

This was published 9 years ago

First Malcolm Turnbull stole Bill Shorten's biggest asset. Now he's taken something else

By Peter Hartcher

Malcolm Turnbull stole Bill Shorten's biggest asset last week when he removed the unloved Tony Abbott. Now he has stolen the Labor leader's narrative too.

Shorten has been framing the next federal election as a contest between the past and the future.

Abbott represented the past, denying gay marriage, defending coal, handing out knighthoods.

Or, as the satirical website The Shovel put it in its valedictory headline: "Tony Abbott, prime minister 2013-1955."

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull face off in Parliament.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull face off in Parliament.Credit: Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Shorten was preening himself as the face of the future: "We see the future," he said in his reply to the May budget.

"We see the future as one defined by science, technology, education and innovation.

"We see a future in Australia with good jobs and thriving businesses, productive infrastructure and liveable cities."


It was smart because it was a vision that Abbott, denying gay marriage and defending coal in between handing out knighthoods, could never plausibly claim.

But now Turnbull has seen it, and signed it up to vote Liberal.

"We will be a government for the future, that is critical," Turnbull said in announcing his ministry.

And he shrewdly turned the future against Shorten and the Labor Party: "You saw in the Canning byelection" which the Liberals won on Saturday, "how the Labor Party was trying to frighten the citizens of Canning back into poverty, trying to scare them about the future.

"Imagine saying to people, 'Oh you can't, you don't want to engage with China, it's all too big and scary.'"

Does this set up future vendettas? Hey, it's politics

Turnbull enlisted the optimistic narrative about the future into the service of the government's trade agreement with China.

"We have to have courage, we have to have optimism," he enthused, "to seize those opportunities."

Abruptly, Labor is positioned as the defensive party of the past, stuck with its structural ties to the trade unions.

And Turnbull has put together a team that gives some body to his narrative. Some of his key appointments will give new energy and possibility to old positions.

A generation of relatively young women, Marise Payne as minister for defence, Kelly O'Dwyer in small business and Michaelia Cash in employment, for instance.

Other forward-looking appointments include Josh Frydenberg into resources, Christian Porter into social services and Jamie Briggs into the new area of policy for cities.

Thanks, Bill, liveable cities is a great idea for a future-focused government.

The central appointment, though, is that of Treasurer.

Love him or hate him, Scott Morrison has proved to be an energetic and capable minister in two portfolios, immigration and social services. His greatest test is now upon him.

Within his larger construct of a future vision, Turnbull has achieved a smaller, meaner political end too. "Every plotter wins a prize," as an Abbott loyalist put it.

Does this set up future vendettas? Hey, it's politics. But for now, the sense of possibility is paramount. Turnbull likes to say: "There's never been a more exciting time to be an Australian." His biggest task is to make everyone share the excitement.

Everyone except Bill, of course.

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