

This was published 9 years ago

Malcolm Turnbull cabinet reshuffle: Women, young MPs the big winners in '21st century' team

By Mark Kenny and Lisa Cox

Malcolm Turnbull has wielded the axe in his first ministerial line-up, stripping five senior cabinet ministers of their frontbench jobs, including Joe Hockey and Kevin Andrews, in a new-look executive promoting women, youth and those central to his victory over Tony Abbott in last week's challenge.

In sweeping changes that were more dramatic than foreshadowed, the new Prime Minister has named an expanded cabinet of 21 – up from 19 – including Australia's first ever female defence minister, the first female cabinet minister within the Treasury portfolio and the first Indigenous MP to be a member of the Executive Council.

The little-known Marise Payne has become Australia's inaugural female defence minister, replacing Mr Andrews, who had campaigned publicly to remain, and Scott Morrison has been appointed Treasurer, replacing Mr Hockey.

Despite publicly declaring last week a willingness to serve in the ministry in another capacity, Mr Hockey is now leaving Parliament, causing another byelection – although he is now expected to be appointed to Washington, replacing Kim Beazley as Australia's Ambassador to the United States, with an announcement possible within weeks.

Joe Hockey's departure as Treasurer has raised confidence that FIRB will approve Brookfield's takeover of Asciano.

Joe Hockey's departure as Treasurer has raised confidence that FIRB will approve Brookfield's takeover of Asciano.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

A former state treasurer and attorney-general in Western Australia, Christian Porter, has leap-frogged the outer ministry, going straight from the backbench to one of the biggest spending portfolios, social services.

In a clear departure from the spirit and policy settings of the Abbott period, Mr Turnbull strongly emphasised the role of science, innovation, and new technology and set the tone for a more expansive direct federal government role in areas such as urban transport policy, and cities themselves.

"We have to ensure for our prosperity, for our future, for our competitiveness, that every level of government works together, constructively and creatively to ensure that our cities progress - that federal funding of infrastructure and cities for example is tied to outcomes that will promote housing affordability," he said.


And where the Abbott government eschewed urban rail projects such as Melbourne Metro, Mr Turnbull has flagged no such reluctance.

Big promotion: Senator Marise Payne.

Big promotion: Senator Marise Payne.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"Integration is critical, we shouldn't be discriminating between one form of transit and another ... roads are not better than mass transit or vice versa, each has their place. Infrastructure should be assessed objectively and rationally on its merits. There is no place for ideology here at all."

Mr Morrison told Fairfax Media he intended to take "the same deliberate, conscientious and methodical approach" to the issues of tax reform and deficit reduction as he had to welfare reforms in his social services portfolio.

Promoted: Liberal MP Kelly O'Dwyer.

Promoted: Liberal MP Kelly O'Dwyer.Credit: Arsineh Houspian

"In the days and weeks ahead, I will be bringing my team together, taking briefings and consulting widely," he said.

Clearly unhappy at being dumped, Mr Andrews jumped the gun, calling a news conference before Mr Turnbull's announcement to indicate his disappointment, and pledging to stay in Parliament beyond the next election.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Announcing sweeping changes to the ministry at a news conference in Canberra on Sunday afternoon, Mr Turnbull said his would be a "21st-century government and a ministry for the future".

"The changes I'm announcing are very extensive," he said.

Also gone are Small Business Minister Bruce Billson, Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane, Employment Minister Eric Abetz and Veterans Affairs Minister Michael Ronaldson.

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann, Environment Minister Greg Hunt and Immigration and Border Protection Minister Peter Dutton, all of whom supported Mr Abbott in the ballot, have retained their portfolios.

Mr Turnbull said it was "never easy" to terminate ministerial careers, but renewal was essential and a critical component of leadership.

"One of the great challenges for any leader is to ensure that there is renewal. That we do – we are able to bring up new talent, new faces, into leadership positions over time and that often means that invariably means in fact that very capable people have to move on stand aside so that owners can come through," Mr Turnbull said. "And that's tough, for everybody concerned."

Mr Turnbull said Mr Hockey would resign from the Parliament "in due course".

​Coming into the line-up are proven younger performers with polished communications skills such as Simon Birmingham, who enters cabinet in the portfolio of education and training, Josh Frydenberg as minister for resources, energy, and northern Australia, Mitch Fifield as minister for communications and the arts, and Kelly O'Dwyer, who replaces Mr Billson as small business minister.

Wyatt Roy has become one of the youngest ever federal frontbenchers as assistant minister for innovation at just 25.

While Mr Morrison was one of the biggest winners, the elevation of Senator Payne was the biggest surprise. The Abbott-government human services minister and NSW moderate jumps from the relative obscurity of the outer ministry to one of the government's most important portfolios: defence minister in a time of war.

Mr Turnbull said she would now deliver the forthcoming defence White Paper as well as preside over the process for selection of a future submarine construction and acquisition.

Mr Turnbull said Mr Hockey had advised him on Sunday that he would "not be seeking a place in the new ministry and it was his intention to resign from the Parliament in due course".

"Joe has made a long and distinguished contribution to our nation's government and Parliament over many, many years. For which I thank him," Mr Turnbull said.

Ms O'Dwyer also takes on the role of assistant treasurer, which has been elevated to a cabinet position. Mr Turnbull said this makes her "the first woman to be elevated to cabinet within the Treasury portfolio", although Labor's Penny Wong was finance minister and Liberal Helen Coonan was assistant treasurer in the Howard government when it was not a cabinet post in its own right.

Mr Turnbull, who had been expected to at least double the number of female ministers in the cabinet, has taken the number of women in cabinet from two to five.

Senator Payne and Ms O'Dwyer are joined by Michaelia Cash, who enters cabinet as minister for employment, minister for women and minister assisting the Prime Minister for the public service.

Deputy Liberal Party leader Julie Bishop remains Foreign Minister, while Sussan Ley remains Minister for Health and Minister for Sport.

The clean-out has allowed Mr Turnbull to move several fresh faces into the ministry and reward some of his key backers in Monday night's leadership spill, including Arthur Sinodinos, who becomes cabinet secretary, a role that has been reintroduced to cabinet.

Others such as Victorian Scott Ryan and Queensland's James McGrath have also found promotion as assistant cabinet secretary and assistant to the Prime Minister respectively.

Former education and training minister Christopher Pyne, who earlier in the week was being tipped for defence, has been promoted to industry and science minister.

While Labor leader Bill Shorten acknowledged the improvement in female representation, he criticised the absence of dedicated ministries for mental health, housing, and disabilities.

Business however was more enthusiastic with the Ai Group's chief executive Innes Willox declaring the line-up provided the government with "a clear opportunity to reset its economic agenda".

Further departing from a slew of "no-go" zones established by Mr Abbott in areas such as retirement incomes policy and industrial relations, Mr Turnbull also flagged the prospect of policy changes once the new ministers are in place.

"It's common sense, we are in a rapidly changing environment and we have to be prepared every day, every single day, to ask ourselves will we remain competitive if we keep doing things the way we did yesterday?" he said. "We've got remain on the balls of our feet."


The new team will be sworn-in by Governor-General Peter Cosgrove at 11am Monday.

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