

This was published 10 years ago

Terror scaremongering threatens our democracy

By Greg Barns

Be aware, be very aware that claims made by Australian politicians, police and media in recent days about alleged terrorist activity might well turn out to be plain wrong or at least over-cooked. This is because there is a history in this country in recent years of hyperbole, sensationalism, paranoia and misconstruing of conversations and activities when it comes to reporting on and about Australia's anti-terror laws.

Back on November 8, 2005, when high profile raids conducted in Melbourne by police and ASIO resulted in the arrest of several men alleged to be involved in terrorist activity, the then police commissioner Christine Nixon said: "We were concerned that an attack was imminent and we believe that we have sufficient evidence to go before the courts to show that."

'Hysteria from politicians, police and the press helps no one in these tense times.'

'Hysteria from politicians, police and the press helps no one in these tense times.'

There were media reports about Melbourne landmarks such as the Westgate Bridge, Flinders Street railway station and the MCG being targets for terrorist activity by this group of men.

The evidence in the lengthy court proceedings that culminated in a Supreme Court trial in 2008 showed nothing of the sort. The reference to the Westgate Bridge had been taken out of context and was completely innocent. There was simply no evidence of a plot to blow up Flinders Street station, and the reference to the MCG was in the context of a vague conversation between two of the accused.

A photograph of one of the accused, wearing battle fatigues, in which he is seen with a gun in Lebanon in 2002, was touted by some media outlets as evidence of his terrorist intent. It was nothing of the sort.

The case against these men was put by the prosecution on the basis that they did not have a terrorist target and that they had no plan in place to commit a terrorist act. Christine Nixon's phrase, "imminent terrorist attack", was simply wrong.

While that case was being played out in Melbourne, a Brisbane newspaper made the claim, in 2007, that the man wrongfully accused of involvement in terrorism activity, Dr Mohamed Haneef, had planned to blow up a Gold Coast high-rise building. The claim was absurd. The "evidence" included a photo of Haneef and family members out the front of a high-rise building; the photo had been taken when they were touring the Gold Coast.

Then there was Jack Thomas. Thomas was charged with terrorism offences a decade ago, and there were claims that he was Osama bin Laden's "man in Australia". Thomas had met bin Laden but he was certainly no threat to anyone and charges against him were eventually dropped.

The common thread through all of this reporting and chatter from politicians, police and media is that the presumption of innocence is simply abandoned – as it has been again in recent days.


The claims made in the past few days – that Parliament House was to be blown up, that beheadings of Australian citizens were planned – are nothing more than allegations. Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Opposition Leader Bill Shortenshould not assume everything they are told by police and ASIO is proven beyond reasonable doubt, and they should be reminding the community that allegations are not facts.

Instead, the Prime Minister told Channel 7's Sunrise program on Friday: "Parliament House certainly is a potential target." And The Sydney Morning Herald quoted the Opposition Leader as saying that "the massive joint police operations" were a reminder that terrorism "can actually occur on our shores".

One would have thought politicians and the media would be a little shy these days about claims made by authorities in anti-terror investigations, given the history outlined above. One might have hoped that they would add that every person is entitled to the presumption of innocence, and it is critical that commentary be careful given that it is a fundamental right that individuals who are charged are given a fair trial.

Instead, we have headlines such as the front page of the Herald Sun on Friday – "Evil within" and "Beheading plot smashed", splashed over a photograph showing a man on the ground in hand cuffs. The Age was no better, with "Terror Australis" and "Beheading plot foiled" on its front page. Both newspapers clearly suggest that the allegations made by police are in fact proven.

Terrorism is understandably an emotional subject and terrorist attacks, when they happen, are horrific for any community. But in Australia, the way in which police, politicians and media work hand in glove to whip up hysteria by making claims which often turn out to be untrue or grossly exaggerated, is dangerous for our democracy.


Individuals charged with terrorism offences, or even under suspicion of involvement in them, are entitled to the presumption of innocence and a fair trial. The way our politicians, police and media behave should reflect those fundamental rights.

Greg Barns is a barrister who appeared for one of the accused in the 2008 Melbourne terrorism trial. He is a spokesman for the Australian Lawyers Alliance.

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