruled out of order, but when Shorten subsequently tried to move a motion of no confidence in the Prime Minister, much of the attack was directed towards the member for Wentworth.

The Opposition Leader covered terrain as diverse as Turnbull knifing Brendan Nelson for the Liberal leadership in 2008 to him being fooled by Godwin Grech in the 2009 Utegate scandal.

"You are an extreme government, motivated by an extreme ideology and the member for Wentworth, no matter what he has said in the past, has shown he is a man prepared to say and do anything to be the PM of the Liberal Party and that is not good enough for this country," Shorten said.

Expect to see more of it from the ALP.

"Look for one-liners coming out from the party congratulating Abbott on a few things," another Labor operative said.

"It's in the party's interests to keep Abbott there. We want him to stay. We certainly don't want Malcolm."

Yet the internal sentiment is that Labor will be waiting for Turnbull should he ascend to the Liberal leadership in the near future.

"If the government had come out of the meeting with someone else off the blocks as leader [other than Turnbull], the ALP would not have been ready for it," a Labor source said.

"But it's geared up for Malcolm as leader. Having a little extra time now before we really have to deal with that prospect will work in Labor's favour."

There is another view among a growing group of Labor MPs and senior staff.

Some would like to see Turnbull become prime minister before the next election, with the expectation he would win it.

"That would see some deadwood Labor MPs decide not to recontest the election and that in turn would clean out the party and bridge a new generation going into the following election."


Chris Johnson is Canberra bureau chief.

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