

This was published 9 years ago

Liberal MPs' knives sharpening ahead of crucial leadership ballot on Tuesday

By Mark Kenny and James Massola

Worried Liberals are urging Malcolm Turnbull to declare his intention to challenge Tony Abbott before Tuesday's proposed leadership spill, to give the party a clear choice between staying with the Prime Minister or opting for a new direction.

"Malcolm needs to step forward, sending out hints isn't going to cut it when the stakes for everyone else are this high," said one MP.

Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott.

Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott.Credit: Kate Geraghty

The plea followed a Fairfax Media report revealing the Communications Minister's closest supporters are confident he will contest the leadership in a head-to-head race with Mr Abbott, but only if the spill motion is successful.

Mr Turnbull spent the day inside his Point Piper house. His wife, Lucy, emerged to advise a media pack that he would not be making a statement.

Illustration: Matt Golding.

Illustration: Matt Golding.

Momentum to dump the Prime Minister appeared to be slowing through Saturday, prompting increased optimism by Mr Abbott who declared he expects to defeat the spill motion and would interpret that win as a vote of confidence in his leadership.

However, an unconfirmed secret deal in which Social Services Minister Scott Morrison would replace Joe Hockey as Treasurer under a Turnbull prime ministership has sharpened concerns in the Abbott camp that some currently pro-Abbott MPs aligned to Mr Morrison could shift away.

While Mr Turnbull's backers insist their man will run if positions are declared vacant, some admit the initial procedural motion will "probably" fall short of the majority needed, simply for the lack of an alternative candidate.

"We could be going through all of this for nothing," said one MP, who complained it was impossible to count the numbers in the absence of a candidate.


"What's the plan, just to leave Tony more wounded?" said another, "that's crazy, and it won't go down well with members."

However, another said it appeared the party was determined to remove Mr Abbott, but over a "two-stage" process because that would engender a sense of "natural justice" about the dumping in the minds of voters.

Mr Abbott presented a show of force on Saturday, fronting a media conference in Queensland flanked by Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss - who as a National does not get a vote on the Liberal leadership - and deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop.

Ms Bishop again said she would be voting against the spill, arguing that as a twice-elected deputy, her colleagues looked to her to provide stability and certainty.

Proposing to make the first sitting week for the year as much about business as usual as humanly possible, Mr Abbott reiterated his warning that malcontents risked making the Liberal Party similar to the ALP.

"There was this eruption of instability during the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd years," he said.

"The last thing anyone wants is to see a government in this country turn into some kind of Game of Thrones."

But even an Abbott backer admitted his survival turned on the Cabinet remaining solid, because the majority of the backbench now believed Mr Turnbull offered the best chance of electoral recovery.

While senior ministers, including Trade Minister Andrew Robb and Treasurer Joe Hockey, continued to front the media in support of Mr Abbott, a number of Mr Turnbull's closest supporters said they fully expected him to contest the leadership if it becomes vacant.

Mr Hockey, whose fortunes are said to be closely tied to those of Mr Abbott said he fully backed the Prime Minister as a good man and a very good human being.

Mr Robb called the push for a spill "an orchestrated ambush" of Mr Abbott without an alternative leader.

With the numbers indeterminate, agitators admitted the case for change had "limited appeal" without a candidate.

Late on Saturday, a Liberal operative in the Abbott camp insisted the momentum had swung back to the Prime Minister.

And in a sign of how fiercely the Abbott camp is prepared to fight to protect the Prime Minister, the operative also offered material on the two men who had called the spill - Liberal MPs Luke Simpkins and Don Randall.

The operative asserted both men had been involved in travel entitlements irregularities and lacked credibility in the party room, and suggested an analysis of the pair should be written.

Fairfax Media asked to see the material in question, but has decided not to publish it.

Fairfax Media spoke to several of Mr Turnbull's political allies on Saturday and all said he was now expected to stand, though he has not yet publicly shown his hand.

"If the spill motion is successful Malcolm will be a candidate," one supporter said.

"Everyone expects it now," a second supporter said. "It's gonna be Turnbull v Abbott, there is no doubt about it. It's a phony war at the moment".

Deputy leader Julie Bishop was in Melbourne for a meeting with Small Business Minister Bruce Billson.

At afternoon tea with her partner David Panton at South Yarra's exclusive Botanical hotel, she would not comment on reports Mr Turnbull would run for the prime ministership on Tuesday if a spill of leadership positions was successful.

"I'm not talking about the leadership issue today if that's OK," she said.

Ms Bishop told Fairfax Media she was in Melbourne to meet the Member for Dunkley.

"I'm doing a function for Bruce Billson," she said. "I'm about to go to [see] friends of Bruce Billson and have a meeting with him tonight. It's been in my diary for a long time to meet with him about the event."

She would not reveal what the function was. "I thought this was a story about the spill, not the function," she said.

With Chloe Booker

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