

This was published 9 years ago

Academic accuses Liberal whip Andrew Nikolic of threatening his career over letter of criticism

By Paddy Doulman and Heath Aston

As government Whip, Andrew Nikolic is Prime Minister Tony Abbott's new enforcer in the Parliament and disciplinarian in the party room.

But the Liberal MP also takes an uncompromising approach to confronting dissent among his own constituents when he believes that criticism is politically motivated.

Liberal whip Andrew Nikolic.

Liberal whip Andrew Nikolic.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

A university lecturer in Tasmania has accused Mr Nikolic, a former brigadier in the Australian Army, of "unreasonable interference" and threatening his career after the MP contacted the lecturer's boss, the vice-chancellor of the University of Tasmania, to query a letter to the editor published in the Launceston Examiner.

The letter by Dr Michael Powell, a lecturer in history and politics, blasted funding cuts to the university and called on Mr Nikolic to decide whether to "stand up for the university" or be "merely a mouthpiece" for the Abbott government.

Mr Nikolic hit back in a letter published by the Examiner but went a step further and emailed university vice-chancellor Peter Rathjen to ask whether the lecturer was representing the view of the university and whether or not he had broken any protocols in going public.

He also raised Dr Powell's candidacy for the Labor Party in a state election more than three decades ago as being a factor in his motivation.

Mr Nikolic insists he has done nothing to "stifle the free speech" of Dr Powell and that he was simply checking whether his letter was outlining the university's view of the Abbott government.

But it is not the first time that Mr Nikolic has drawn links between political opinion and someone's employment.

In 2012, as the Liberal candidate for the seat of Bass, he was accused of online bullying when he threatened to go to the employers of 13 people who "liked" a satirical story about him posted on Facebook.


He wrote to all 13 people who clicked the "like" button after reading the story but did not go through with his threat to contact their employers. He later complained that the anonymous author of the article was also standing against him for election.

Mr Nikolic has also in the past contacted Greens senator Peter-Whish Wilson to ask why his "taxpayer-funded" media adviser Tim Beshara had time to tweet about the corruption scandal engulfing the then O'Farrell Coalition government in NSW, asking "what relevance to Tassie" the issue had.

Mr Nikolic's vigorous approach to criticism was raised in Parliament in a recent speech by Tasmanian Labor senator Helen Polley, who accused him of having a "glass jaw" and "tittle-tattling" to Professor Rathjen.

"He is obsessed with anyone in our community that challenges his view and expresses a different view about this unfair budget that they brought down. He has been unrelenting in his personal attacks and putting pressure on people who dare to critique this budget," Senator Polley said in a speech on February 22.

But the Powell letter has taken on far more importance than mere "tittle-tattle", as the episode comes in the middle of delicate negotiations, led by Mr Nikolic with the University of Tasmania, that could see a $400 million to $500 million injection of federal cash into the regional university to get it on board with the Coalition's higher education reforms.

Professor Rathjen has declined to back his lecturer amid vocal criticism from some Tasmanian academics over free speech and academic freedom.

Professor Rathjen said: "Mr Nikolic emailed us asking whether Dr Powell was representing an official view of the university – which he was not – and about policies that might apply to employees in making public comment.

"The University of Tasmania is deeply committed to the principle of academic freedom, as articulated in policies agreed by Academic Senate, and the belief that in their areas of expertise our academics have much that is special to contribute to discussions about the life and possible futures of our communities."

Dr Powell has accused the university of bowing to political intimidation. He said he was "disciplined" by the dean of the arts faculty, Susan Dodds, over a second letter which the Launceston Examiner declined to publish.

The unpublished letter states: "Whether this was intended to influence my continued employment – as he particularly mentioned my past political allegiance – or whether this was intended to silence expression of my opinion remains a matter of conjecture. Whatever the reason it constitutes unreasonable interference. I certainly will not be bullied into silence."

Mr Nikolic told Fairfax Media: "Given Mr Powell's past as a failed Labor candidate, his anti-Liberal letter-writing campaign, and wild inaccuracies, his claims should be seen in that context.

"I can only assume that Mr Powell's extravagant, highly partisan, and inaccurate comments stem from political motivation.

"Any suggestion that I have sought to stop Mr Powell speaking out is false and without foundation. This is evidenced by the fact his highly political letter-writing campaign continues – most recently in the Launceston Examiner on 13 March 2015.

"Mr Powell's apparent breach of university policy is a matter between him and the university."

Dr Powell has found support in colleague Professor Henry Reynolds, who said it was "perfectly appropriate" for an experienced lecturer in history and politics to express a view on reforms to the university sector.

Professor Reynolds, who is married to the former Queensland Labor senator Margaret Reynolds, said it was a "retrograde step" for university hierachy to "police" comments by staff.

"They don't seem to have any sense that members of academia have a right, and some would say a duty, to talk publicly about issues within their expertise," he said.

Last week, Fairfax Media contacted the Launceston Examiner to put Dr Powell's claim that a string of his letters had not been published since the university matter blew up. The letter, referred to by Mr Nikolic, was subsequently published on Friday.

In a tweet to Senator Whish-Wilson, Mr Nikolic asked whether Dr Powell was running as a Greens candidate.

Senator Whish-Wilson said Mr Nikolic's response would have been different if Dr Powell had praised the government's proposed reforms. "I'd suspect that Andrew Nikolic would have put it up on his Facebook page within hours. I doubt we'd hear the end of it," he said.

"It appears Andrew Nikolic is often ready to attach partisan labels to any comment from the community that runs against his government's policies. It seems he refuses to take at face value any genuine community concerns."

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