

This was published 9 years ago

Tony Abbott's survival an exquisite dilemma for Bill Shorten

By Bruce Hawker

The more things change, the more they stay the same. After three years of unstable Labor leadership in government, the Coalition finds itself in precisely the same position with a wounded Prime Minister forced to fight the enemies within and without.

The champagne corks were popping, but not in the Liberal Party room – the celebrations were taking place in the Labor offices. But even the Opposition Leader would have been wondering how long his run of good fortune will last. Should he go after Abbott or should he hold back in the hope of keeping him as Prime Minister right up to the election in 2016?

Good news for some: Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and Senator Penny Wong walk past the Liberal party room meeting  on Monday.

Good news for some: Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and Senator Penny Wong walk past the Liberal party room meeting on Monday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Tony Abbott was an exceptionally effective and focused opposition leader. Like successful leaders at a state and federal level who preceded him, he understood that opposition is more like a guerrilla operation than conventional combat. He practised that craft very effectively – striking somewhere one day with a well rehearsed and memorable line and then withdrawing to the hills while the government tried to get its troops organised. I've been on both sides of that fight – Kevin Rudd and Bob Carr were exceptional exponents in opposition too.

So, should Bill Shorten do the same or should he lay off Abbott in the hope that he will be fighting an unpopular leader at the next election, rather than the formidable Julie Bishop or the popular and centrist Malcolm Turnbull?

It is an exquisite dilemma for the Labor leader. He desperately wants Abbott to remain Prime Minister but he also has to perform so well in his own role that the electorate will abandon their usual reluctance (recent state elections notwithstanding) to vote out a first-term government. The truth is that it is practically impossible for opposition leaders to keep unpopular prime ministers in office by ignoring them. The day to day realities of politics just make this impossible.

So, what should Shorten do? In my opinion he should keep attacking and exposing shortcomings and wrong priorities as often as he can. He should also be presenting an alternative plan for Australia, particularly in economic management – usually Labor's weakest suit.

Importantly though, he should also be planning for the time when Abbott is replaced and that means taking every opportunity to point out that Malcolm Turnbull and Julie Bishop are essentially cut from the same cloth. The unpopular decisions around health, education and welfare spending were also the priorities of these ministers. Sure Turnbull might be socially progressive, but would he do anything fundamentally differently? What will he say about the next budget? In fact, if Abbott wants to secure his future he might think of making Turnbull Treasurer – that would inextricably bind him to the tough economic measures that are the root cause of Abbott's unpopularity.

I think that the Liberal Party room decided that it is worth giving Tony Abbott another six months to show that he really has changed. In six months time there will one year to the next election. If the Liberals have learnt anything from the leadership changes by Labor it is that a new prime minister needs a year to sell him or herself to the Australian people. When Labor removed Rudd for Gillard in 2010 there were less than 100 days to election day. When Rudd replaced Gillard in 2013 there were just 74 days until election day – far too short a time to re-establish any stability.

And speaking of looming elections, Mike Baird takes the NSW Liberals to the polls in just six weeks. I expect to see a lot of Shorten and very little of Abbott in NSW between now and then. As today's Ipsos poll shows, one NSW voter in 10 is moving to Labor at the next state election because of Tony Abbott. Luke Foley would also have been cheering the Liberals' vote today.

Bruce Hawker is a writer, political strategist and former adviser to Bob Carr and Kevin Rudd.

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