

This was published 8 years ago

Ten seats that will determine the campaign: Andrew Nikolic fights history in Bass

By Adam Morton

Andrew Nikolic – ex-senior army officer, hard-right Tony Abbott loyalist and MP for economically challenged northern Tasmania – is a fighter. He's going to need to be.

It is 15 years since an incumbent has been returned in Bass, which takes in Launceston and radiates through small towns in the north and north-east of the island state.

This campaign has differed from others in recent times in the most volatile electorate in the country - nature has intervened. In parts of Bass and the neighbouring Liberal-held marginal seats Braddon and Lyons, the election was relegated to a second order issue as the worst floods in nearly a century took three lives and caused at least $100 million damage.

Before and after the flood hit, polls have suggested Bass has narrowed since Mr Nikolic claimed it with a 10.8 per cent swing in 2013. Some commentators have questioned whether Malcolm Turnbull's pitch, focused on corporate tax cuts, resonate in an electorate with significant under-employment, a declining industrial base and where healthcare rates as the biggest concern.

Liberal MP for Bass Andrew Nikolic and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull viewing the flooded Tamar River last week.

Liberal MP for Bass Andrew Nikolic and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull viewing the flooded Tamar River last week. Credit: Neil Richardson

Mr Nikolic's strategy, in part, is not to talk.

Not to the head of pathology in Tasmania who couldn't get a meeting when he wanted to raise concerns about a mooted cut to the pathology rebate.

Not to community members, led by Baptist Church pastor Jeff McKinnon under the banner "We Will Be Heard", who held a public meeting to discuss what they say is widespread concern that Mr Nikolic wouldn't engage with constituents who hold opposing views.


Not to Fairfax Media – or, at least, not to its mainland outlets for this story.

Labor candidate Ross Hart.

Labor candidate Ross Hart.Credit: Paul Scambler/The Examiner

Why? It's not spelt out, but Mr Nikolic has a reputation for not letting criticism slide.

As Fairfax reported, while a candidate in 2012 he wrote to people who "liked" a satirical story about him posted on Facebook by opponents and threatened to contact their employers, though he said he had no intention of following through. He did write to the University of Tasmania to ask whether history and politics lecturer Michael Powell, who had criticised the MP in a letter to local paper The Examiner, was speaking on behalf of the institution or had breached academic protocols.

Mr Nikolic is close to former prime minister Tony Abbott.

Mr Nikolic is close to former prime minister Tony Abbott.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

It is an approach that intensifies resentment in opponents, but it is not clear it is a vote-changer. The most recent evidence suggests Mr Nikolic is popular: a ReachTEL poll for News Corp found 47.3 per cent of voters rated his performance positively, more than double the proportion who considered it poor or worse.

"He's a bit of a ruffian – he gets in dust-ups on social media," says analyst Kevin Bonham. "That stuff gets a lot of outrage from the left, but sort of evaporates. I gather he's quite active in the electorate, and that sort of larrikin streak is not always an unpopular thing in Tasmania."

Nationally, Mr Nikolic is perhaps best known as one of Mr Abbott's strongest supporters, having texted Mr Turnbull demanding he publicly declare he would not challenge. The PM-to-be declined. Mr Nikolic lost his job as whip on Mr Turnbull's ascension, but in February became chairman of the powerful Joint Parliamentary Committee on Security and Intelligence.

It was a controversial appointment. Prominent Tasmanian-based economist Saul Eslake says Mr Nikolic's hard-line views on the balance between liberty and security "wouldn't have been out of place in the KGB common room in the 1980s". But even critics acknowledge the MP is industrious and has cultivated a strong relationship with local media promoting the $160 million in local projects pledged since 2013.

Launceston Mayor Albert van Zetten, who has seen four local MPs during his time in office, does not buy into the politics but says Mr Nikolic had delivered when the council sought funding for local projects. "He's definitely a hard-worker," he says.

Mr Nikolic's opponent, Ross Hart, is a commercial lawyer and long-time member of the Labor Left. He is running what he describes as a "classic ground campaign" – door-knocking and holding small-scale events - which he contrasts with Mr Nikolic kicking off the campaign with a full-page ad in The Examiner. "We don't have the capacity to do things like that," Mr Hart says.

He says he has had little to do with his opponent and was surprised to find that, though they had never interacted on social media, Mr Nikolic had blocked him on Twitter. "That was a shake-the-head moment," he says.

The Labor candidate says he has been surprised during campaigning by the level of disadvantage in the electorate. Two-thirds of people earn $37,000 or less a year. Mr Hart says they are most exercised by bread-and-butter issues, particularly healthcare. This was backed up by the ReachTEL poll, which suggests Bass voters are more concerned about the health system than economic management.

Not that the economy is in great shape. Mr Eslake, who wrote a report on Tasmania last year for the chamber of commerce, says Launceston and the north-east are faring worse than the rest of the state.

The region was once home to manufacturing and forestry, but both have been substantially reduced. While Tasmania has been enjoying something of a tourism boom, most investment has been in the south. Job growth in the north is slower than elsewhere, and "hidden unemployment" – people barely working, or not picked up by the system – is on the rise.

Community leaders hope that may come through a plan to move the city's university campus from suburban Newnham into the heart of town, revitalising the CBD. Labor has pledged $150 million to help pay for it and a similar shift in Burnie. The Coalition is yet to commit. (Update: It later matched the Labor commitment.)

University of Tasmania political scientist Richard Eccleston says Mr Nikolic could face another issue: that the Coalition's strategy isn't particularly well calibrated to win regional Tasmanian seats such as Bass, where voters are primarily worried about services.

"Tony Abbott was able to tap into those concerns and that sort of social conservatism," he says. "I'm not sure Malcolm Turnbull has tapped in to that in the way Abbott and John Howard were able to."

Professor Eccleston believes Bass is probably the most vulnerable of the Tasmanian marginals. Dr Bonham is more bullish, saying Mr Nikolic's profile and popularity give him a decent chance to be the first Liberal to be re-elected to Bass in a generation.

"I think at the moment it is a probable hold for the government," he says. "But it's pretty volatile."

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