

This was published 9 years ago

Liberal party room to meet on Monday morning to vote on spill motion

By Dan Harrison

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has called a special party room meeting for 9am on Monday to end the uncertainty around his leadership.

A spill motion to consider the Liberal leadership had been scheduled for Tuesday morning, however Mr Abbott has moved to bring it forward by 24 hours.

At a short press conference in Sydney during which he took no questions, Mr Abbott said he had decided that the best course was to "deal with the spill motion as quickly as possible, and put it behind us".

PM Tony Abbott has requested a special party room meeting for Monday.

PM Tony Abbott has requested a special party room meeting for Monday.Credit: Christopher Pearce

"The last thing Australia needs right now is instability and uncertainty," he said.

"The only question, the only question for our party is do we want to reduce ourselves to the level of the Labor Party, in dragging down a first term prime minister.

"Now obviously I've been talking to many colleagues over the last few days and my very strong sense is that we are determined to do what we are elected to do, to clean up Labor's mess, and to give our people the economic security, and the national security that they need and deserve."


Earlier, before Mr Abbott announced he would bring the party room meeting forward to Monday, likely leadership contender Malcolm Turnbull praised the Prime Minister for holding the meeting on Tuesday.

"He's also, I think, shown great respect for the party room by saying that the meeting will be on Tuesday which is the normal party room meeting," Mr Turnbull said outside his Sydney home on Sunday morning.

"The virtue of having it on Tuesday - I know Tony Abbott very well, he is a good friend of mine, that's why he has said the meeting will be on Tuesday because he knows members coming to Canberra, who will be getting lots of phone calls, talking to constituents, many of which will be uncertain, will want to have the opportunity to sit down and talk to each other in the nation's capital in the course of that Monday leading up to the Tuesday."

The Communications Minister, who had steered clear of the media and cameras since Mr Abbott agreed to a spill motion upon the request of two WA MPs on Friday afternoon, said MPs needed time to talk among themselves rather than through the media.

Mr Turnbull said as a member of cabinet he was expected to, and would support the Prime Minister by voting against the spill motion.

"I know people keep on saying to me - every day they say 'Do you support the Prime Minister? Do you support the Prime Minister?'. I'm in the cabinet, of course I support the Prime Minister."

Mr Turnbull said many colleagues had asked him what he would do if the spill motion were carried.

"There is certainly a lot of members who have asked me about that, plainly. But it's very important to remember that the leadership of the Liberal Party is, as John Howard said, in the unique gift of the party room. In the unique gift of the party room," he said.

"Now, what that means is that members of the party room have got to have the time to talk to each other, backbenchers talking to each other, backbenchers talking to frontbenchers, frontbenchers talking to frontbenchers and so forth.

"That's the point of Parliament, that people come together and have a talk. That's what we're paid to do by our constituents. It's really important that we talk to our colleagues directly rather than, you know, giving them advice or lecturing them or trying to communicate with them through the media."

Mr Turnbull said the MPs who were proposing the spill motion were not acting on his behalf, but their concerns needed to be treated seriously.

"This is a grass-roots issue that has been raised. That's got to be respected," he said.

"I believe that we as a party, one of our great strengths in the Liberal Party, is that we are a grass-roots organisation and we've got to respect our members, our branch members. We've got to respect our members in the party room, whether they're the Prime Minister or the newest elected backbencher. That's my focus. I'm talking with them and no doubt, as this develops, there will be other things being said."

Liberal Senate leader Eric Abetz on Sunday emphatically denied reports he had suggested Joe Hockey be replaced as Treasurer.

"I continue to support the leadership team and I continue to support all of my ministerial colleagues, including the Treasurer," Senator Abetz said in a statement.

Asked outside Kirribilli House earlier on Sunday whether Mr Hockey had his continued support, Mr Abbott said: "Certainly. Of course he does. Of course he does."


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