

This was published 10 years ago

Labor demands detail on foreign fighters bill before pledging support

By Heath Aston

Cracks have emerged in the bipartisan political response to the rising terrorist threat, with concern inside Labor at the extent and practicality of enhanced powers the federal government plans to grant security agencies.

Attorney-General George Brandis on Sunday claimed he had secured the Opposition's backing for the next tranche of anti-terror laws – the so-called foreign fighters bill – to be introduced to Parliament on Wednesday.

On Friday, he briefed shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus and Opposition foreign affairs spokeswoman Tanya Plibersek on the bill, but the Opposition will not be given a draft of the legislation until the Coalition has considered it on Tuesday.

The new laws would make it a criminal offence, punishable by up to five years in jail, to incite terrorism and create new restrictions on jihadis returning to Australia, including the expanded use of "control orders" such as the one placed on David Hicks, who was convicted on a charge of "providing material support for terrorism" by a US military commission*.

Attorney-General George Brandis, left, with his opposition counterpart Mark Dreyfus.

Attorney-General George Brandis, left, with his opposition counterpart Mark Dreyfus.Credit: Sasha Woolley

And Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop would have the power to declare entire countries such as Syria and Iraq as "no-go zones".

Anyone returning from a proscribed area would be compelled to prove they had not been engaging in terror-related activity. For example, an aid worker would need to provide evidence they had visited a no-go zone for the right reasons.

Labor has expressed misgivings at the onus of proof being placed on returning citizens.


Fairfax Media understands concern has also emerged at the "restrictive" nature of placing entire nations on the no go zone list and the impracticality of designating smaller localities right down to the individual village level, as Senator Brandis suggested could be the case on Sunday.

A spokeswoman for Mr Dreyfus said the Opposition had been surprised to hear that bipartisan agreement had been secured before Labor had seen the foreign fighters bill.

"It would be negligent of us to give blanket support for something we haven't seen. We have internal processes to follow," she said.

A challenge for the government will be in proscribing areas, with a large proportion of jihadis joining the fight by crossing into Syria on foot through Turkey.

"Of course, we are not going to be proscribing Turkey," Senator Brandis said. "In my view these localities should be quite narrowly described. For example, we know there are certain areas in Syria and that there are certain areas in northern Iraq which are, as it were, hotspots for terrorism, for headquarters of ISIL or Jabhat al-Nusra. A town or even a village might be the subject of such a declaration."

On Monday, Senator Brandis said the new laws would ensure there were no loophols for people to support terroirist activities.

"The government wants to make sure that the police and also the intelligence agencies have all the power they need in all circumstances to deal with what has got to be acknowledged now by all sides of politics to be a very serious problem," he told the Nine Network on Monday.

He said Australia's existing anti-terrorism legislation, introduced by the Howard government in 2005, were "quite strong laws".

"But any prudent government reviews laws from time to time to make sure there are no loopholes, that there are no gaps," Senator Brandis said.

"That's what the prime minister asked me to do and the result of that exercise will be the two bills I'll be introducing into the parliament this week."

Prime Minister Tony Abbott will address Parliament when it resumes on Monday on the national security situation.

NSW Premier Mike Baird said his government backed the federal Coalition's push for extra powers.

"We are waiting for final briefings but we are supporting the federal government and co-operating fully. These are unprecedented times and we need to ensure the community is safe and if our police and authorities need additional powers they will be given them," he said.

The first tranche of anti-terrorist laws, the National Security Legislation Amendment Bill, which will boost the powers of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, is due to be debated by the Senate on Monday.

with AAP


* Clarification: An earlier version described David Hicks as a "convicted terrorist".

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